Chapter 7: Lena Tells Me Some Stories

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What! Wait, Ares? The war god? He's My deadbeat good for nothing father? Well, I never thought he'd be god nor a god of war.

"Well, well, well." someone from the crowd pulled me out of my thoughts "Guess we have a new sister guys." Wait! I know this voice...It's that Clarey girl--I think that's her name. The speaker came out of the crowd and I stand corrected. It was Clarey and her siblings. Wait, their my siblings too now...well...this is awkward..."I think we should start over. I'm Clarisse La Rue head counselor of cabin five." Oh, that's her name. She put her hand out and I shook it.

"Toni." I shifted my weight

"Toni, what?" one of my new siblings asked obnoxiously

"Kraus..." I said slowly

"Well lets take you to our cabin, shall we?" Clarisse gestured for me to follow. I looked back at Lena.

She smiled and mouthed 'go'. Her curly light brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail, but a few strains fell in her face. Her orange camp T-shirt was peppered with sand and her greenish blueish eyes lit up like that camp fire in the amphitheater.

"Uh, I need to get my stuff from the Hermes cabin though." I said as I followed them to cabin five

"Oh, yeah." Clarisse looked over at the Stolls "Stolls come." he pointed to the ground and the obeyed.

We went to cabin eleven, got my stuff, and then they walked me to cabin five. The boars head still seemed to stare into my soul, and the barb wires sparked a little. Clarisse opened the door and our siblings walked inside.

"You coming Kraus?" Clarisse asked me, while holding the door open

"Yeah," I murmured "I've never had any siblings before." I looked up at her. Now that I look at her, she reminded me of, The differences were that I had blue eyes and darker brown hair, but that was all. We really did look like sisters.

"You'll get annoyed soon enough," she said  "trust me." I smiled a little and walked into the cabin. There was heavy metal music playing and some kids were arm reselling. There were hanged weapons, animal heads and some heads that were defiantly not animal heads, and other suff hung on the walls. Weapon racks fillled with different types of weapons where placed around the cabin and so were some armor stands.

"You can sit your stuff down over there." Clarisse pointed to the back of the room, where there was a bunk with nothing on it. I walked to the bunk and set my stuff down, then sat down quietly. To be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed. Its like 'Oh here you go, new siblings you never knew you had! Oh, and don't forget, your dad is an immortal war god! No big deal right?'.

"ARRAAHHH! Shut up!" someone from the front of the cabin broke my train of thought. Then the voices screamed a battle cry, and the sound of tanks being fired filled my head. I grabbed my head as hard as could and I groaned in pain.

"Stop it!" one of my siblings roared. Some of them banged their head on the wall grumbling "Shut up!" in between head bangs.

Fight Romans! a voice bellowed Kill them off!

No, No, No, another voice yelled stand with the Romans! Fight the Greeks!

After a little while longer of the of the voices yelling back and forth, I unclenched my head and sat up.

"What was that?" I gasped

"Our father." Clarisse croaked "Our father's half."

"What do you mean?" I stuttered

"Our Greek dad Ares," she explained "and his Roman half, Mars."

"So they've been yelling in my head..." I muttered. After the silence was over my siblings deiced that they should catch me up on some stuff. We all gathered around in the cabin, and one of my siblings--who's name was Mark-- started talking.

"So, where do I start." he looked at Clarisse. Then there was a rather loud knock on the cabin door. Clarisse opened the door and to my surprise it was Lena.

She had let her curly/frizzy/wavy hair louse and she had sunglasses on that were so dark I couldn't see her eyes.

I abruptly stood up and marched up to the door. "Lena," I said, trying not to sound rude "did I leave something back at cabin eleven?"

"Um...not that I know of." she said "But, I was wondering if you'd like to do a little canoe raise with me. And the Stolls might come."

"Uh.." I mumbled and looked back at my siblings, then at Clarisse. "Yeah, sounds fun."

she grinned and grabbed my arm and pulled me to the lake. You know, the usual.

"So, hows Cecil?" I asked as we pasted a cabin made of blocks of stone that had writings on them-- the cabin where that girl with dark red hair and violet eyes ran into last night.

"He's ok," she shrugged "little hurt, but ok." we walked in silence for a little while, but I soon disrupted it.

"Do, you know who Veronika is?" I asked, even though I knew I was probably not going to get an answer. "Violet eyes, dark red hair. She stays in that cabin." I pointed the cabin we pasted.

"Hmm..." she looked back at the cabin, puzzled. "Veronika...daughter of Hecate." she mumbled. But before she could say anything else we were at the lake. 

The water's surface gleamed in the sunlight, causing some bits of sun to blind me. No wonder Lena wore sunglasses. And then the Stolls paddled over to us at the dock in their own canoe.

"Hey," Travis greeted us "get in a canoe."

"And we'll start over there." Connor pointed over to the other side of the lake.

"Dude will you stop finishing my sentences!" Travis complained. Lena smirked and Connor rolled his eyes.

Lena and I got in our own canoes and followed Travis and Connor to the other side of the lake, where we were starting the raise. We all got lined up and I was ready to kick some Hermes butt.

"Ok, the rules are:" Lena explained "the first one to go around the whole lake three times wins. And no sabotages."

"Alright." Travis grinned "Ready. Set. Go."

First thing you should know canoeing is hard by you're self, but some how I managed.

Lena was the first to go forward, so she got a head start. Travis' paddle got stuck in who knows what, and started late with his brother. I paddled at the fastest speed my arms could go and the paddle could go, but I was still behind Lena. The good thing was that the Stolls were still behind me.

Lena had pasted her second round and speed on while I was on her tail, with the Stolls behind me. She laughed and splashed lake water in my face causing her idiot brothers to snort and laugh their brains out.

"Pfftt!!" I spat out the lake water. It didn't taste nasty, but its was lake water and lake water is lake water. Then Travis paddled past with Connor next to him as they chuckled. I paddled faster and I was next to them now, so I returned the favor and splashed them while laughing victoriously.

"Who's laughing now, suckers?" I chuckle and pass them.

Ok, now to pass Lena. How I'm I going to do that?

I paddled forward trying to get pass Lena, but she was already on her third lap. Then the handle to my paddle broke off. I cursed and through the handle in my canoe and paddled with the pole part instead. I could hear the Stolls sinker from behind me, but I decided to just save my breath and paddle forward.

To sum things up, Connor and Travis stayed behind me most of the time and Lena won. But I came second, so no big deal. The old saying is frist is the worst and second is the best right? Yeah, so I'm the best.

The Stolls left, I was still wet, and Lena help me out of my canoe and on to the dock. We sat there for a little, but then she scoffed and looked out at the lake

"What was that about?" I asked her

"I was thinking of something." she giggled "Anyway, I never told know...Percy and Luke..."

"Yeah, you never did." I looked at her and her face was hard as some of her curls fell on her freckled face. Her greenish blueish eyes seemed far off somewhere as she looked out at the water.

Why are these Percy and Luke characters so important anyway?

"So, lets start with Luke." Lena started "He ran away when he was four teen I think, and he met two girls named Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus and Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena--Annabeth is also a big part in this--and all three of them just traveled around together until a satyr came a lead them to here. They were fighting some monsters on the way in and Thalia's dad turned her into a pine tree cause she was dying-"

"Wait! Her dad turned her into a tree?" I asked

"Yeah sad huh." she shrugged "Anyway, Luke always hated the gods. He thought that they never cared about us and where very selfish. So he made an army to destroy Olympus and Mr. K(kronos)--the Titan lord--took over his body."--then she faltered-- "He wanted to recruit me for is army."


"I was a different person back then, I was only ten. And I wanted to join them at the time he wanted me to join." she took a shaky breath and looked at me, her eyes glassy. "I-I wanted to be recognized. I was a stupid young girl."

I scooted over and she laid her head on my shoulder like we'd been friends for years. She sniffled and then sat back up. "Ok, so back to Luke. He wanted to bring Olympus to the ground and he wanted the Titans to rule again. And that's where Perseus Jackson and his story comes in. So Percy is a son of Poseidon and he gave back Zeus' lighting bolt that was stolen, fought your dad, and he only did that when he was twelve."


"Yeah I know right." she said "Anywho...Then next year after that he and Annabeth went to the Sea of Monsters."--She told me everything about Luke and Percy and she told me that they were heroes. Luke may had lost his way, but he was a hero in the end. Thalia is now my new idol. And just the thought of all this happening while I sat on my butt for four years doing nothing...Well at least I know now that, that freak storm last year was the father of monsters.-- "And now we get down to our time."

"The Romans?" I guessed.

"I wish, so there's this sleeping evil earth goddess lady who can only be awoken by the blood of Olympus splashing on some stones, oh and she wants to take over the world and only the seven heroes will stop her. I can tell you the prophecy if you want." she said all in one breath.

"Uh, sure."

"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call, To storm or fire the world must fall, And oath to keep with a final breath, Foes bare arms to the Doors of Death." she recited (I memorized it! x3)

"Well, that seems...dark." I blurted

She chuckled, but went back to her far-a-way look. "Anyway. So we've got the seven half-bloods, three Roman, four Greek: Percy Jackson son of Poseidon--Greek obviously--, Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena--Greek--,Jason Grace son of Jupiter--Roman--, Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite--Greek--, Frank Zong son of Mars--I think that's his name. Roman--,"

"Hold up!" I interrupted "Mars is the Roman side of that makes us brother and sister. Wonderful. Note the sarcasm."

"Shall I go on?" she asked while chuckling

I nodded

"Ok, back to the seven. Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto--also Roman--, and then we have Leo Valdez." she gritted her teeth when she said 'Leo Valdez' like she hated that guy or something. I raised an eyebrow and looked at her funny. "What's that look for?"

"Who's this 'Leo Valdez', and why do you sound like you hate him?" I asked her, still with the funny look.

"He's a total flirt!" she exclaimed "He flirts with every girl here, and he's...well he's Leo. Now can I get on with the story telling or what?"

"Go on, Oh Wise One." I waved my hand like I was doing poetry or something like that. It looked pretty stupid.

She cleared her throat and resumed, "So, the seven have to stop the evil earth lady from waking, while fighting some giants that want her to wake."

"So they're on their quest right now?" I asked "And what are we going to do? Just sit here and do nothing?"

"Well, stupid Leo fired on the Roman camp and they'll be here by August first."

"So that's why everyone is so busy--they're training for the invasion?" I guessed

"Yep." she said popping the P.

 The horn blew for dinner and Lena got up from her place on the wooded dock. I didn't even notice that the sun was setting.

Its that late already?

We went to the dinning pavilion, Lena left to the Hermes table and I moseyed over to the Ares table. I flopped down in my seat and waited for the nymphs to bring me my food so I could shove something into the fire bath tube, and sit back down and enjoy my meal. But of course things don't go my way. 

I got my meal and started to walk over to the brazer. Lena was right behind Connor and Travis when Connor had pulled out a old paper napkin with writing that looked like gold from the bronze bath tube. He looked up from the napkin with a confused yet horrified look on his face.

"Uh, guys it's for Rachel," he said with a worried tone. "from Annabeth.."  Then Chiron came rushing through the crowd, almost stomping on some campers. Everyone started talking all at once, and within a blink Connor was on Chiron's horse butt and they ran off to who knows where.


HEY!!!! I'm SOO sorry this chapter was short and it took me forever to post.

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Love: TophPug

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