Chapter 7

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TO MAKE UP FOR IT HAVE 2222 WORDS (no I did not plan that)!



Chapter 7

"Why are exactly are you tied up in the closet?"

"Cause my girlfriend and I decided to mix up. Why the fuck do you think I'm tied up here?"

"I don't know. But do remember I'm the one helping you. And actually you said, 'before he comes back' so it'd be your boyfriend. If you're gonna be sarcastic at least be consistent."


Riding in the back trunk of the SUV was annoying at the least. While the Stolls, Clarisse, Silena and Beckendorf hung out and talked up front.

I was stuck in the back with the luggage with a backpack bumping into to my bad leg ever time we went over a bump. But unfortunately as the one person here currently being man-hunted I wasn't allowed the luxury of sitting like a normal human being.


I glanced up to see Travis leaving over the back seat to look down at me. I only gave him the finger in reply.

"Ouch that's harsh Perce."

I raised an eyebrow. "Perce?"

"Yeah. Perce. So, anyway we're gonna stop at a rest stop soon. There should be a hat and sunglasses in that blue bag."

I nodded and reached in the blue bag pulling out the items and putting them on. When we finally stopped they piled out before coming to open the trunk. I climbed out putting more wait on my leg then I wanted to.

"Gonna have to try to walk normal until we can steal you a cane on crutches," Connor pointed out.

"Clarisse hold him up," Beckendorf suggested.

"Why me?" she groaned linking our arms to prop me up. As a group we shuffled inside. Once inside they dropped me at a table and hurried in a line to order food. I sighed and let my head fall on to the table. Silently I wondered what the others had been doing. Were they worried about me? Were they looking for me? Did they even care or did they just continue on? It's not like we were friends or anything. We were only bound by similar circumstances, that can only go so far.

"Something wrong?"

I looked up to see Silena standing next to the table.

"I thought you were all getting food," I told her.

She shrugged and sat down at the table across from me. "Charlie will get me food... and I figured you'd be bored by yourself. And it looks like I'm right, so what's wrong?"

I sighed and sat up properly. "It's nothing really just a lot in the last couple days."

"Makes sense," Silena nodded. "Not to mention we've all been acting like your suffering is our ticket to hit it big."

I didn't respond at first. "I can't blame you. Valdez is your friend right? And not to mention you haven't seen him in years."

"That's true but you still have feelings and so far no one had taken them into account."

"It's fine really," I promised her.

She pursed her lips. "If you need something you can tell me. For the mean time what do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine."

She nodded slowly and stood and I went back to people watching and feeling sorry for myself. Silena hurried over off to join Beckandorf in line at McDonald's. Meanwhile I could see the Stoll brothers in the convince store and I was more than sure that one of them was stealing multiple over-priced snacks. Yelling reached my ears and my eyes drifted over to Clarisse who was yelling at some poor guy for tripping and getting soda on her. I sighed and placed my head back on the table until they returned.

Silena placed two slices of cheese pizza in front of me and a bottle of Coke. "Figured this is what most people like," She said sitting.

"It's fine," I told her before taking a bite. 

"We got enough snacks to last us a while," Connor informed us pulling out the bag of stolen snacks.

"And how much of that did you buy?" I muttered.

"Enough Mr. I-Robbed-A-Bank," Travis said.

"Please say it louder."

"We need to make  a decision," Beckandorf interrupted. "Are we gonna stop and find somewhere to sleep or do we want to keep driving?"

"What state are we even in?" Connor asked.

"Pennsylvania idiot," Clarisse said with an eye roll.

"We should drive on," Silena said answering Beckandorf's question. "We can't stay in one place long with him."


Our break didn't last long enough.

Soon enough I was crammed in the trunk again as we drove on. I occupied my time with feeling sorry for myself and staring out the back window until the had long since set. Silena had taken the wheel while Beckandorf, and the Stoll brother's slept.

"Still there," I said quietly staring out the back window.

"The truck following us?" Clarisse asked.

I looked up at her surprised. "You noticed it too?"

She nodded still staring out the window. "They've been following us for at least six hours. We shouldn't stop until we reach the city we can lose them easier that way."

"Which city?" I asked confused.

"DC. We know a guy there who can help us out."

"You do you know that I'm wanted right? Even so you want to go to the on city crawling with every kind of cop and agents?"

"Pretty much. You should learn to watch back. I'm not gonna watch it."


Somehow I managed to sleep even if it was only for two hours. But the moment I woke up I was on edge. We were getting closer and closer to DC. Though despite not wanting to stop we ended up stopping at a rest stop to use the bathroom (after Travis threatened to piss his pants right in the car). We climbed out and looked around wearily for the truck which had been following us. Connor helped me walk to the bathroom.

When I hobbled out of the bathroom Connor was gone and I assumed he was taking what he pleased from the convenience store once again. I sighed and adjusted my sunglasses as I tried to walk normally outside to where Beckandorf was supposed to be getting gas.

I bit my tongue as I walked when a hand grabbed my arm and something metal pressed against my side.

"If anything comes out of your mouth I'll shoot you right here," a voice said in my ear.

I didn't move as whomever redirected me down a hall and into a janitors closet. It wasn't until the door was closed behind us that I was able to see the person's face. It was a man with curly black hair, blue eyes and a sly grin. He was dressed sweat pants and a t-shirt, honestly besides the gun in his hand he didn't look intimidating. 

I tried to keep my breathing even not trying to show how freaked out I really was.

"You and your friends caused us some trouble by breaking out," He told me taking off my sunglasses and pocketing them. The grin slipped away and he gave me a glare. "Where are the rest of them?"

I didn't respond and simply stared at him.

"Answer me," He said moving the gun to my forehead. "Now."

"You told me you'd shoot me if I spoke," I told him innocently.

He didn't look amused. "Where are they?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "We got separated last time I got shot."

He paused and pulled something out of his pocket. A zip-tie? He grabbed my right wrist and held it up to the metal pole of the shelf behind me. He placed the zip-tie around my wrist and pole and secured them before doing the same with my left. His eyes roamed the room until his spotted duct tape. He grabbed it and ripped a piece of and put it over my mouth. I buried all thoughts of kicking him when my eyes once again landed on the gun. I had already gotten shot in the leg, I wasn't trying to get shot again. He nodded satisfied with himself and left me alone in the closet. As soon as he did my eyes roamed the room for something to cut me free with. The closest thing to scissors were a pair of pliers, and a hammer but both were way too far for me to reach.

Damnit what now? I thought. I shouldn't have let him grab me I mutant like powers for fucks sake! Wait a minute... 

I looked around the room looking for water but of course there was every liquid but water. Could I control other liquids? I had never tried. 

I stared at a bottle of some cleaning solution willing for something to happen. I felt a tug in my gut when the door opened. I froze as the bottle crashed to the floor, its pink content's spilling everywhere. The person who had entered the close was about my age with bright curly red hair. Her green eyes were open wide as she stared at me. She wore a green sweat shirt and her jeans were covered in paint. "Uh..."

I rolled my eyes and began to scream from behind the duct tape.

"Right sorry!" She said quickly pulling off the duct tape. Causing me to yell in pain. "Sorry!"

"Just please find a way we to get my arms free before he comes back," I begged her.

She nodded and began to look around the room. "I'm Rachel," she said grabbing the hammer. She used the backside of it to try to saw away at the zip-tie. "Why are exactly are you tied up in the closet?"

"Cause my girlfriend and I decided to mix up.  Why the fuck do you think I'm tied up here?"

""I don't know. But do remember I'm the one helping you. And actually you said, 'before he comes back' so it'd be your boyfriend. If you're gonna be sarcastic at least be consistent."

I groaned but stopped as my right arm fell down. "That's one," She said moving to my other side. 

"Why did you even come into this closet?" I asked her.

"I was hiding from my parents. I left from put place in New York and apparently they followed me. So I-" She cut herself off as the door opened and the man from before entered. He saw what was happening and instantly turned his gun on Rachel. She froze still holding the hammer in hand. 

"Drop it," He ordered. Rachel dropped to the floor and it landed on the ground splashing in the pink chemical. My eyes landed on the pink chemical on the floor. I focused on the pink liquid and I felt a tug in my gut before the liquid rose up and splashed in the man's eyes before he could question what was going on. He screamed in pain and backed into the wall waving the gun wildly.

"What the fuck?" Rachel screamed.

"Grab the gun!" I yelled. She snatched the hammer off the floor and hit the man in the head with it before taking the gun from is hands. She used the back of the hammer again to saw at the remaining zip-tie before I got my hand free and we hurried out of the closet.

"We need to call the cops," Rachel said pulling out her phone and started down the hall. 

"No!" I yelled limping after her. 

"Why not? That guy had you tied up in a closet!"

"Yeah I know, but I also have a warrant for my arrest."

She took a step back. "What did you do?"

"Not important. But look you don't call the cops and um... I will uh... I can get you to DC your parents are probably looking for you right? They wont expect you to go in another car."

"Escaping with criminal...? But avoiding an all girl's school..." She mused. She pulled up her hood tucking her hair inside. "Let's go."

I nodded and led the way to outside toward the car on my way swiping a pair of sunglasses and putting them on. When we reached the car where Clarisse stood with her arms crossed unimpressed.

"Prissy!" She yelled. "Where the fuck have you been? and who's that?"

"I had a run in with the guy who was following us. She helped. We just need to drop her off in the city."

She frowned but opened the trunk and I climbed in and Rachel climbed in after me. We squished together and Clarisse closed the trunk and hopped in before we started off on the road again.

"So what happened with the guy?" Travis asked.

"Tied me up in a closet," I answered.

He opened his mouth before Clarisse punched him in the jaw. "Keep your perverted thoughts to yourself."

"Your name is Prissy?" Rachel asked me an eyebrow raised.

"Percy," I corrected.

"His name is actually Perseus," Clarisse snickered.

I sighed. "That's Clarisse, Beckandorf is driving, next to him is Silena and the other two are Connor and Travis."

Rachel nodded slowly. "Rachel. But still you didn't tell me what it is you did to have cops after you or have someone tie you up in a closet."

"Long story which you don't need to know. I mean you know nothing about me and yet you've agreed to come along with us."

Rachel shrugged best she could while cramped in the trunk with me. "You don't seem like a total creep. Also its too late to second guess myself. So let's just get to the city fast. This is not comfy."

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