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There will be swearing in story.



I feel as my face suddenly connects with the hard floor. I don't feel the pain. All pain is being sent to my chest. I shake a few times coughing up blood. The world blurs and my vision zooms in and out.

So this is what it feels like to die.

All those I killed, only twice have I ever wondered how they felt. The first one I killed. And the first after...

I can't help but cough up more blood. Before beginning to wheeze as I fee blood begin to fill lungs. I could probably stop if I tried.

But what's the point?

I have nothing left to live for.

So what if all my enemies survive this? I can't take them all down alone if I did. I walked in here knowing it was a suicide mission. I wanted to take down as many as I could with me. I just wanted revenge. Revenge for all of my friends. The Demigods... What a stupid name... We weren't heroes. We were experiments.

My breathing becomes harder things are almost completely black. I hear in the distance as an alarm goes off. I can't bring myself to care.

Breathing becomes practically impossible before I don't breathe at all. All I see is darkness.

The darkness is broken by a piercing light. Around me flickers images. My life, I realize.

I see myself looking up from a crib at my mother. Stuff I shouldn't be able to remember.

Why does my life half to replay?

Ha, life. If you can even call this shitty thing that. Ever nice break I had was destroyed in half the time it took me to get there.

Just have to relive it once Percy. I tell myself. Then I can be with the people I care about.

It's just one more adventure.

It's just one more quest.



Tell me what you think so far of the new Demigods!

Any characters which are a must see besides the usual?


See ya creeps!

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