#12: Games

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These are the answers to the jokes:
1.) They cantaloupe!!!

2.) A blueberry. I like scooter27a 's answer though. Melancholy!

3.) He wasn't peeling well!!!


5.) To watch time fly!!!

Congrats to everyone who got them right! In the next part I'll give you riddles.
Your POV:
Travis put a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. He leaned in, planting a quick kiss on my lips.

"Thanks, Y/N, for making me smile," Travis said with a huge grin on his face.

~~ Skipping time like stones ~~

"I can't believe that I helped you garden," I said, laughing.

Travis patted the ground one last time. "We're officially done," Travis said. Then, Travis turned to me. "Now, for you," he said. Travis picked up the watering hose.

"What are you thinking of doing?" I asked, backing away slowly.

A wicked grin appeared on his face. "You better run."

Travis turned on the hose, causing it to spray all over me. "TRAVIS!!!!" As soon as the cold water hit my body, I began to run. I hopped over the watering can and darted towards Travis.

"WAIT!!!" I yelled. "I surrender!!!" I said, as I walked up to Travis. Travis aimed the hose away from me.

"You surrender?" Travis asked flirtatiously. Travis bit his bottom lip as he wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

I bit my bottom lip too. "Yes, yes I do."

Travis leaned in closer. His lips met mine, and I pulled him closer with one arm. I used the other to trace down his arm, and grab the hose, which was still on.

I quickly grabbed it and shot water into Travis' side.

Travis pulled away, shocked. He pretended to stumble back, holding his "wound" as he fell back.

I laughed and skipped around in a circle. I was victorious.

"I won," I said, putting down the hose and walking over to Travis, who was laying on the ground, defeated.

Travis made a fake pouty face. "Y/N... Come here..."

I knelt down next to Travis. "You're such a drama queen!" I said.

"You're no fun!" Travis said.

"Shhhhhh... I have a better idea of fun,"  I said. I leaned over Travis, holding a finger over his lips.

"-And what is that?" Travis asked. He twirled a strand of my hair.

"Tag with a twist."

"What kind of twist?"

"Instead of tagging the person, you have to kiss them."

"Okay, then I'll just want to be tagged."

"Hmmm... You'll be it. If you tag me in three minutes, then I have to do whatever you say for the whole day. If you don't, then

"Would you really trust me with that kind of power?"

"Hey, it's only if you win, which won't happen."

Travis laughed. "Oh, you're going down."

I stood up. "Game starts in three..." Travis stood up. "Two..." Travis smirked. "One."

I darted away from Travis. I ran around the yard, jumping over obstacles.

Travis grabbed my wrist from behind me, and he spun me around to face him.

Standing on my tip toes so he couldn't reach my lips was no use because Travis was taller than me by a lot.

I ducked below him, escaping his grip, and dodging his kiss.

"Babe," Travis said, pouting.

I dodged Travis a few more times. I only had to escape from him for 30 more seconds, and then I would be victorious for a second time.

Travis was right behind me. He grabbed me, and turned me around quickly. Trying to escape his grip, I stepped backwards, but by doing so, I tripped over a gardening tool that was left on the ground. Travis, who was stepping forward, tripped as well.

I fell backwards onto the ground, with Travis landing on top of me.

"Oh hey, Travis," I said as I tried to catch my breath from running.

"Hey babe. It looks like I'm going to win this time."

"Mercy?" I asked.

"No mercy," He whispered. Travis took my one of my wrists in his hand and pinned me to the ground. He had a devilish smirk plastered across his face.

Travis smashed his lips against mine, marking his victory. He's a really good kisser.

He kissed my lips roughly and passionately. Even though I had lost, I couldn't help but kiss back.

I grabbed his hair in my hands and I pulled him deeper into the kiss.

Travis moved his lips in rhythm to mine, occasionally teasing me. He would pull back for just a split second, just to lean back into the kiss.

Travis pulled back, knowing he had to stop. I needed time, and we weren't even an official couple yet. He knew that I wanted to take this slowly. He pulled away, accepting that. At the moment, I don't think I'm ready for kissing for long periods of time. 20 seconds is plenty.

I needed to learn to trust him. I was scared to though. Heaven knows what happened last time I trusted someone.

Travis pushed himself off of me. "Sorry," Travis said. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"No, thank you, for stopping," I said. I sat up. Now both of us were sitting on the ground.

Travis looked at the ground and saw one of the roses we accidentally trimmed off when we were planting bushes of them. It was even one of the most beautiful roses out of all the bushes. It was a shame that we cut it off. Yeah, we definetly aren't the best gardeners.

Travis picked up the rose, twirling it between his index finger and his middle finger.

"Here's a beautiful rose for a beautiful girl," Travis said as he handed me the flower.

"That was one of the most cheesiest things I've heard in my life," I paused. "-And one of the cutest." I took the rose and booped Travis' nose with it.

Travis took my hand and lifted it to his lips, gently kissing it.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of the garage door opening.

"Ugh. They're back," Travis mumbled. Me and Travis were still not telling his roommates about us yet.

"Let's go inside now, before they start getting suspicious. They know that it doesn't take this long to plant a garden."

"You're right, let's go," Travis said. Travis stood up, but as soon as he started to walk away, he tripped over the same gardening tool that we tripped over before. "Sour and then Sweet? More like sweet and then sour."


"Gorgeous." Travis stood up, smirking.

"Ugh. You're awesomer than pizza," I said.

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Travis said. I quickly jabbed him in the side with my elbow.

"OWW!!! Okay, maybe you've said nicer things to me!" Travis said, laughing.
Babysitting got canceled, so here I am!!!

I wanted to say a few things:
1.) I'm writing a novel outside of wattpad at the moment. I'm at 50,000 words. I'm so close to finishing it. Then I have to edit and edit and edit. So, if these parts are only 1,000 words, I'm sorry. I'm really trying to get this novel finished by the end of Summer.

2.) Thanks for the 4K views!!!

3.) Thanks to _Arctic_Puppy_ for reading these parts before I publish them, and telling me to publish them. Otherwise, I would be too scared too. I'm sorry I annoy you with this!!!! Thanks for doing it! You're awesome!!!

4.) When you can't find anyone at your new school who knows what MCD is... Or even who APHMAU is.... *sigh*

5.) When your phone knows you so well that it autocorrects Aphmau to APHMAU, because you are always fangirling in caps when you talk about her. Yup, story of my life.

6.) Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I love to hear them!!!

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing. I hope you guys have a nice day or night. Love ya guys! Bai!

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