#13: Ding Dong Ditchers

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I'm too lazy to think of riddles right now. I'm sorry. Anyways, on with the story!
Your POV:
'Ding Dong!' The doorbell rang. It's been a week since I was able to get back into my house. I was currently hanging out with Travis at his house.

Me and Travis were the only ones in the house, so we went to go answer the door.

Travis opened it, and I expected to see my brother behind the wooden door. He had been so protective of me once he found out that we were dating now. However, I was wrong. There was no one at the door. There was just a single black rose sitting on the porch.

"Stupid ding dong ditchers," Travis mumbled, turning around. Before he could, I grabbed the top of his arm.

"Wait. Look, there's a black rose," I said, pointing to the mysterious flower.

Travis turned around and saw it. He gulped. "That's really weird," he said. Travis walked closer to it to further examine it.

Me and Travis crouched next to the rose with curious minds. Travis picked up the rose, which had about five thorns on it, and spun it between his two fingers, careful not to prick himself with the thorns. He pursed his lips, deep in thought.

I shuddered. "That thing is eerie as h***," I whispered, pointing to the rose.

"It's just a weird prank," Travis stated. However, it almost sounded more like a question then a statement. I turned around and looked behind me.

I heard a noise coming from the rose so I turned back around. However, nothing was happening when I turned back around. The rose looked slightly different, but probably only because Travis had been holding it.

"-A very weird prank."

"S***," Travis mumbled under his breath as he dropped the rose. He looked down at his finger, to see a cut going from the top of his finger, all the way down to a few inches passed his wrist.

I looked down at the rose, his blood dripping from a thorn.

That's weird, I could've sworn that there weren't that many thorns on it before. It looks like there is about 10 thorns on it now, and all of them look larger and more sharp then before.

"Whoa, how did you cut yourself that bad with a thorn?" I asked. I grabbed Travis' hand and examined the cut.

It was deep. If I didn't know that he accidentally cut it on a thorn, then I would've thought that he was cut by a pocket knife.

"My Irene, seriously, this cut is bad! How the heck did a thorn did this?" I questioned again.

Travis flinched, yanking his hand out of mine. He stuffed his hand in the pocket of his hoodie.

"I just cut it on a thorn, okay? Can we go inside now?"

I flinched, taken aback. "Are you okay?" I asked.

Travis' eyes softened, his expression turning into a frown. He stood up without a word and headed to the door.

Why is Travis acting so weird all of a sudden?

I glanced at the rose. I was about to pick it up to go throw it away when Travis stopped in the doorway.

"Don't," he said, his voice shaking. He held his hand up to his forehead like he was in pain.

"Why?" I asked. I put aside his sudden outburst and looked at him with concern. He was scared. I put my hand down and decided not to touch the rose.

Travis shook his head. "I'm sorry for snapping. I'm just getting a weird feeling from that rose like you said. These stupid pranksters are making us paranoid," he said.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked. I stood up to my feet.

Travis trembled. "No, not at all. I'm just going to go clean this up," Travis said.

"Okay. I'll come help. Should I go throw away this creepy rose?"

"No!" Travis shouted suddenly, turning around with his hands up. Travis lowered his hands slowly and relaxed. "I'll get it," he said, smiling.

"Okay..." I said, trailing off. I walked inside with Travis, but just before we closed the door behind us, I looked back at the rose.

The door shut behind us.

"Now let's go clean up this cut of yours," I said, walking to the bathroom, where the first aid kit was.

I grabbed it from the cabinet and started to walk to the kitchen. When I got back, however, Travis was standing over the kitchen sink, his hand trembling. Travis rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, biting his lips.

"Travis?" I asked. I stood next to him by the sink.

There was no answer. "Travis? Hello? Travis!?"

"Look at the cut on my hand..." Travis whispered.

I looked down. It was even deeper, and it cut all the way down his elbow. The skin around it was gray, almost black, and the blood that ran down from his cut was black.

"We need to call 911! I think that you must have an infection or something."

"No... We can't call them."

"What are we supposed to do then?! Travis, this is freaking serious!"

"I-I" Travis stuttered. He gulped before continuing. "I need to tell you something." Tears formed in Travis' eyes.

"Come on," I said. I draped Travis' arm over me, and helped him walk over to the couch. I laid him down and kneeled beside him.

"Thank you, Y/N," Travis said. "Now, Y/N, look at me." I looked up at Travis. "Y/N, have you ever met a magical being before?"

"Well, I've met Lucinda, who's a witch. I've also seen some of them, like at the store. My friends, Fawn and Adrienette, are magicks users. Other than that, I've only ever heard of them," I said. I didn't question why he asked.

"Garroth is a member of the jury of nine. Laurence is a shadow knight. Aphmau is a Matron, who we think is related to Irene. Y/N, if anything happens, call them. Call Lucinda too. Get Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan. Get any of my friends to come help, okay?" Travis explained.

"Travis, w-what's going on?" I asked, trembling.

"Y/N, my father is the demon warlock..."

"W-Who's that?"

"A VERY VERY bad man. He's not even a man. He's a demon and he's a warlock. I'm his son, and I'm just like him. Maybe the sons of bad men are bad men too-" Travis clutched his arm. He groaned in pain.

"I refuse to believe that you're a bad man, Travis!" I shouted as I bandaged up his cut.

A tear fell down Travis' cheek. "That rose was a gift from someone, someone who wants to see me suffer. The thorns grew on it as I made contact with them, and one of them cut me. It's forcing me to either turn into my demon form and live, or stay in this form and die."


"I can't. If I do, I won't be able to control myself. This magic is so powerful. If I can't control myself, then my demon form will kill anyone. This person wants to see my loved ones die, so it will probably target the person that is closest to me," he said. Suddenly, an arrow formed on him arm with the black blood, and it pointed to me.

"Travis, please. Don't die on me," I said. "Please, you have to turn into your demon form."

"Y/N, don't you understand?! I'll kill you," Travis said. "I can't really do anything. I'm not going to let myself kill you."

"I'm not about to let myself watch you die!"

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You can't hurt me. If you die, you'll hurt me. Please. Isn't there a way to reverse it? What if I calm you down as soon as you turn into it?"

"What's going on?!" Travis asked. Travis looked down at his skin, turning gray. "I THOUGHT I GOT A CHOICE!!! IM DONE PLAYING WITH YOUR LITTLE GAMES!!!! YOU CHEATED!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE!!!!" Travis shouted into the air, hoping that whoever did this to him would hear. Tears formed in his eyes. The black blood on his arms formed letters.

"What do you mean Travis?" I asked. I looked into his eyes, which were turning purple. Travis grabbed my hand, holding it in his. He released his hand from mine.

"Run..." Travis whispered. "Run! Go!!! Get as far away from here as you can!!!" Travis shouted.

"Travis..." I said.

"I SAID GO!!!"

Travis' skin started to rapidly turn gray. I scrambled to my feet, tears falling down my cheeks.
What happens? Find out next on Travis X Reader!!! 😂😂😂 XD

I wanted to make this event happen later, when their relationship grew, but I couldn't help it! Plus, I have a lot of scary events like these happening soon. -evil laugh-

I'm sorry that I didn't post anything yesterday. I blame my STUPID IRENE DARN ALLERGIES!!!! I can barely eat because my throat is so ugghhhhh. My throat hurts like poop, and nothing is helping. My contacts keep falling out because my eyes are irritated from my allergies. I need to sign up for allergy shots again, since I moved. I'm not looking forward to getting two shots each week again. #LifeOfRyan

Oh well. I should really work on trying to be more positive 😂😂😂XD

Anyways, you guys are amazing. Thanks for everything. I hope that you guys have an amazing day or night. Love ya! Bai!

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