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WARNING: This part also contains high levels of fangirling. Reader Discretion advised.

Wait, why am I warning you? I should be warning myself! I need to go back to my Fangirl shelter.

Note: The beginning shows the leading up events to the last part. When it says back to the present, then you are where it last ended.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Three hours earlier...
Travis' POV:

Y/N walked up to get her ice cream at Zane Stone. She pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear, and adjusted her shirt.

"With every second that I'm with her, I fall harder for her," I said to myself, smiling.

I felt a hand on my back, snapping me out of my gaze. I turned to see Laurence, smiling as well.

"Yes, Laurence?" I asked.

"Number one, I heard what you just said. Number two, you have been making Googly eyes with Y/N, your girlfriend, since we got here. Number three, you were so deep into your love trance that you didn't realize that you're ice cream has completely melted, and is now dripping on the floor," Laurence said.

My eyes grew as I heard his words. "H-H-Heh... Y-Yeah. I J-just ummm..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

I threw my ice cream into the trash, and quickly cleaned up the melted ice cream on the floor.

"You're just ummm... What?" Laurence asked.

My hands became clammy and I felt my face heat up, changing into the color of a cherry. "I-I am just really- Well, Laurence, I've never felt this way about a girl before. I-I mean, I've liked a girl before, b-but I don't know what this is..." I stuttered.

"Stuttering now? I thought that you were supposed to be the overly confident one, who never stutters!" Laurence exclaimed. "I guess that your weakness is being in love."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess it is," I said.

"Can you guys just get married already? Ughhhh!!! This is taking too long!!!!" Laurence said. He let out a huge sigh.

I jabbed Laurence into the side with my elbow.

"Hey! You know that you don't mind the idea!"

"Laurence!" I whisper shouted. "I'm falling for Y/N, hard, but what if she doesn't-"

"-Feel the same?" Laurence interrupted. "Oh trust me, your girlfriend, Y/N, feels exactly the same."

"Wait... Girlfriend... OH MY IRENE, LAURENCE!!!!!" I said.

"What?" Laurence asked with a confused look on his face.

"I HAVEN'T EVEN ASKED Y/N TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!! OH GOSH, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?! WE AREN'T EVEN OFFICIAL YET!!! I NEED TO ASK HER TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" I exclaimed. I started to panic. My heart began to beat a million times per minute. I felt like it was going to explode. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

"Wait, what? You haven't?" Laurence asked. I shook my head no quickly. "Okay, then just do it today!"

"Wait, but what if she says no?! Oh no, she's probably going to say no. I mean- how could someone like me be with someone like her?! She's amazing and beautiful and-" I said. My breathing quickened to fast short breaths.

"-Travis. Calm down. Why would she say no? You guys both like- really really really like each other, and you guys are already have a blooming relationship. Just, breathe," Laurence said.

I let myself calm down a bit, but I was still extremely nervous. I'm not worthy of being Y/N's boyfriend! Y/N deserves the best of the best, and I'm no where near that. I'm just a over confident, overly honest, awkward, self absorbed, sloppy, crazy, and weird flirt who's obsessed with anime and theater! I'm just the guy who's the demon warlock's son. I'm nothing. I'm horrible! Y/N is gorgeous, talented, and-

"Travis, I said calm down, not get even more worried!" Laurence said.

"I should do something tonight!" I shouted. "Laurence, come on. We're going to our house to plan."

Y/N stayed with Cadenza and Aspen, while me and Laurence drove home.

(At their house)

"What am I supposed to do?!" I asked. I tightened my hands into fists, just to try and get my anxiety away.

"I don't know! Why don't you ask Garroth? He's the one who's in a relationship!"

"Yeah, but he's hanging out with Aph. He won't be back until tomorrow, and I want to do this today."

"Wait, why would Garroth be gone until tomorrow- oh wait... Oh yeah. I see," Laurence said, chuckling. "Seriously though Travis, you need to take a chill pill. You shouldn't be so worried about this. If you want to be with her, and if you feel like this is right, then you should go be with her!" Laurence said.

"You're right, Laurence, but I have to make this special."

"Are you planning on doing something romantic?"

"Yes. I already have it planned out. Remember that gazebo in the forest in the park? I'm going to bring my music player and some music."

"This is going to be interesting. I didn't know that you could be romantic."

"Oh shut up!"

"I'm just saying!" Laurence said, putting his hands up in surrender.

I scanned my closet, trying to decide which of my two suits to wear.

I sighed in defeat. I plopped into my bed. "What am I supposed to wear?!" I asked.

"Hmmm..." Laurence said, looking at the suits and ties. "Green tie; It goes with your eyes. Oh, and the black suit because this green with the gray one would not look well."

Time Skip with Mad Max!

I looked up and down at myself in the mirror. Laurence stood behind me, scanning me.

"You look great, Travis," Laurence said.

(This is what Travis' suit looks like, except it has a green tie.)

"Thanks." There was a long pause. "Laurence, I'm nervous," I said.

Laurence smiled, patting me on the back. "You'll do fine. Now go get the girl."

Another time skip!!!!

I rang the doorbell to Lucinda's house. Y/N was currently there getting ready. Kawaii~Chan, Cadenza, Katelyn, and Lucinda were getting her ready.

I patiently waited at the door. Everything was ready. I just had to get Y/N to the park, and actually ask her to be my girlfriend...

Okay Travis, calm down.

I took a deep breath as Cadenza and Katelyn answered the door.

"Hey Travis!" They said.

"Y/N!!! Lover boy is here for you!!!" Katelyn shouted.

I heard footsteps, but I could not see anyone behind Katelyn and Cadenza because they were blocking my view.

"We now present-" Cadenza said, smiling. "-Y/N!!!!"

Her and Katelyn stepped to the side, revealing Y/N before me.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped to the floor. Y/N was absolutely breathtaking.

She was wearing a layered dress that went right to the top of her knees. It was F/C, and the top was covered with lace.

(That's what your dress looks like, but a bit longer, and your favorite color.)

I gulped, trying to swallow my anxiety.

"W-Wow," I said. "Y/N, you l-look stunning!" I exclaimed.

Y/N beamed. "Awe, t-thank y-you, T-Travis," Y/N said. Our faces were identical to a tomato. "You look quite h-handsome."

"Goodbye stuttering lover birds!!!" Katelyn said, closing the door.

"Have fun!" Cadenza shouted just as it shut.

Back to present time
Your POV:

"Are you trying to do something romantic?" I asked. I toyed with the end of my dress.

"It's that obvious, isn't it?" Travis questioned, rubbing the back of his neck. Little specks of starlight danced in Travis' eyes as he continued to pull me to our destination.

"You're flipping adorable," I whispered softly.

"I know," Travis said, smirking. His hand was tense in mine, and Travis looked slightly nervous, but I decided to not take note of it.

Travis adjusted the green tie of his suit, which made his eyes pop. A worried expression formed on his face once he stopped smirking.

He looked so handsome.

Travis turned left, going into the forest area of the large park. The wooded area became more dense as we strode towards a dim speck of light in the distance.

The light split into multiple lights as we came closer to the light. Eventually, I was able to tell the the source of the light came from a string of beautiful white fairy lights.

The string of lights wrapped around the fence of a white wooden gazebo, which had a path of stone leading up to it.

There was a small table inside the gazebo, at the edge. There was a music player sitting on it. Travis released his hand from mine, and walked up the stairs of the gazebo. He clicked a button on the music player. The song, "I'll Be," by Edwin McCain, started to play. (Play song at the top)

My eyes lit up and I felt my heart leap out of my chest.

Travis opened his mouth, and he began to sing the words.

My breath was taken away.

("I'll Be", by
Edwin McCain)

"The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains and thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth
Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life..."

There was an instrumental part for a few measures.

I felt my face heat up as I blushed a deep Scarlett color. I completely froze as every bone in my body was sent burning with passion.

"May I have this dance?" Travis asked. He reached out his hand. I gladly took it.

"Of course," I said.

Travis held my hand as I walked up the steps. I felt my knees become weak as Travis wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him.

My smile didn't fade from my face for a single second. I placed my arms around Travis' neck, connecting my hands once they were at rest there.

We began to move to the beat of the song, dancing slowly to the song. My heart danced as well.

Then, the music continued, and Travis continued to sing. He had an amazing singing voice.

"And rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival, you're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead

Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above"

Travis looked down into my eyes. His bright green eyes looked deeply at me, making my heart skip a beat.

It may sound cliche, but everything else seemed to fade away. It was just the two of us, and there was nothing else there. We were in our own world. Our problems faded away. Ashton disappeared from my mind, and I sunk into the moment with Travis.

I held onto Travis, hugging onto him as we danced to the music. Travis pulled me closer, continuing to sing the beautiful song.

"I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

And I've dropped out, burned up, fought my way back from the dead
Tuned in, turned on, remembered the thing you said"

I didn't care anymore. I hugged Travis tightly, laying my head on his chest, right below his shoulder. All of my emotion poured out as tears, and I began to cry with joy, in Travis' arms.

How lucky was I to have such an amazing guy like Travis in my life.

I felt weightless, and almost lightheaded with glee.

Travis smiled, singing softly as we swayed.

"I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

I'll be your cryin' shoulder
I'll be love suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

The greatest fan of your life
The greatest fan of your life..."

The song came to an end. I took a deep breath, calming myself down as my last tears fell.

Travis pulled slightly away so that he could look at me. I lifted my head, looking into his eyes, which gleamed under the moonlight.

"Y/N, I know that this is a question that I should've asked long ago..." Travis said, pausing. "Y/N, you're the most incredible, brilliant, breathtaking, and stunning person that I've met in my whole life..."

I felt the tears rise again. My vision became blurry, and hot tears began to fall.

A different slow song began to play softly in the background.

"So, I'm asking you," Travis said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

The tears fell harder. I held my hand over my mouth, laughing with delight.

"How is that even a question?" I asked. "Yes! A hundred times; Yes!!!" I said, my voice think with glee.

Travis, you're making me fall deeper in love with you.

I love you, Travis...

My heart has never pounded so fast in my life. Travis' eyes were locked onto mine. We were both blushing and grinning like crazy.

Our faces were centimeters apart. I noticed a freckle on Travis' neck. I saw the hundreds of shades of green that made up his eyes.

The sides of our noses touched, and for a fleeting moment, our eyelashes fluttered against each other before they shut closed.

When the longing for his lips on mine became too unbearable, I closed the space between us, locking his lips with mine.

Travis pulled me deeper into the kiss. Like a fire spreading, the warmth of Travis' soft lips spread throughout my body, lighting me up like a burning flame. The kiss was filled with lust and passion.

Travis pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine so that our faces were still very close. He cupped my face in his hand.

"Y/N... I love you..."Travis whispered softly in a husky voice. He gazed at me lovingly with doe eyes, holding me by the waist.

Those three words made my heart skip a beat. They made me dizzy, in a good way.

I beamed, soaking in the words that I didn't realize I needed to hear.

Travis loves me.

"Travis, I love you too," I whispered. The words came out of my mouth like water flowing from a stream.

Both of us had large grins plastered across our face. My eyes flicked towards Travis' lips.

Travis slammed his lips against mine. My eyes were wide open by the sudden surprise kiss. I fluttered my eyes shut and melted into the kiss, pressing one of my hands onto Travis' shoulder.

The scent of his axe filled my nose, and I could taste peppermint on his lips. Travis' hand, cupping my face, pulled me into the kiss.

Travis smiled behind the kiss. Then the kiss turned into multiple long kisses of passion.

Travis pulled away, a grin on his face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Travis exclaimed. Travis picked me up by the waist, and began to spin me around. I burst into laughter, the cool night breeze blowing through my hair as I spun.

Travis set me down gently on the ground, kissing my forehead.
That was almost 3,000 words! I was going to make multiple parts, but there really was no reason to.

I'm assuming that the fangirls are coming now...
WAIT!! I'M NOT AT MY BASE YET!!!! *sees herds of fangirls in the distance* *hides in the corner*

Yeah, this part wasn't really that good. I need to work on my writing skills. Badly. Sorry guys! At least I tried!

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys! I hope that you guys have a fantastic day or night. You guys are amazing. Love ya. Bai!

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