Heroes and Villains

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Travis' POV:
Y/N's still awake, and I know it. She told me that she watches anime all night on Fridays. She told me that she goes to bed at around 5 a.m. In the morning, so she's probably still awake.

I might seem weird if I show up at her house at 3 in the morning, but I really need to get out of this house. I can't just stay here all night and drown in my inner thoughts.

Y/N's house is only two blocks away. I can just walk there.

I didn't bother to change out of my pajamas. I wanted to get there as soon as possible.

I grabbed my phone and keys, and left out the front door.

Magical time skip!!!

The walk there is eerie and silent. I notice that I'm speed walking. I felt paranoid. I just felt like I needed to get there, fast. Maybe someone was following me. I sense danger as a demon. It's a talent that all demons have. It's meant to lure demons in, and bring even more danger and destruction. However, I used it to protect the people around me.

Seriously, something feels off. There's danger ahead, and I know it.

I tense up. My stomach starts churning and I clench my hands into fists.

It's a good thing that one of my keys can turn into my sword at any time. I have a weapon with me.

I turned the corner, and Y/N's house came into view. The house looked ominous and dark.

Something was different about it. The door was opened.

I sprinted down the street towards her house. The danger was there, in her home.

I slowed down as I neared the abode. Creeping as silently as I could up the stairs of the porch, I pulled out my special key, which would turn into my sword if I ended up needing it.

I held my breath, being as silent as I could when I approached the half opened door.

I heard a woman crying... Y/N crying.

What followed, was a blood curdling scream, and a low man's voice.

I darted inside the house. Nothing was going to stop me. The key glowed purple before transforming into my sword.

There was Y/N, laying on the ground, curled up in a ball, cradling herself. She blocked her face from the man's blows. The man was beating her up.

I felt like I was just stabbed in the heart twenty-seven times.

I jumped in front of the man, shielding Y/N from his kicks. Y/N didn't dare to look up again, in fear that his foot would hit her again.

The man's eyes flicked to my sword, and then back at me.

There was no sign of fear in his eyes. He smirked. "Hahahhahhahah," he cackled.

The man's grin grew as he transformed into a Shadow Knight. His blue eyes turned red, and he wore red armor similar to the armor that Laurence wore.

"Wanna fight me, human?" He asked.

I was about to correct him and say that I was indeed, not human, but I hesitated, realizing that Y/N was here.

"You don't want to fight me," I warned.

"So who are you? Is this your little lover boy now?" He questioned in a mocking tone.

When Y/N didn't answer, the man went to kick her again, but I blocked the kick.

"If you so dare lay one finger on her- I will kill you, a**hole," I said in between my teeth. I pushed him back against the wall.

"Hey! It's her fault! I just wanted to have a little bit of fun with her, that's all!" He said. He grinned wickedly.

"You son of a b***h!" I shouted. I punched him in the face, causing him to stumble back. "You disgust me!" I said. I spat on him.

"That was a very very bad choice, my friend. You see, if you would've just left without telling anyone, then I would've considered keeping you alive. However, now I'm going to kill both of you," the man said. A maroon colored sword appeared in his hand. The man pushed me off of him and walked over to Y/N.

"Her first," he said. He held his sword up high above her.

The man moved his other hand, not holding the sword. With his type of power, he knocked my sword out of my hand, and shattered it. He must be a magicks user too.

I had no choice left but to change into my demon form.

I quickly transformed and ran over to the man. I lifted my hand up and blocked the cut by the sword, just as he swung it down.

It hurt like crazy, but it didn't cut me that bad because I had demon's blood in me, and demons cannot be killed by certain swords in their demon form.

In fact, the sword only made a small gash in my hand before it bounced back off of my hand.

"H-How?" The man asked. The man shook the thought away and tried to stab me. Before he could, I dodged it, and I jumped on top of the man. I saw that my fist was on fire with black flames. I punched the man with my fist, knocking him out with one hit. The man stumbled back and dropped his sword. He hit the ground, out like a light.

I used most of my strength in that one punch. I was out of breath. It may have only taken one punch, but it took most of my power to knock out a shadow knight. Plus, I just took a hit from a sword that would kill me in my human form.

As soon as he was knocked out, I transformed back.

I turned to face Y/N, who was still holding herself in a tight ball.

I kneeled down next to her. She was crying.

"Y/N? Are you okay? S**t, what kind of question is that? Of course you're not okay!" I said.

I went to place my hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away.

"STOP IT, ASHTON!!!" She sobbed.

"Y/N, it's me, Travis!" I said.

Y/N uncovered her face and looked in my direction.

Her eyes were swollen with cuts around them.

"T-Travis?" She asked. She reached her hand out to me, and I took it.

"What happened? I'm calling the police."

"N-No, p-please Travis," she whispered. Her voice was so soft and hoarse. It was filled with pain. She sat up, wincing. My eyes blurred with tears. I couldn't stand to see her like this.

Tears continued to fall down her cheeks. She looked down to the ground.

"Who is that a**hole?" I asked. She wouldn't look up at me.

"My ex. W-We had an abusive relationship f-for year, and he played me like some game. He cheated on me, and that's when I e-ended it. His name is A-Ashton. He just showed up h-here, and-" Y/N stopped. I wrapped my arm around her.

"Y/N, look at me. It's over. I'm here now. He's knocked out, and we can go to the police."

She didn't look at me. "What happened?" She pointed to Ashton on the ground. She didn't see a thing because she was balled up with her face blocked. That's good.

"I came here because I couldn't sleep. I saw that the door was open, and I heard a scream, so I came in. I saw what was going on, and I knocked Ashton out," I explained.

Y/N trembled. "We can't tell the police because they won't believe us, even if we have Ashton here. Ashton is one of the most important people in Phoenix Drop!"

"A-Ashton Gray?" I asked. Y/N nodded.

I pulled Y/N in closer to me. "Y/N, please look at me," I whispered.

The tears fell faster down her face. She grabbed my shirt in fistfuls and leaned her face against my chest. She cried into my shirt. Her body shook as she sobbed. It hurt me so freaking much to see her like this.

"I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again," I whispered. I ran my fingers through her hair.

Y/N laid there with me, crying for a few minutes.

"You're so strong," I said. I lifted her chin up so that I could look into her eyes.

"Travis, I'm not strong, because I'm scared. I'm scared that he's going to hurt me again." Y/N winced.

I lifted Y/N up, and carried her bridal style into her room.

"He's not ever going to lay another finger on you," I reassured. I laid her down on the bed gently. "I'm going to get him in prison somehow. Now, we need to check and see if you have any serious injuries," I said. I grabbed the first aid kit from her bathroom and sat down on her bed next to her.

Y/N was still trembling.

I waited for her consent. She nodded, and I quickly went to work with tending her wounds.

I lifted up her shirt halfway so that I could see her stomach.

There were bruises everywhere. There was an especially big one by her rib.

"Can I?" I asked. Y/N nodded, and I pressed gently on the bruise. I think she had a broken rib. It would explain why she winced when she sobbed.

"I think you have a broken rib," I said. I swallowed hard. We couldn't go to the hospital without them asking how she got injured. I didn't know what we could do.

I walked into the bathroom, knowing what I had to do. I closed the door and quickly transformed into my demon form. I took a razor from the cabinet and quickly cut myself, letting a few drops drip into a glass.

Well that hurts like heck.

I put some water in, as well as some herbs, and other ingredients.

Finally, the potion was complete. From blood, when mixed with some other stuff, can make a healing potion. I transformed back and walked back to Y/N.

"What were you doing?" She asked.

"Drink this," I said. I handed her the potion.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a healing potion that Hydria, a witch, gave to me long ago," I said, lying.

Y/N reluctantly took it and poured it into her mouth, swallowing it in one large gulp. She had a face of disgust, probably because it tasted horribly.

We both looked down in amazement as the large bruise disappeared, and her broken bone healed.

"Now, for the other bruises, and the black eyes- I'm afraid that the potion cannot heal those until tomorrow. It attacks the big stuff first," I said. I sat down next to Y/N.

"Thanks," Y/N whispered.

There was a long pause of silence as I cleaned up the cuts on her body. I silently bandaged her up.

Finally, when I was done, I pulled her shirt back down and laid down beside her.

"Y/N, I'm here for you," I said.

She remained silent.

"I hate to see you in so much pain. You're still shaking, Y/N, and there are tears still falling down your cheeks," I whispered.

"I feel worthless," she whispered.

"You're not worthless, Y/N. You're everything to me."

"I'm used, Travis, and who wants a used toy? Travis, I understand if you just want to leave. I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you. I don't care about your past. What matters is that I like you. Your past isn't going to change that," I said.

Y/N smiled weakly.

"T-Travis, I'm broken," she admitted. She curled up, starting to cry.

I gently pulled her, keeping her from curling up. "Don't cry. That a**hole doesn't deserve your tears." I wiped away her tears with my hand.

Y/N chuckled, and laid her head on my chest.

"There's nothing wrong with being broken. I'll help you get yourself back together."

Y/N pecked my cheek. "T-Travis, can you stay here tonight?"

"Of course," I said. I kissed her forehead. "You need to get some sleep." Y/N nodded. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Travis."

Then she drifted off to sleep on me.
When you're supposed to be sleeping, but you're on wattpad...

Anyways, thanks for everything guys! You guys are amazing! I hope that you guys have a nice day or night! Love ya! Bai!

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