Magic Trick

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I'm currently at school, writing this because I know that I won't have time to write at home with my karate test. #Rebel

No, I am at school, but I'm in study hall and I'm allowed to write. I'm too much of a goody-two-shoes to ever secretly write in class.

*sighs* Why am I such a GG?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Travis' POV:

"So, if you really want an answer, me. I could, and I do love a monster like you. In fact, he is you," Y/N said. Her voice was candid, no hint of lying in her words. Her eyes sparkled, she blushed, and she smiled sweetly.

I gulped. Not out of fear, but out of shock and amazement. My legs turned into Jello, and my whole body went limp.

How? How is it possible to be this happy, to be this relieved?

I have never been truly loved in this way, for who I am, in my whole life.

"Transform," Y/N whispered.

The single word overwhelmed me with shock, yet also question. She couldn't be asking what I think she could be asking...

Could she?

I looked up in confusion, wondering if she was being serious or not. First she is able to accept me, and now she wants me to transform?

This must all be a dream, right?

"What?" I asked, making sure that I heard her correctly.

"Transform into your demon form. I am accepting you, so let me see you," she whispered softly. She took my hand in hers, her lips curving into a small sweet smile.

"Y/N, it's too dangerous," I said. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not going to hurt me. I trust you," Y/N said.

I sighed, shaking my head from side to side. "No, you don't understand. My father can control and manipulate me like a puppet when I'm in my demon form."

Y/N smiled. "Okay, then, tell me about your powers."

I laughed. "Okay, if you insist. With being the devil's son, I have a lot of magicks power." I paused. "However, I rarely use it because it is something of my father's, and I don't want to be like him in any way."

"You aren't," Y/N whispered. "You aren't like him, but you have magicks, and you should embrace it."

It went completely quiet. I soaked in the silence, her words echoing in my mind as they sunk into my thoughts.

Embrace my powers?

"Show me what you've got," Y/N remarked. She leaned back in her seat, kicking her feet outwards, and resting her arms behind her head, with her elbows pointing outward. She smirked. There was no sign of seriousness in her. There was no change in how she acted. I began to think that her feeling really did not change about me, and that we could be a normal couple. I believed that I could have a relationship for the first time in my life.

"Really? I've only used it a few times in my life," I said.

"Really," she said in reply.

I looked at her smile, and my heart filled with warmth. I grinned, wondering what little magic trick of mine I would show her.

Then, an idea popped into my mind. It was probably not going to work, but it was worth a try.

I flicked my hand, letting purple magic surge through it.

The purple magic swirled around, shooting towards Y/N, and landing in her hands.

Y/N looked down, and in an instant, the magic had turned into a red rose in her hands.

I was astonished that it actually worked, considering that I had only used my magic two or three times in the past five years, not counting the times I turned into my demon form.

Y/N twirled the rose in between her fingers, smiling. "You're magic power is amazing.  I wouldn't ever be ashamed of this," she said.
May or may not update again tonight. It depends.

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you guys have a nice day or night. Love ya, Unicorns! Bai! <3

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