Puppeteers Part Two

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I've been reading your theories. Now, I won't say if they are right or wrong yet, but I will say that no one has commented anything about one part to this mystery.

All I'm going to say is... Dreams.

Also, all of your guys' theories are amazing. I loved reading all of them, and they were really good ideas! <3
3rd person POV:

The Black Rose sat in the stationary train, looking out the window, at her home. It was probably the last time that she'd ever see Heaven for a long time. She might not ever see it again. Even though it came with many horrible memories, she was still going to miss it.

She knew that Heaven wasn't her true home though, at least, not yet. Since she had spend so much time on Earth over the past eight years, she had grown fond of the large floating rock. Earth treated her a lot better than Heaven.

She spent more time on Earth than in Heaven. Angels didn't need sleep, so whenever it was nighttime on Earth, she would come back up to Heaven. It was always daytime in Heaven, so it felt like she was living a double life.

"I'm going home", she thought.

The Black Rose turned to the doorway to see Cassiel standing before her. "Hey," Cassiel said. He pushed himself off of the doorway and walked over to the black winged angel.

"When are they going to send me down to Earth?" The Black Rose asked. She knew that she was going to miss Cassiel. She looked up to him, like an older brother.

"Soon. I asked if I could talk to you first before you leave though," Cassiel whispered. "News has spread that Christopher is still alive. Well, he died, but a shadow knight saved his spirit, and was able to bring him back to life in the Nether. I'm telling you this because he might be looking for you. I don't want you getting hurt," Cassiel explained.

The Black Rose nodded. "I'll be fine. I have worse things to worry about, like the devil himself coming after me."

Cassiel chuckled. However, it soon faded away into silence. This wasn't the only thing he needed to tell the Black Rose. "I-I... I went through your file at the town hall."

"-and? What did you find?" The Black Rose asked quickly. She didn't know what he could've possibly have found. She's never seen her file before. Only the members of the council have access to them.

Cassiel sighed. "Do you remember the conversation we had on the day of the incident, when you killed Christopher? I told you that my parents died in a fire when I was two. Well, I promised you that I would find out what happened to your parents, you being a fellow orphan. Well, I know what happened to  your parents."

"What? What happened to them?"

The Black Rose had a little drop of hope in her that they were still alive and well. She hoped that she actually had a family somewhere out there, looking for her.

However, Cassiel knew this. He knew her hopes and dreams, which is why he did not want to tell her this.

Cassiel breathed in heavily. "They're dead. They died when I was two years old."

"W-What?" The Black Rose asked, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Of course, she was upset that her dreams had been crushed, but she was even more upset that Cassiel was her brother, and that she had to leave him now.

"I thought my sister was dead. Our mother was pregnant with you when she died in the fire. I don't know how you survived."

The Black Rose threw her arms around Cassiel and embraced him. "Cassiel, I find out that you're my brother, my only living relative, and now I have to leave you?" The Black Rose asked. She looked away, sniffling. "I guess that this works with our training on Earth," I said, laughing.

Cassiel smiled sadly. "You'll see me again, sis."

"One day..." The Black Rose whispered. She hugged Cassiel tighter before she pulled away from him. "The question is, why did the council never tell us about this?" She asked.

"I don't know. They did know about this. They hid it from me though. They store your file in the restricted area. They have ten boxes of paperwork just on you. I only had the chance to look at the first paper before the head council walked in. On the paper though, it says that is unknown as to how you were born and survived the fire. Your birthdate is the same day that our parents died. How is that possible?"

"I don't know. That's crazy! The council is hiding a lot more than I realized. I'm starting to think that maybe the council isn't filled with all pure hearts. They're hiding something," I said.

"They must be. Not only are they hiding stuff from us, but they are also controlling us."

"We're just their puppets, and they are the puppeteers," The Black Rose said.
:P The next part is going to be really, really, REALLY short. I'm really sorry. A HUGE thing will be revealed in the next part though!

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope you have a fantabulous day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns!! <3

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