Reunion Part One

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:P Intro.

Btw, who else is a crybaby (Melanie Martinez fan) here? Say, "Tag, you're it!" If you are!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV:
I stepped outside the front door, laughing because I was actually doing as they said.

I glanced down at my phone, and saw that they had told me to close my eyes and spin in a circle ten times very slowly.

Even though there was no point to it, I began to spin around in a circle, doing as they said.

Finally, I was finished.

I opened my eyes.

There was Travis and Aspen, smiling.

"Hey you two, what are you guys doing out here?" I asked.

"Fawn and Adrienette called me and told me to do this. Travis is helping," Aspen said. Travis nodded, comfirming that what Aspen just said was correct.

I smiled in reply, and I let my brother and my boyfriend take me on this journey.

We got into Aspen's car, and we drove off.

One hour later...

We were at the library in New Meteli. Aspen and Travis were taking me through the long rows of bookshelves, guiding me to my destination.

"Guys, seriously, where are we going?" I asked.

Aspen and Travis smiled, sharing a glance as they continued to walk in silence.

It was nice to visit New Meteli and my brother's house again. This was the library where I met both Fawn and Adrienette. Of course, I met them at different times, Adrienette in first grade, and Fawn in 7th, but coincidently, I met both of them here.

I inhaled, breathing in the smell of coffee coming from the little cafe inside the building. The memories came back to me, and I felt myself walking on the road of nostalgia as my feet hit the floor of library.

Flashback to when you met Adrienette...
(Narrated by Morgan Freeman. XD Jk)
3rd person POV

"Why is ugly orphan trash like you walking around this library? Get out, street rat," a little boy said. The boy's name was Scott Kellan, a large boy for his age. He was in fourth grade, had blonde hair and brown eyes that were filled with hatred.

Scott pushed the girl he was talking to. The girl fell backwards, hitting a cart of books. The books toppled over onto the floor, where the girl now laid.

The girl was Y/N, a young orphan who loved to visit the library on her free time. She was allowed to be there since she came with an adult that worked at the orphanage.

Y/N was always bullied by Scott, but that never stopped her from making frequent visits. The adult that watched Y/N didn't do anything about the bullying, mostly because she never even watched Y/N, but also because Y/N was too afraid to say anything.

Y/N was strong, tough. The little first grader had the strength of a thousand men. She carefully picked up the books, placing them neatly one by one on the cart. She brushed her bright yellow dress off, and stood to her feet with a smile on her face. There was no sign of sadness on her face.

However, even though Y/N was tough, and could stand the bullying, it didn't mean that she would fight the bully.

Y/N would not stand up for herself either. She didn't say a word, for she was too afraid. She had enough courage to stand back up and turn her cheek, but she did not have enough courage to turn her cheek and then tell someone what had happened.

"Why don't you stay where you belong! Below me, on the ground!" Scott said.

"P-Please don't do that again, sir. I do not like it," Y/N said. She fought back the tears, and stood up straight, flashing her teeth in a grin so filled with joy, that one would never expect that she was in her current situation.

The bully grabbed the little girl by the top of her dress, pushing her against the wall.

"Stop it, please!" Y/N yelled. She struggled to get out of Scott's grip.

"Shut up!" Scott yelled. He leaned in, and whispered in her ear. "No one is going to save you from me. No one cares about you. No one wants you. No one loves you, and they never will, you hear me, you disgusting garbage?!"

Y/N could barely hang on to her strength for much longer. Her bottom lip quivered, and her throat became tighter as she felt tears coming up.

Scott lifted his hand, about to punch the small girl, when he was interrupted by another girl.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" The girl yelled.

The girl wasn't much larger than Y/N. She had black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes which burned with fury and passion. How could such a young girl have so much courage? Scott did not know.

She wore a white shirt, a bright red skirt, a jean jacket, two white socks of different lengths, one short and one long, and black flats.

"What did you just say, idiot?" Scott asked, releasing Y/N and turning to the girl.

"I said, 'Leave her alone'!"

"Or what?"

The little girl was intelligent. "There are security cameras here. My mom's friend works here, and I can just tell her to check them, and she'll see all of this. She's friends with the Lord. The lord will get you in big trouble. He might even make you clean all of the toilets in town!" She exclaimed. The little girl chuckled at the idea. Then, she burst into laughter when she saw Scott's face, which was in terror.

Scott darted out of the library, not saying a single word as he did so. Nothing needed to be said. The bullying from Scott was at an end.

The little girl turned to Y/N, a small, compassionate smile on her face.

"Thank you so much for helping me!" Y/N said in awe. She toyed with the end of her dress, so shocked that she couldn't say anything else.

"You're welcome," the little girl said. "My name is Adrienette. What is yours?" Adrienette asked.

Y/N smiled. "My name is Y/N! It's nice to meet you!" Y/N said, hugging Adrienette.

"You too! Wanna be friends?" Adrienette asked, hugging her back.

Y/N pulled out of the hug. "Of course! Thank you so much!"

"We are going to be best friends! Do you want to go to the park with me?"

End of Flashback
What do you guys think Fawn and Adrienette are doing? What's up with this whole journey to the library? Tell me in the comments below!

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you guys have a nice day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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