Sleepover Part One

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Sorry... I just, really want more time to write, so I can write more. I feel like I haven't been posting enough lately. Sorry.
Your POV:
"Travis, we're going to have a sleepover with Aphmau and the girls," I said.

Travis turned and looked at me. "Okay, that works out great because all of the guys are staying here tonight," he said.

"So, you guys are having a sleepover?" I laughed.

"No! Grown men do not have sleepovers!" Travis exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "-And grown men don't sleep with their favorite teddy bear from their childhood-"

"Shhhh!!! Pffft!! What are you talking about?" Travis said, laughing nervously.

I laughed, ruffling his hair. "You're adorable," I said. Then, I realized that me, Fawn, and Adrinette needed to get going. Aph wanted us there by 5:00 pm, and it's 5:05 pm now. I sucked in air sharply, making a hissing noise as I saw the clock and looked at with a nervous face. "Now, I've got to get going."

Travis got up from his seat and leaned in. "Be safe," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

I looked up at him with a flicker of confusion, then understanding. He was talking about the shadow demon that was near my house a few days ago. If I was to ever see it again, while he wasn't around, then I should stick with Laurence, Lucinda, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, or any other magic user that can at least put up a fight with a magical creature, even one that they can't see. I'll know if I'm being attacked by one, even if I can't see it.

I kissed Travis quickly on the lips, grabbed my backpack filled with my stuff, and walked out the door of Travis' house with Fawn and Adrienette following behind me.

As soon as the door closed, Fawn and Adrienettte's heads turned to face me, at the exact same time.

"You need to make more fanart and fanfics," Adrienette whispered to Fawn.

"Okay, I will. They're just so adorable!" Fawn whispered back.

"I can hear you guys!!!" I said, glaring at them.

"It's not our fault that you two are adorable together!" Adrienette said.

"S-Sorry, Y/N," Fawn stuttered.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you and Garroth were related, Fawn. Also, I don't mind the teasing, but can you please contain some of it?" I asked.

"Oh, we aren't teasing," Adrienette remarked.

I rolled my eyes, walking up to Aphmau's house.

"Anywaysssss, how's the essay about Lord Garte going, Fawn? Oh, and yes, I am changing the subject right now," I said.

"It's going quite well. However, I don't feel like I have an intelligent enough vocabulary for such a duty. Plus, I don't feel like my essay stands out, and will make a difference. How am I supposed to make this strike out against all of the other essays? How am I going to make this significant, magnificent, appreciable, impressive, inspiring, substantial, special, notable, distinguished, marvelous, superb, and outstanding? If I can't form the essay into a work of art, a masterpiece of words; Something that can be brilliant and mind changing, then how will the words be able to leave a mark in someone's mind, and send the words echoing in their head? How will I convince them-"

"You'll do just fine. I'm pretty sure you just wrote an essay right now. Trust me, your vocabulary is intelligent enough, and you're essay will make a difference. You will change people's way of thinking! Since when can Fawn not make anyone believe anything with her words? Fawn can flipping take over the world with her words!!!" Adrienette interrupted.

"I appreciate it, but, Adrienette, I'm just a struggling author trying to make it big. I haven't done anything important with my words. I'm afraid that my writing won't make a difference, that they won't inspire people, or spark a light of creativity in the minds of my audience. The fantasy novel I'm writing is failing, and I don't know if I'll even be able to publish it," Fawn whispered.

"Fawn, you have nothing to fear. Just because you haven't been noticed as an author, doesn't mean that you can't write. Keep writing your novel. I love it. It's a work of art, and that's coming from me, another author. I know it's hard, I understand, but you have to believe in yourself," Adrienette said.

"FAWN, STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF!!!! YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER!!!" I exclaimed, knocking on Aphmau's door.

"Okay. Fine. I guess I'll believe that I'm an Okay writer. Thanks, guys," Fawn said.

"No problem," me and Adrienette said.

"Ha! Remember when we did writing Wednesday's, when we all shared out writing?"

"Ah, yes. I've been missing some good old Fawn and Adrienette writing. Even on other days besides Wednesday's, you guys would always break into a story while we were texting. Your guys' text stories were genius!" I said.

We were interrupted by Aphmau, answering the door.

"Hey, Y/N!! I'm glad that you could come!!! Hey, Fawn and Adrienettte! My name is Aphmau!" Aphmau exclaimed. She turned to them, shaking their hands. "It's so nice to meet you two. Y/N has told me so much about you guys! Now, come in, come in," Aphmau said. She ushered us in, with a cherry smile on her face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," Fawn said, barely above a whisper. Fawn was so quiet with new people. She'll warm up in time though.

"Nice to meet ya too," Adrienette said, skipping into the house. Fawn strided inside after Adrienette, with her head down.

"Sorry we were late. It's my fault," I said, stepping inside as Aphmau closed the door.

"It's fine! We haven't even started anything, so you guys are all good! Would you like me to introduce you guys to the other people here?" Aphmau asked Fawn and Adrienette.

They nodded their heads yes, and then they started going around doing introductions.

I looked around, and saw that everyone else was already there, including Aspen.

"Hey, Aspen, do you know what activity we are doing first?" I asked.

Aspen shook his head no. "I don't know what we are doing first, but I know that we are playing truth or dare tonight. Plus, we are having a dance party, a pillow fight, some surprise games that Kawaii~Chan has set up for us, and we are going to prank Travis and the other guys," Aspen said.

"I feel like a teenager again. Are we in high school again?" I asked.

Aspen laughed. "Nope. I'm pretty sure we are adults, over 18, early to mid 20s, able to drive, and legally allowed to drink," Aspen said.

I chuckled, patting Aspen's shoulder.

"Hey, everyone!" Aphmau said. "We're going to have the dance party first. However, we are having a twist to it. We're going to have a dance off with all of the guys!"
A NEW SHIP IS COMING!!!! I SHIP THIS SHIP SO HARD AND I CAN NOT FLIPPING WAIT!!!! *dies* Who do you think I'm going to put together?

This was a fluff part. Nothing big happened in it. Sorry. I actually wrote 1,000 words on a Tuesday, and it was just fluff. XD Sorry. I may have written practically nothing worthy today, but I did get #2 in Fanfiction, so, yay! Thanks for everything guys. I appreciate it! Thanks for #2! I never thought that I was even going to get on the ranking list... EVER. So, yeah, thanks so much!!!! Thanks, ShipsTheWrongThings for telling me!!

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a nice day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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