The Voting

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I'm so evil. I'm sorry. XD
3rd Person POV:

There Travis stood, on some sort of raised podium on a stage. All of the spotlights were pointed towards him, their brilliant light practically blinding him. The lights were so bright that he couldn't make out a single face in the pitch black audience.

He glanced to the side, seeing an angel child, who was named Cassiel, flying beside him. "May I please have your attention everyone?" Cassiel asked. Cassiel's little white feathered wings fluttered as he threw his arms in the air, trying to gain attention.

Travis felt so small standing in the room. He wasn't any bit bigger than the child. After all, Travis was a child himself, only eight years old.

Once Travis' vision adjusted to the lights on himself, he was able to see some of the audience members. From what he could see, all of them were angels. It was only then that he saw some of their halos glowing above them.

"This child has reached the age of eight years old. Their previous guardian angel will pass away within ten years, and it is time to decide weather or not this child will continue to have another guardian angel once his current guardian angel has passed. This child is the son of the King of the underworld, the devil himself. However, the spirits of some of the divine warriors have prophesied that this child will not work for his father in the future, and that his heart will remain pure throughout his life. Many do not consider this boy to be a demon, yet, instead, just a human. Many believe that he still deserves the protection of a guardian angel once he reaches the age of 18, like every other human. For, this boy will need protection from his father, even once he is an adult. However, others among us do not think that this child deserves protection. So, we've gathered you all here to put it to a vote, and discuss the matters of this boy," Cassiel explained.

A mix of reactions came from the angels in the audience. Angels were much like humans, except they lived in Heaven, and worked for the divine warriors, which were the gods of this world. (The divine warriors are gods in this.) They were not necessarily perfect, nor were they completely good and forgiving. Most of them were practically humans with wings and powers, who had a slightly more pure heart than a regular human. Even some of the angels were more evil than good. That's what happened when you were given so much power.

Some of the angels outright booed. Some shrieked in horror once they knew that they were sitting in the same room as the devil's son. Others flew around in panic. However, there were many angels that didn't react at all. They simply sat in their seats, pondering on what their choice vote was.

"If he doesn't have a guardian angel, then he will surly die! If the prophesies are true, his father will indeed try to kill him," one of the angels, named Grace, whispered to her friend, Gillian.

Gillian responded by saying, "What if the prophesies are wrong though, and he ends up working for his father? Even if he doesn't end up working for his father, his powers could bring about some terrible evil."

"He will die without protection. He will not be able to stay alive for long after the age of 18 if he does not have a guardian. There will be too many people after him. Look at this little boy. Could you really imagine him growing up and dying because we could've done something?" Grace said.

Many conversations just like this were exchanged around the room. Small debates formed, and soon the room erupted with chatter.

Travis was just utterly confused. He stood there, wondering as to why everyone was so afraid of him. The little boy didn't even know as to why he was in such a place. No matter how much he tried though, he couldn't move his feet in an attempt to escape.

"Voting will begin in fifteen minutes, after we discuss all of this," Cassiel said.

~15 minutes later~

"Attention, everyone! The votes are in! A decision has been made by all of you," Cassiel said. He smiled, holding an envelope which held the piece of paper that said what had been voted. He carefully opened the envelope.

Travis, who was still mighty confused, just stared at the crowd with wonder, for he had never seen an angel before. Little did Travis know that he was going to be given a potion after this, that would make him forget all of this that has happened.

Cassiel pulled out the piece of paper from the envelope and read it. "It has been chosen that Travis Valcrum shall have a guardian angel after the age of 18," Cassiel announced, grinning. "Now, we shall decide who will be his next guardian angel. If you volunteer, please stand."

Not a single soul stood up. After all, protecting Travis would probably be one of the most dangerous jobs for any guardian angel, and angels weren't immortal. They could be killed almost as easily as a human, especially down on Earth. In Heaven, angels were basically invincible, but on Earth, they were not. However, they were still extremely powerful on Earth.

Cassiel frowned. "The council was worried that this would happen. So, they've decided to have a vote to decide who will be his guardian angel. Whoever is chosen, even if they don't want to do it, will have to protect Travis."

The audience went dead silent. They all quivered in fear, for they could be chosen to do such a dangerous job. The only noises to be heard were the small gasps escaping from some of the angels' lips.

Meanwhile, the council was already writing a set of rules for the guardian angel; ones that would ensure the safety of Travis.

Finally, after fifteen minutes, the audience had finished putting in their votes for who they wanted to be Travis' guardian angel. Many, however, refrained from voting because they felt like this was like voting someone as a sacrifice. Few could survive this job.

"The voting has ended everyone. We have decided who will be Travis' guardian angel," Cassiel announced.
I'm sorry that this part was so boring, and slightly confusing. Hopefully, things will clear up soon!

Anyways, thanks for everything, guys. You guys are amazing, and I hope that you have a great day or night. Love ya! Bai, Unicorns! <3

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