"You have to tell her"

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Your POV:
I ran through the back door, sprinting from Travis. It was too late though. Travis had already completely transformed, and he was on my heal.

I looked back to see that monster. I kissed that monster. It disgusts me.

I can't date a demon. Travis has the capability to kill me. He is a bad person.

He wouldn't have transformed if he was a good person. I guess I was wrong. The son of a bad man is a bad man too.

I ran faster, but it didn't matter because Travis, the monster, jumped in front of me. He pushed me, making me fall backwards onto the ground.

"You're a monster," I said.

"Y/N, I'm trying to c-control," Travis said in between breaths.

"You should have told me earlier."

Travis' voice began to sound deeper and darker. "I'm sorry." Travis used all of his strength to kneel down and cup my face with his hand. Tears ran down his cheeks, and he was shaking, trying to keep control.

"Get away from me," I spat. I jumped back from his touch.

"I-I understand. Just... Just run. I'm using all of my strength to control myself."

I darted away from Travis.

(Time Skip)

I've been running away from the biggest mistake of my life for an hour.

Travis was able to control himself for 30 minutes, but now he, well it, is right behind me.

Just like before, it jumps in front of me and pushes me on the ground. The monster jumps on top of me.

I stare into his hideous purple eyes, which had black flames in them. How could anyone love a monster?

I hate Travis.

Wait, this is all going by so fast.

It's surreal...

This is it. This is my death.

Goodbye world.

Travis the demon rips his claws through me, and tears me apart. Pain shoots through me, and I let out a loud, sharp scream.

As my death comes upon me, darkness wraps around me, and I become encased in blurred purple and black swirls.

Sounds fade, and I feel myself fall.

Wait, fall?

I'm falling...

Wait. Are you f**king kidding me? Oh my Irene, thank goodness it's just a dream.

You're welcome, son. I hope you liked the dream you worthless piece of s**t.

Well, if it isn't the devil himself! Hello, Hitler! Thanks for the f**king nightmare you a**hole!

Travis' POV (I'm sorry!):

I shot up straight on the couch, out of breath. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead. My breathing was so short and fast, that I was hyperventilating.

My heart raced and slammed against my chest.

I clutched my shirt in my fists, trying to pull myself back together.

It was just a dream.

I shuddered, chills running down my spine. I shook my head quickly as images from the nightmare replayed in my head.

I was in Y/N's POV, which made it even worse. Ugh!

I bit my lip, internally screaming. It seemed so real. It felt so real.


I pulled my legs in, sobbing into my knees. I rocked myself back and forth. My breaths were uneven and staggered.

I took a sharp breath, sobbing against myself even more.

"F**k you, dad," I whispered. in between cries.

"Dear Irene, Y/N, I'm so freaking glad that was a nightmare," I said. I grabbed my pillow, screaming into it.

Stupid dad. I grabbed the pillow, jumped up, and threw it towards the ground like it was him, himself.

I'm done with these games. I'm done with these nightmares that make me barely able to stand.

I collapsed to the ground, crying harder.

I need to tell Y/N.

I'm a monster. I'm a monster. I'm a mother f**king monster!

-And who could ever love a monster?

I grabbed my white hair in my hands, pulling at it. I pulled so hard that some of it came out, and a little drop of blood ran down the side of my head.

I heard a noise coming from the shadows of the night.


An unknown thing about Laurence was that, in his shadow knight form, he could blend in with a shadow. He could become one. Laurence never used it to his advantage though, because of the dangers of turning into his shadow knight form in the first place.

Laurence stepped out of the shadow, his red armor with a red aura.

Garroth walked into the room, in his jury of nine form.

"Hey," Laurence said. His foot touched the ground and he turned back to his normal self, hands in his pockets.

Garroth did the same.

I stayed silent as my two friends sat on the floor with me.

"Hey Travis," Garroth whispered.

"Another gift from the worst person ever?" Laurence asked.

"Laurence!" Garroth whisper-shouted.

"Hey, I'm not good at this stuff! I thought we decided that I was going to be the chill person who made the jokes, and you were going to be the motherly caring figure! You're the inspirational, emotional, and cheesy one here!" Laurence said.

"Oh my Irene, Laurence!" Garroth said, jabbing Laurence in the stomach with his elbow.

"Ow..." Laurence mumbled.

"It's okay, Garroth. My father really is the best person ever. Why were you guys in your other forms?" I asked. I wiped a tear from my eye, trying to play it cool.

"To show that we're like you. We understand," Garroth said. "Well, Laurence understands better, but we both agreed that I'm better when it comes to this stuff, even though I suck at it too. Now, don't be afraid to cry, or scream. You get nightmares from your father, the devil. He can see your greatest fears, and give you the worst nightmares."

"What happened in your dream this time?" Laurence asked.

I quickly explained the dream with horrified eyes.

"That wouldn't ever happen," Garroth said. "It was just a dream."

"I-I killed- I k-killed-" I started to say.

"Shhhh... Travis, Y/N is fine." Garroth draped his arm around my shoulder.

There was a long moment of silence. "You have to tell her though."

"She'll see me as what I am, a-"

"-A fantastic, amazing friend and person in general," Garroth said. "Y/N would know that you would never hurt her intentionally."

"-A monster, a demon, a creature of darkness. I'm dangerous, Garroth. If something happens, she'll get hurt, and it will be on my hands. I don't think I could ever live with the guilt knowing that I even gave her a scratch," I explained.

"A part of love is learning to trust each other. If she doesn't learn to trust you, then she doesn't deserve your trust. If Y/N doesn't accept you for who you are, then she's blind. She doesn't see how great you are," Garroth said.

"Wait a second... How did you-"

"I'm glad that you took my advice," Laurence said. He winked. "Did you really think that we left the house? We were actually spying on you two. Just as things got interesting, and you were kissing in the backyard, Dante just had to open the garage door to let the garbage out," Laurence explained.

"YOU WHAT?!??" I asked.

Garroth patted my back. "Shh, shh. You heard nothing. Just forget about that."

"But-" I started.

"You know what? We should go on a double date!" Garroth said. "Oh, and sorry Laurence, but this is a date between me and Aphmau, not me and you."

Laurence pouted. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!!" Laurence said. He put his face in his hands, fake crying.

"Wait, Laurence, I thought that you and me were a thing. So now you and Garroth are dating? What? You know what, Laurence? WE ARE THROUGH! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!!" I said jokingly.

"There's the Travis that we know and love," Laurence said.

"-And that you apparently really love," Garroth whispered.

We burst into laughter, almost rolling on the floor laughing.

"Travis, this is your dream," Garroth said. He grabbed a paper from the coffee table and crumbled it up. Garroth handed it to me. "How do you handle this?" He asked.

I threw it into the trash can in the kitchen from the living room.

"Good job, mate! A+!!!" Laurence said.

"Now let's make some popcorn and watch something," Garroth said, jumping to the kitchen.

"What?" I asked.

"You never sleep after you have dreams like this. We'll stay up with you," Laurence said.

"Thanks guys," I said.
Oh my Irene, I'm sorry that this part was confusing, of weird. I hope you got it.

Did I scare any of you guys for a second there? Don't worry.

Anyways, thanks for everything guys. You guys are amazing. I hope that you have a nice day or night. Love ya guys! Bai!

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