Hyperactive Moron

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You were walking around the mansion cause you had nothing better to do. After about 5 minutes of just wondering you saw Trender. You stopped and stared at him in deep thought. "(Y/n)?" you were thinking about what to do. "Why are you staring at me like that?" you watched him walk in front of you and wave a hand in your face but you kept your eyes on his.

"I got it!" you point your finger up in the air. He flinches at your sudden reaction.



"You were staring at me."

"Oh, yeah, I was thinking."


"Well I've been walking around the mansion looking for something to do when I saw you. I then got a great idea and decided that i'm gonna go to Paris. SHADOW GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!!"

"I'm ready when you are!" shadow appears holding a camera.

"I'm going with. I can check up on my factories."

"Factories?" you look at him a bit confused.

"Yes. I own clothing factories. How else am I going to make my fashion lines?"

"Well we're going right now." Trender nods and grabs your hand before teleporting to a factory. Shadow then teleports right next to you but she looks exactly like you. Since people would freak out if they saw her in her Shadow form you both pretend you're twins. "So this is one of your factories?"

"Correct. I design all the clothing that' made here."

"Damn, that's a lot." You, Trender and Shadow walk around. Most of the time you and Shadow were admiring the clothes. Trender seemed to laugh a little whenever Shadow got too into it. She was basically running around looking at EVERY clothing item she hasn't seen before. You eventually got tired of this and grabbed her arm. You held onto her, keeping her from running around some more as she tried to get out of your grip. "I think we should leave before she destroys the place." Trender laughs as Trender walks out the door with you following, dragging Shadow behind you. 

"So, where do you wish to go first?"

"I want tacos!" Shadow jumps up and down and you roll your eyes and sigh at the same time.

"Maybe some drinks?" you say as Shadow is still jumping up and down.

"Sure! I know a place with great smoothies." Shadow slumps in disappointment as you all walk a few streets down before arriving at the smoothie shop. "What would you two like? I'm buying."

"Oh I can pay-"

"Don't worry, it's fine, I'll pay." you just shrug. "So what would you like?"

"Banana!" Oh my god Shadow. You're fucking addicted to yellow objects.

"I'll have something with (favorite fruit)"

"Alright." Trender orders the smoothies and you all sit at a table. Shadow looks like an idiot as she is drinking the smoothie. "I take it Shadow likes it. (Y/n)?"

"Tastes good. I've never had a smoothie. I think."

"I'm glad you like it." you can hear Shadow slurping down the drink.

"I think Shadow likes it a little too much." you look at her weirdly cause her eyes are literally cross-eyed. Trender laughs. Shadow hasn't stopped drinking it to even breathe. You slightly move away from her feeling like she might explode. She then finishes her drink and smashes the plastic cup on her forehead.

"WOOOO!!!" she stands up and runs to who knows where while you and Trender just sit there in shock, wondering what the hell just happened.

"Is she gonna be ok?" he asks nervously.

"I honestly have no clue. She's never acted this hyper-"

Memory flash from Shadow's POV (in case you forgot her memories become your memories)


"It's called coffee." Jeff is sitting at the kitchen table cowering on his chair, looking at me nervously.


"I-I think you've had enough caffeine for today."

"I. WANT. MORE!!!!!"

"Ok" 0-0 he grabs me goes to pour me another cup of coffee but I take the pot instead and chug down the coffee. Jeff then backs away slowly out of the kitchen.

Memory End

"What's wrong?"

"Well now I know why she's hyper. She chugged a whole pot of coffee. She's not supposed to have coffee specifically for this reason."

"Well let's just hope she doesn't destroy half of Paris. Or anything for that matter."

"Yeah...Anyway, I was really hoping to go on the Eiffel Tower. The main reason why I wanted to come here."

"Well, lets go then." he takes my hand and we teleport to the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Here we are."

"Woah it's windy up here. I better not- oh no." you remember that Shadow likes pushing you off of things.

"What's wrong?"

"IT'S RAINING TACOS!!!!" Shadow appears and picks you up.


"PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS DANCING ON RAINBOWS!!!!" she then throws you off the Eiffel tower.


"(Y/N)!!!" you telepathically tell Trender that you'll be fine and to just wait at the bottom for you. While falling you cross your arms and wait for impact. As you hit the ground dusts flies everywhere while you lay in a small crater. You hear people scream as Trender runs up to you. Shadow probably run off knowing that you're going to punish her. "OH MY GOD (Y/N)!!! ARE YOU OK!?!?" he picks you up but you don't move and slightly grunt at the pain. "How could she just through you off like that?!"

"Cause she likes too. Especially off of trees and down stairs." you then feel liquid running down you back and see blood on the ground. "Great."

"Come on, we've got to get you back to the mansion so you can heal." Trender picks you up bridal style with your arms still crossed and teleports you two back. The first person to see you two is Splendor.

"Hey Tren-(Y/N)!!" He comes running over to you two. "What happened?!"

"Shadow happened. She threw me off the Eiffel Tower."

"Why would she do this?!?!"

"Cause she like likes pushing me off of things. Also I can't move at the moment, I broke basically all my bones when I hit the ground. What I need you to do is place me on my bed."

"We need Slender to hel-"

"Splendor! There's only one way I can heal. I need to be placed on my bed." Splendor is slightly crying as he Trender carries me up the stairs and into my room as Splendor follows. He places me on the bed. "Now what I need you to do is leave the room and do not, under any circumstance, open the door."


"Splendor please, I know what i'm doing." Splendor and Trender start to walk out. "Trender."


"You have to keep Splendor from entering this room. Do not let him open the door, hold him back. Ok?" you whisper to him and he nods before joining Splendor out in the hallway and shutting the door. Well, here we go. Your body goes into what's called a 'force healing', meaning that everything in your body heals making you 100% healthy. But the process is painful. When it starts you try to endure the pain but it becomes to much and you start screaming extremely loud. You can hear Trender in the hallway trying to hold back Splendor. Once the process is over, your blood disappears into thin air.

Splendor's POV

Why won't she let us stay in the room? What is she about to do? What did she tell Trender? I feel Trender tightly wrap his arms around me and I look at him confused. Suddenly, (y/n) starts to scream. "(Y/N)!!" I try to get out of Trender's grasp but he only tightens his grip. "LET GO I HAVE TO HELP HER!!!!" 

"She told me to hold you back! You can't go in there!" I keep struggling to get out of his arms but he keeps tightening, not allowing me to get free. After about a minute the screams stop but Trender still won't let go. The blood that's on Trender then disappears leaving no trace. I stop struggling and we both stare at the door, waiting for some kind of response. The door then opens and (y/n) comes out. Trender lets go of me and quickly hug her.

"I'm okay now Splendor."

"Why were you screaming?!"

"Since my body was basically dead I had to go through a process called 'forced healing'. It basically heals everything in my body, practically giving me a new body."

"Why wouldn't you let me in? Why'd you tell Trender to hold me back? I wanted to help you!"

"That's exactly why. I knew you'd want to help but if you did it would disrupt the process, possibly killing me. Or worse, you."

"Please don't ever do that again."

"Can't promise anything. Now if you'll excuse me, there's someone I need to see."

Your POV.

You walk through the forest, far away from the mansion so no one gets hurt. You then forcibly make Shadow appear in front of you. "(Y/n) i'm sorry, I was just so hyped up on caffeine. Although it was still pretty funny to throw you off-" you glare at her "I mean it wasn't funny! It wasn't funny in anyway!" you pick her up by the neck. 

"You're such a bitch." you then throw her and she smashes through 3 trees before stopping at the fourth. You've found a way to prevent feeling any pain when she gets hurt, so when you punch her or something only she feels the pain. You walk up to her and pick her up by the neck again. Using your tendrils, you launch yourself into the air, high above the trees before launching her into the ground, leaving her in a crater. You then land next to the crater and glare at her. "You're so annoying." you turn away and start to make you way back to the mansion.

"Love you too." Shadow says weakly. As you're walking away from the crater you see BEN and Jeff sitting next to a tree, eating popcorn.

"Enjoy the show?" they both nod as if waiting for more. You roll your eyes and make your way back to the mansion. Once inside you fall onto the couch, face down. "My life is so fucked up. And that's why I love it." you then pass out on the couch.

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