No Admittance

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Driving down the winding road, Zhan glanced in the rearview mirror of Seo's sports car from the passenger's seat. The massive black suv was still behind them at a safe distance, hugging the curves of the road.

"Ryu has a knife on her."

"I saw that."

"What kind of meeting requires a knife?"

"That's a good question Xiao Zhan." Seo turned his focus on Yibo as the motorcycle danced around curves of the road ahead of them. Right after entering into the city, the suv turned.

Pulling up to the police station, other officers were looking and pointing as the young Sergeants got out of the car. Meeting up with Yibo who was standing on the steps, they all headed inside, Seo holding the warm container of cookies close to protect it. Inside the station, the looks and whispers continued but the men ignored them and went straight to the elevator. As the trio waited, Yibo who was standing between Seo and Zhan whispered to both of them.

"What is everyone's problem?"

"We don't know. Let's get up top and ask Sanada-san."

As the door to the elevator opened, the officers getting off kept their distance, but their eyes remained glued to the trio. Stepping inside, an officer from traffic stepped on but tried to get off once seeing who was inside. Yibo was quick to grab him and pull him inside as Xiao Zhan hit the door close button.

"Hitamura! What the hell's up with everyone pointing and whispering when they see us?!"

"And don't tell us you don't know!" Seo was intimidating even holding a container of delicious chocolate chip cookies as the three men cornered the sheepish officer.

"Y-y-you stayed with the Yaku-ku-ku-za family and s-s-s-survived!"

Xiao Zhan cleared his throat and looked down to the floor to stop himself from bursting out with laughter, his colleagues on the other hand, didn't care as the inside of the elevator erupted with laughter.

Seo quickly came up with something to say. "Yakuza?! They are not Yakuza you idiot!" Seo got close to the nervous man and put his arm around his shoulders and leaned next to the man's ear. "Shhh! We're on a special case." With a wink the officer relaxed as his eyes widened.

"Ahhh! I knew it! I knew it!" His smile turned into laughter but stopped when he noticed the container Seo had been holding. "What's that? It looks like cookies?"

"It is. Oohp! Here's your floor!" As the door opened, Yibo shoved the officer out and hit the close button simultaneously, the man stumbling to keep his balance.

"Hey!! This isn't my floor!"

"It is now." With a mischievous wave from Seo, the door closed. "Yakuza...good grief."

Stepping into the main office, the officers there all turned as the whispers started up again. This time it was for a totally different reason as one the detectives approached, his arms behind his back. The man focused his attention on Seo as the others quieted down at their desks. The detective slowly walked around the three men giving them a disapproving look the entire time.  All they could do was stand there and watch; clueless to what was going on with everyone. Looking Sergeant Seo up and down, the detective honed in on the container and looked up at him again, his face full of frowns as he scowled at him. Suddenly the detective turned around and threw his hands up in the air.


The other's cheered when Sanada and Inspector Lee came out of Sanada's office.

"What's all this noise? Ahh I see you've returned and Ryu has sent us some treats!" Sanada took the container without even addressing the sergeants. Opening the lid, he buried his face inside and inhaled deeply. "Delicious!" He took three and held the box over for Inspector Lee to do the same. The Commissioner placed the box on an empty desk and returned to his office.

Yibo, Zhan and Seo were quick to rush to the cookies to get some before the others ascended upon the container like ravenous vultures.

The black suv pulled up along the curb outside of the Kingfisher. It was a bar but with an ulterior motive once you were granted access inside. Hidden in the back, the area was set up for illegal gambling by night. Surveying the street, there were other equally ominous vehicles with heavily tinted windows parked outside. Looking at the entrance, there were two men in suits with shades to make them look intimidating.

Everyone exited the newly arrived suv with Seiji holding the door for their Uncle. Ryu was placed in the middle of them with Tomo at the rear as the group walked towards the entrance. Uncle Abe approached the men at the door. With just a look, he was granted access as the guards stepped aside to open the double glass doors. Walking in, the elder Nakamura was greeted by another man in a suit and led towards the back. Through another set of doors, another man was waiting at an entrance.

"Seiji, Ryu." Uncle spoke to them without turning around.

"Yes Uncle." Seiji spoke while Ryu remained silent, the two of them taking up spots on either side of the door.

As the rest of the Nakamura's were led into the room, Kaneko stopped and whispered to both of them.

"No one gets in."


The Nakamura's were presented with their seats but the Elder chose to stand as did the other two accompanying him.

"Takata. What business do we have to discuss today?"

"Come now Nakamura. That's no way to greet a friend."

"We are not friends. Now what do you want?"

"I want us to be partners in a new venture. It's similar to the club here but more geared towards the younger crowd and in the back either high stakes gambling or possibly something to do with trading."

"Takata, you could have called me over the phone for this. No. The Nakamura's are not interested."

"I wasn't asking Abe."

"That's Nakamura-san to you and as I said earlier, we are not interested."

Takata made sure he had plenty of men with him as a show of force; all dressed in dark suits with stern faces. They were still no match for Abe and his family so he wasn't too concerned about them. He turned to leave when Takata stopped him again.

"Ah, ah! Not so fast, another one of my associates, Genbe-san will be here shortly."

"I'm afraid he won't be. You see those watching the door, will not allow him or anyone else for that matter to enter. Now, if you'll excuse me, we are leaving."

Ryu and Seiji stood motionless on either side of the door. Takata's men, standing on the wall across from them, had heard what Ryu had done in their previous meeting so they were keeping a very close eye on her. There was a commotion outside as the front door to the bar swung open and a loud and vulgar man entered, his offending cologne reaching them before he did. As Genbe walked towards the door, neither Seiji or Ryu acknowledged him while Takata's men bowed to greet him. The man made a move to open the door but was stopped as Seiji held out his arm, blocking him. The man sneered at and went to blow his nose in Ryu's direction when he found himself pinned to the adjacent wall. A heeled boot pressing against his windpipe. Seiji, still maintaining his position near the door, adjusted his suit jacket.

"No one is allowed to enter."

"G-g-get this bitch off me..." The man pinned against the wall was struggling to speak as his men came to his aide causing Seiji to quickly step in front of Ryu, blocking the men from helping.

"That is not a smart move." Seiji's hands were clasped behind his back. The man against the wall was trying desperately to remove Ryu's boot from his throat. She was standing there on one foot with what seemed like no effort exerted at all as the man continued to struggle. Ryu's foot pressed harder against his windpipe as Seiji turned to face him.

"I strongly suggest you stop struggling, or she'll break your neck."

The man managed to put his hands up showing that he was surrendering. As quickly as she had pinned him against the adjacent wall, Ryu released Genbe and returned to her spot by the closed door. Seiji joined her, this time standing in front of it showing the men that none of them would be entering. The tense situation soon ended as the closed door suddenly opened.

"We are leaving." The Elder Nakamura led the way as the rest of his family followed. Seiji quickly took the lead and opened the exit door for his uncle. They could hear indiscriminate yelling coming from within the club but none of them cared.

Reaching their vehicle, Seiji opened the passenger door for his uncle and Kaneko opened the rear door with Ryu quickly entering the vehicle. With everyone inside and the doors closed, the suv slowly pulled away from the curb and drove down the street. Once they were a comfortable distance from the bar, uncle Nakamura quietly turned to the back seat.

"Ryu, I want you to do some research on Takata and Genbe when we get home. I want to know what they are trying to accomplish."

"Yes uncle."

"Seiji?  Did you two have any trouble with the door?"

"Nothing we couldn't take care of uncle."

"Good. Now, who's ready for some delicious ramen?!"

The mood in the vehicle changed within seconds.

"Me!" Ryu was hungry after having dealt with the one called Genbe.  Everyone's mood changed to a much happier one with Tomo even turning on the music. 

"Ah, Tomo?  Play me some Miyavi, huh?"

"Miyavi coming right up uncle Abe!" 

Music going, the men loosened their ties and everyone started to shimmying in their seats.

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