Nosey Rosey

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Ryu and the officers returned from the garage.

"We should go for a ride Ryu!" Yibo was wanting to get revenge for being left behind.

"No, it's not safe to ride that fast on these roads at night. Rabbits or no rabbits."

"She's right Sergeant. I'm afraid due to the late hour, you three will have to spend the night. I will inform Sanada not to expect you bright and early."

The three just looked at each other.  All that did was raise Ryu's suspicions even more. Why were there now three police officers at the house? The only cops that dared show up to their door was Sanada and Lee, but they were family. It was like they were all under protective custody.

"Ryu, help me get the two spare rooms ready."

"Yes Uncle."

"Well, let's play some cards! You three aren't going anywhere!" Kaneko headed back to the kitchen and the others followed.


"Yes uncle?"

"You seem a lot more relaxed around the young Sergeant!"

"Which one?" The two shared a brief laugh.  "Is something wrong Uncle?"

"No? Why would something be wrong."

"Because there are 3 police officers staying with us."

"Ah! Sanada is hoping that by them being here-"

"Oh yeah, to get rid of our Yakuza rumors."

"Yes dear. But you seem to be opening up to Sergeant Seo, little by little."

"He is pretty nice. They all are."

"There's nothing wrong with giving him a chance my dear."

"We'll see uncle. Now, let's get things ready for them. Oh! Do we have enough extra robes for them?"

"Hmm, there are some yukata's they can wear. If they change early enough, I will do their laundry for them. That way they have clean clothes for the morning. Kaneko and Seiji have plenty of new boxers still in the packaging."

"Okay, well after this I'll make a quick batch of cookies for everyone. Then I'm going to my room."

"Are you feeling okay dear?"

"I'm just tired."

"Good, good. Thank you, I'm sure the men will love some fresh baked cookies!"

Rooms readied, Ryu went back to the kitchen and Sabe gathered the robes for the young men.

"Sergeants? Here are some yukatas for you. Kaneko, Seiji, will you get the young men new undergarments to wear?  If you will ready yourselves for the evening, I can make sure your clothing is cleaned for in the morning. Toiletries are already in the bathroom for each of you. Seo, you have the room you were in last time. Yibo and Zhan, you will have to share the room next to him and the bathroom as well."

"Thank you sir." Zhan being the oldest of the three, stood and bowed.

With that, the men broke from their card game and everyone got ready for the night. Ryu baked two quick batches of chocolate chip cookies, one for Sanada and Lee. Those she placed in a container with a note stating 'Please don't eat'. She sat the plate of cookies on the counter for the guys and took some with her to her room. Passing her Uncle's office she saw a light on and knocked. She brought him his own plate of cookies to make sure he got some. Now she needed to get to work.

She had showered earlier, so with a cookie hanging out her mouth, Ryu set up a secure net perimeter in her room. She hid the jammers in the corners. In case someone (aka police officers in the house) entered, they wouldn't see them. Opening the door to the closet, it had been kitted out as a mini hacker hideout.

Monitors, keyboards, laptops and towers. Most government agencies didn't have anywhere near the set up and sophistication Ryu had. She checked that the jammers were indeed functioning and set up the IP address scrambler. Ryu would let it run for a few minutes before signing on, that way she would be untraceable. With the scrambler and the fact that she was connected to the city's servers, it would look like a routine review of footage. Her 'kill switch' was always close by. With all the monitoring systems she had in place, it would alert her within seconds if there was a breach or trace detected.

Computers on and systems booting up, she left to get a couple of ice teas from the fridge in the kitchen and more cookies. It could be a long and involved night. She was glad that she installed the back lighting. It would save her eyes from strain and fatigue. Walking into the kitchen the guys were involved in a another serious game of cards. Quietly going to the fridge, Seiji had his attention on her. They decided to take a break so he went to check on her while the others went to use the bathroom.

"You doing okay sis?"

"Yeah, just tired and needing some down time."

"K, you need anything, there's a house full of people willing to help you."

"I know." Ryu walked up to him for a hug, practically disappearing in his arms. She gathered her snacks and went back to work. Seo had stopped to let the siblings enjoy a private moment. After Ryu had left, he entered to continue the card game.

"She okay?"

"I don't know.  Tomo wasn't joking when he said she had a rough day." Seiji turned to Seo. "She gives you a chance, don't fuck it up or I'll kick be the first one to kick your ass."

"If she does give me a chance, you won't have anything to worry about Seiji."

The men gave each other a knowing look then let the subject go. For now.

Ryu got comfortable and searched for the CCTV link near the police station. That was pretty ballsy of Tobe's man to show up within 100 feet of a police station. Scrolling through, she reached the time stamp that matched when she left the station with Tomo and sure enough there was the man. Unfortunately, the camera's footage she was looking at didn't have the license plate for the car. She brought up a map of the area on another monitor for other cameras in the vicinity. Ryu didn't want to spend all night searching, she really was tired.

"Bingo!" She jotted down the license number. What most people didn't know was that, if they needed to, the police or other agencies could track vehicle patterns from the car tag alone. Ryu entered the number and waited for the system to do it's thing. Soon she had a visual route of where the car had been.

It stopped at 3 other izakayas before returning to a high-end condo near the second one. That was just for one day. Curious, Ryu checked if there were any cameras near the condo and there were. 3 hours of footage later, Ryu saw various women and men entering. Now to get a name. 5 minutes and she was into the DMV records.

"Goro Eto." 

Ryu was beyond tired now. The house had quieted down while she worked away. Bathroom break, she went to the kitchen to put her dishes away. Someone had started a fire and was sitting in front of it. Ryu slowly entered. It was Xiao Zhan and he had fallen asleep. Ryu carefully took the blanket from the back of the couch and tried to cover him up.

"Oh! Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, the couch has a bad habit of doing that. It will knock you right out."

"Thank you for the blanket."

"Your welcome Sergeant. Are you going to sleep out here?"

"If it's alright, I miss being in front of a fire."

"Mn. If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall on the right."

"Thank you."

Ryu returned to get some much needed sleep for herself as well.

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