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I don't own the pictures used in this. Also this is not a replacement of Jaune and the Seven Demon Princes. 

Ruby POV:

I was standing at the city of the city trying to kill these...creatures. They were tough and my attacks barely made a dent. I could hear my sister, Weiss and Blake try to take them down, but they were being pushed back. 

"What are these things?" Yang yelled. She tried to take one down while another kept swinging their scythe at her. It was a miracle that she hasn't been hit by that thing yet until those people who were fleeing for their lives. 

"I don't know, but we should probably retreat and regroup." Weiss said as she quickly dodged one of the creature's powerful punch's. I wanted to keep fighting, but I knew that Weiss was right. We weren't stopping these creatures at all which was made worse that given enough strikes...they could break through our aura and actually kill us. I witnessed it happen to Cardin and it wasn't pretty. I could still see his blood, organs and body parts sprayed all over the remains of Beacon. 

"Agreed. Let's go guys...we have to find the others and leave." I said. 

"But Ruby..." Yang tried to complain, but I quickly stopped it. This was no time for complaints and this was a matter of life and death for us. 

"Now Yang. Or else we will all die here." I shouted. Yang nodded and we hurried out of the city where we spotted Pyrrha, Nora and Ren along with Velvet and Coco. They were covered with bruises and blood which only served to show the reality of this invasion.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Velvet said. I noticed that Yatsu and Fox weren't with them which caused my heart to ache. It took a couple of seconds before I spoke once again. 

"We were lucky. If we stayed for too much longer then...." I started to say before pausing. No one could say anything since they knew the number of deaths happening all around Vale. Why did this happen? We were just sitting around and hanging with each other then...havoc. I could still hear the screams of terror from everyone who was unfortunate to become the first victims.

"We can only go forward. Hopefully there's a place here where we can rest for a bit before moving for more shelter." Weiss said. 

"What? We need to go back out there and teach those things who's boss." Nora said.

"Nora...there's nothing that we can do. Our weapons can hardly destroy them and they can damage our aura." Ren said.

"Things would be different if Jaune was still here..." Nora whispered before the rest of us minus Velvet and Coco looked down at the ground in shame. Jaune is...was our friend before we all betrayed him for transcripts. What made it worse was that we also bullied him for two weeks before he disappeared during the night. When the truth of what really happened was revealed...we were all hit with a wave of regret.

"We have to move on....Jaune would like us to survive." Pyrrha said. We all looked at each before nodding and moving forward. Hopefully, things will get better and everything will go back to normal. the coming months, my hopes will become dashed and we would have to not only save the world, but also our old friend...Jaune.

???? POV:

When I checked the progress of our invasion, I smirked at the sight of blood and body parts that littered this city. I could still hear the screams of despair and the sounds of bones getting crushed.

"How lovely." I said to myself as I continued to walk around this area. I loved how everything was coming together, but knew that my fellow brothers wanted to find our fiancé. How dare they leave us after everything that we did? Maybe it was because we killed all of those people to show our love for him. 

No matter...they will be in our clutches once again. And this time, they will never escape from us again. No matter what we have to do.

????? POV:

I settled into my temporary home while keeping an eye on Neptune, Neo, Sun and the Malachite twins. They were the only ones who I was able to save before the demons invaded Vale. Part of me felt bad while the other felt relieved that we managed to escape while we still can. 

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the tattoo on my shoulder that I've always kept hidden. I knew that my family would be safe from the invasion mainly because of the deal that we settled with them when my great grandfather was still alive. I just shivered remembering one of their many "presents" that they decided to give me.

No matter. My parents agreed to hide me from them by enrolling me from Beacon. If only that would still be the case, but sadly....because of some of the student's stupidity that I had to leave. I can only image how many of them died because of them and their many soldiers. 

Shaking my head, I had to focus. We have to stay here and hope that nothing will drag any of those demons here or else....

Remnant will cease to exist and my freedom will forever be taken away from me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

(The Demon Princes will be shown as soon as they're named)

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