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I don't own the picture. 

Blake POV:

I was stretching myself as the rest of our group tried to collect their thoughts about the entire situation. Those creatures destroyed Beacon and the surrounding town in a matter of minutes. I could just imagine the pain and suffering that many of the people had to go through thanks to them. As I did, I couldn't stop thinking about the White Fang. How many of them perished thanks to those things? 

I didn't know, but at this moment....I only cared about my group's survival and Sun. The man who would've been my boyfriend if I wasn't so foolish. I also hide myself, but instead of being understanding...I turned my back on the boy who was one of my closest friends.

Now I may have lost my chance of apologizing if he was still in Vale. Shaking my head, I started to think of our next strategy since Weiss told us that someone is coming to pick us up from the forest. But that got me thinking....Would it really be wise to go to one of the many kingdoms? These creatures could easily get through Atlas's defenses and kill everyone.

"Blake, What are you doing?" Velvet said.

"Just stretching and thinking." I stated.

"Oh. Anyway, Are you ready to go to Atlas soon?" Velvet said. 

"Maybe. I'm just afraid that those creatures will be able to get through Atlas's defenses and take over." I said. Velvet was about to comment until I heard some movement behind me so I quickly turned around and readied  Gambol Shroud. As I was about to strike, three people came to the clearing which almost made me pause. It was Cinder, Mercury and Emerald...people who disappeared before the attack even happened.

"Cinder? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"My team and I heard some noise and wanted to check it out." She stated.

"Yeah. So what are you all doing here?" Mercury said.

"Hiding out. Vale got attacked the day after your team left...." I said.

"Oh dear. Is this all that's left?" Cinder said. 

"Yes. We're waiting for pick up so we can discover more about what attacked us and how to stop them." I stated. Cinder nodded and asked to come with us...something told me not to let them come, but I ignored it. Besides we need all the help that we can get to combat those things. 

No matter which alliances they decided to be on.

Neo POV:

I was busy trying to understand what was going on and where Roman is. He was the most important person in my life after all so it makes sense to worry about him. So when I heard that there were creatures that can break aura...I wanted to rush there and save him. Only for Jaune to stop me and say that it wouldn't do any good. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't notice someone sitting next to me before they coughed.

"Hi! I've never seen you before!" He said as I turned my attention to a tanned male with blue hair and blue eyes. I knew that he expected an answer, but I couldn't give him any.

"So...you're not exactly a talker are you?" He said. I nodded to that and he got up and left. I was wondering what he was doing before he handed me some paper and a pencil. So I took a sheet and wrote:

Why are you talking to me?

"I was curious on how you're dealing with this situation since....you know?" He said.

I'm adjusting given how I lost the most important person in my life.

"Boyfriend?" He asked.

Ew. He's like a father to me. 

"Oh. Sorry about that then. I'm worried about my two missing teammates. We got separated during the attack and lost communication with them. Which means that they're either dead or...." He started to say.

I'm not good at comforting people, but there's a chance that they're still alive.

"Yeah. But....I'm not sure if that's a good thing." He said.

We will figure out a way to save them....and maybe even how to destroy those creatures and the higher ups who control them. If we put our heads together so...don't give up hope.

"Thanks. I'm Neptune by the way." The boy said.


"Nice speaking to you...Neo." Neptune said as he started to head over to his friend. I hope that my words will come true and that we can save our important people from whatever horrors they may be in. Together.

????? POV:

My brother and I were staring at the animated body of a female in a tube. She was still alive with some magical power inside her which was cut in half for some reason.

"So this was what you felt?" My brother said.

"Yes, but I also sense that some more magical items were here, but were removed before the attack began." I said.

"Um...We'll figure out their location soon enough, but we must take this woman to our castle and use some magic to heal and make her obey us." My brother said.

"And the other prisoners?" I asked.

"We'll do the same to the strongest ones while giving the weaker ones to our soldiers. Not to mention that we can instantly revive some more people for our cause." My brother said making me shiver with excitement. I can only image the despair that will be felt once they see their loved ones fighting on our side. If only our beloved was here so we can celebrate, but we can have some of our brothers look for him while we further our agenda. 

To rule this planet for all eternity.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter....Bye 👋

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