Chapter 1

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I don't own the pictures..they belong to their creators.




All of them were terrible on their own, but made things almost unbearable. Unfortunately for twelve year old Lincoln Loud, he was experiencing all three at once due to his older sister's actions. But he wasn't necessarily not to blame for this since he did use that stupid nonsense that his sister was sporting to his own advantage. 

"Why did I think that lying to my family would work? I've seen how things backfire on me yet I still stupidly believed that this would work on my favor." He said bitterly to himself. He hated this, but more importantly he hated his family minus Lucy and Lily of course. 

Lucy because she was the only one who seemed to care about him and Lily because....she's a baby. His friends abandoned him and even his girlfriend, Ronnie Anne dumped him so she could be with Chandler. Needless to say that he wanted revenge against all of them for this predicament and for everything they placed him. Eventually Lincoln fell asleep unaware that a certain woman was watching and silently said:

Now you're mine.

Meanwhile, Lucy was walking down the stairs ready to help warm her brother up. She was also very upset with the rest of her family except for her baby sister, Lily. They knew that Lynn had a terrible problem with sportsmanship, but to actually throw their brother out while only listening to her words is where they drew the line. 

"Sigh..hopefully Lincoln's okay out there." Lucy said as she walked out and saw someone that she never wanted to see again.

Hello Lucy. Isn't this a wonderful night.

"Cut the small talk. I want to know why you are here." Lucy said.

Awww! I wanted to mess around with you a little bit more.

"Why are you here?" Lucy asked again.

Don't you remember sweetie. When you two freed me from my capture...I stated that  he was my soulmate.  He was almost in my clutches too when you...RUINED EVERYTHING!

Lucy took a step back and heard a deep growl coming behind her and turned around to see a purple dog with a skull for a face.

"I couldn't let you take my brother away from the family." Lucy said.

Family? You mean the same family that are currently sleeping upstairs while my beloved is out in the cold. Not only that, but I've seen him being treated like a slave for months without any form of gratitude or thanks headed his way. 

"How do you..." Lucy started to say until the demon queen started to laugh.

Know? It's simple once you have a demon dog hanging around. It's especially easy when you're able to break into your lovers room just to know about him. 

"Our family may be terrible, but he needs to stay with m..I mean us." Lucy said.

Oh? He needs to stay with you?

"That's right. He's my brother and I need him." Lucy said.

Just because he's your brother or is it because....You're in love with him also?

"W..What? No..I don't love." Lucy tried to deny.

Don't try to deny it. I've been watching this wretched family for months and seen the way that you're looking at him.

"You caught me. I do love Lincoln, but we can't be together." Lucy said before she heard the demon queen laugh.

In human can't , but if you do a contract with me..then it can become a reality.

"A contract? With you?" Lucy asked.

Yes. A contract that makes of my servants and to sweeten the deal..we can even take that little sister of yours with us so she won't become corrupted by the rest of your family

"But what about..." Lucy said before she heard the demon queen scoff.

You ask so many questions. Listen...I plan to enslave the planet and get rid of humanity except for a certain few who may be saved if they bow to my will

"Sigh..Where do I sign?" Lucy asked. As the demon queen smirked and snapped her fingers showing a contract that was written in blood. Lucy carefully read she wouldn't be caught off guard by any hidden details inside it. 

As she did so, The demon queen ordered her demon dog to grab Lily and bring her outside. And watched as the dog disappeared..only to come back a couple of seconds later with a still asleep Lily clutching Bun Bun.

When Lucy finished reading, she signed it and bond herself to the demon queen as her family slept. Unaware that their lives will change for the worst in the morning and in the near future.

How was the chapter? Bye 👋 

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