Chapter 11

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I don't own the pictures used...they belong to their creators.

Britaina was staring at the still bodies of Carlota, Bobby, Ronnie Anne, Stella and Girl Jordon. She was aware that only Carlota was to be unpunished for her actions due to her trying to help him. But the same couldn't be said for her two cousins...since they did numerous sins against her beloved. From bullying and cowardice to beating him black and blue...they needed to be taught a lesson. 

"Oh...The boy looks handsome." Mileena said.

"I would agree if he wasn't too much of a pushover. I mean come on...letting your girlfriend control every aspect in your life." Tori said as she stared at him with disgust. She hated boys who would just bow down and do whatever their girlfriends ask without question. 

"If you think that was bad...then you should have seen the way that he was trying to get away from the forest." Harley mentioned.

We can talk more about the boy's cowardice later. For now...We need to place them in their right places for training.

Britaina said as Tori, Harley, Mileena and Tanya carried the four to the torturing room while Carlota was taken to one of the rooms in the castle. But before they continued on their way...Tanya made a request for some potions.

Your wish is granted. 

Britaina said with her eyebrow raised. She didn't know what she was planning, but whatever it was...wasn't good. Especially for Bobby considering she ordered one of the sex changing potions. Meanwhile two boys were just coming in and were looking at the four with different expressions on their faces.

"Looks like some people are getting punished." One said with glee on his face. 

"Yep. You can help too if you want." Tanya asked.

"Sure. Besides Pinetree and I have nothing better to do anyway...What about you Finn?" The first boy asked.

"I'll pass. Mistress said that she needs someone to help the new recruits with their training." Finn said.

"But doesn't she already have Percy and Blair training them?" Harley asked.

"Yes. But she feels like they need all the training that they can get." Finn said. At the same time, a demon boy was watching the Louds through the distance.

"Sigh...Of all jobs, I have to help our spy watch these people run around like they're heads were coming off." The boy said.

"Just be glad that you weren't here before any of this happened. The two parents really let them go out of control...especially for that bratty sore loser of theirs." The spy said.

"I still can't understand why they let her ego get that large in the first place." The boy said.

"If I had to guess, they got blinded by the numerous rewards and praises that she managed to get them. So much that they hardly noticed what they were doing until it got right into their faces." The spy said.

"Blinded by greed and wealth. Sigh...Mankind has always been greedy." The boy said.

"Agreed. Anyway..We should really head back and start spying again tomorrow." The spy said as she turned around and started to head back to her home while the boy sighed and continued watching them.

"How sad. They still can't accept responsibility for their own actions." The boy said as he saw them bicker about who's fault it is. He knew that they would fully understand the consequences once the end of the world begins. 

"I wonder if Britaina will call the Grimm squad back from their mission." The boy said as he went home knowing that if he continued to watch the Louds then they would would cause him to lose brain cells. Now back to Britaina's dungeon where Ronnie Anne, Bobby Santiago, Girl Jordon and Stella are staying.

Ronnie Anne was slowly starting to wake up and was about to scratch her head until she noticed that her wrists were chained. 

"What in the?" Ronnie Anne said as she noticed that she was surrounded by concrete walls that were covered with moss and some dried blood. It was cold and only had a bucket in the corner along with some bones scattered here and there. Ronnie Anne tried to get out of the chains only for them to shrink painfully on her wrists until blood was on the floor making her stop.

"Ow. That's the last time that I try that." Ronnie Anne said before she heard the door open and came face to face with a girl with her hair spiked up to form two devil horns. She had silver eyes, a red hoodie and was smirking at her like a mad woman. As she approached closer, Ronnie Anne had one thing that came to mind:

This won't end well for me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋 

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