Chapter 13

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This will two different versions on Wattpad and Achieve. The achieve version will be darker while this version will be censored. I also don't own the pictures used and this has violence in it.


Ronnie Anne woke up with a sharp slap to her left check. It hurt more than it should because the serum was still in her system. 

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Tori said with glee. Ronnie Anne didn't answer her because she knew that nothing, but pain will come to her. 

"Not saying anything? That can change especially since we're busy teaching the four of you a lesson." Tori said which caused her to perk up and glare at Tori.

"You better not touch my brother or else..." Ronnie Anne said bravely before Tori squeezed her leg.

"Like you can do anything to stop us. Compared to the others, you're just a tiny pebble." Tori said before she took out a knife and slowly started to come to Ronnie Anne. As she kept coming closer, Ronnie Anne tried to keep a brave face when Tori made the first cut on her leg. 

Meanwhile, Bobby was just waking up. "He" was noticing that something was strange with "his" body.

"Oh he's awake." Someone said. Bobby looked up and saw Mileena and Bipper staring at him with interest. 

"What did you do to me?" Bobby asked while raising an eyebrow to his higher voice. He slowly looked down and that body was that of female's instead of a males. 

"As you can see, that potion that I made you drink turned you into a female. Got to say that you're quite a looker too...which makes me wonder how many men would pay for a night with you." Mileena said.

"NO. Anything, but that." Bobby (BeBe) said.

"Then again...Mistress could always use another spy for the human world. Which means that we need to make you extremely loyal to her." Mileena said.

"But before that can happen...Can I take a crack at her." Bipper said.

"Sure. Besides she's not exactly loyal to our mistress is she?" Mileena said as Bebe felt her blood run cold. 

"Would you like to watch?" Bipper said.

"As much as I want to...I have to help Tanya with those other two brats that we have down here." Mileena said before leaving. As she did, Bipper started to squeeze Bebe's breasts which caused her to moan.

"Just relax and enjoy it. Because you're all mine tonight." Bipper said.

At the same time, Britaina watched as another group of demons walked into her throne room. 

How was the mission?

"It was good. We got rid of the rest of the pesky rebellion and sent the children to the brainwashing room." One said with green hair.

Excellent. My plans on total human extinction is slowly progressing to my favor. 

"I heard that you found your soulmate." A woman with cat ears said.

Yep. He's still too young for adult activities, but given enough time than he will be a force to be reckoned with.

"Good. Now if you excuse us...We need to see where the others went to." A man with a tattoo across his face said as they slowly walked off to their sleeping quarters. 

Soon the human world will be mine for the taking and no one will stop us. Especially not those Louds. 

Now back to Bebe and Bipper after their fun has concluded:

Bebe was laying on the floor with shame and disgust flooding throughout her very soul. For hours, Bipper has used her for her own benefit and flooded her core with his fluids. She couldn't face her sister after what happened to her. Ronnie Anne would be disgusted and ashamed to have her as her now big sister.

Not even Lori would tough her now given the circumstances of her transformation and she envied how she was still free in the human world. While she was left to rot in this dungeon to be used by several males no matter what her wishes were. 

As she was stewing in her thoughts, Mileena came to check in and was impressed on how broken the girl was. But it wasn't enough to be considered to be one of Britaina's loyal soldiers.

"How was she last night?" Mileena asked.

"She was good and never screamed." Bipper said.

"Excellent. This will surely break her down more until she is another mindless drone for our mistresses cause." Mileena said smiling with absolute glee. This was going to be more fun than tearing her own sister apart as her own friends and family watched. But she had more pressing matters to get to since the other three recruits weren't breaking down like Bebe was. 

"Any news from the others?" Bipper said as he observed Bebe trying and failing to stand up. 

"We're getting some more recruits to our cause, but that's less important than getting these wastes of space ready to join us." Mileena said.

"I'll be glad to help you with the others, but what about her." Bipper said as he pointed to Bebe.

"I'll continuing breaking her down until she only remembers her name. Then she will join my squad and kill anyone who stands in the way of our mistress." Mileena said as the two started to laugh.

This was going to be the start of Bebe's downfall to the point of no return and shows that Britaina's crulety shows no bounds. However, we'll have to get back to that in a moment since we need to check on the Louds.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bye :)

PS: I'll do the loud chapter soon, but before that...Tell me what you think of this censored version of what I planned for this chapter) 

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