Chapter 16

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This has some Ronnie Anne bashing...if you're a fan of her don't read this chapter.

So you're the first one to learn their place.

Dread. That was all that Bebe felt when she heard those words coming from this woman's mouth. It was a feeling that she was awfully familiar with ever since she was sent to this castle. She could only imagine how the others are doing especially Ronnie Anne who was still refusing to obey her betters.

"Despite a couple of hiccups, she has managed to learn where her standing is. The same can't be said for that rotten sister of hers." Mileena said. Bebe felt a hint of anger raising, but knew better than to shout or yell at any of the people in the room. 

Not everyone could learn fast like this one. 

"True, but you have to admit that these sisters are nothing alike." Bipper said. 

I know. I looked into their backgrounds and I have to say that Tori should really be much crueler. 

Bebe was confused on why the queen would say that. Her sister wasn't that bad and never bullied anyone. Her thoughts were cut off when the Queen started to speak again. 

Oh, it seems like her older sister doesn't know about her true self.

"Not surprising. She was easily blinded by that cruel and selfish ex girlfriend of hers and probably thought that her sister was an angel." Mileena said with a mocking tone. 

Let the girl speak. Tell me what do you think of your sister.

"S...She is a sweet girl and values her friends. I know that she is a bit tough around the edges, but..." Bebe stated before she was cut off from the Queen's laughter.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but despite her positive qualities...your sister is and will forever be known as a bully. 

"A..A bully?" Bebe said. 

Yes. Countless children have been picked on by your "sweet" sister and no one punishes her. It's even a miracle that she even started to date one of her victims.

"D..Do you mean.." Bebe started to ask before getting cut off. 

Yes, she bullied Lincoln. My mate. My Love. But that's besides the point....You need to make a decision.

"What kind of decision?" Bebe asked. Britaina knew that despite her decision 

You can join my army like your cousin and be free of the dungeon or you can stick by your sister. 

"You want me to abandon my sister? Why would I..." Bebe said before a voice started to ring out around the area. A voice that sounded like her sister. 

Bobby is such a bad brother.

He will never amount to anything.

I would gladly betray him in a heartbeat if it meant freedom. 

Those were examples of the many things said in Ronnie Anne's voice. It broke her heart and slowly started to turn her love towards her sister towards hate. At this, the other people started to smirk at her knowing that she would turn against her sister.  Despite that, it didn't mean that she was still not going to be trained under Mileena and Bipper. She still needed to have some punishment after all and maybe in the long run...she would learn to enjoy it. After a couple of minutes, Bebe looked at the queen and said something that amused her: 

I'll join the army.

At the same time, the spy was in her room staring at the Loud House. Nothing yet again. It was clear that they weren't going to change anytime soon, but she had some hopes for the second oldest. She could easily be turned to these cause, but with all of the others around would take a miracle to capture her.

"So...Any word yet?" A voice called. It was the same boy as before, but the spy paid him no mind. 

"Nope, they are still fighting with each other. They're hopeless." The spy said. 

"I see." The boy said before the spy continued to speak. 

"Despite that, one of them may be turned to our cause." The spy said. 

"Which one?" The boy asked with a curious tone. He knew that many of them would die anyway, but gaining one as an ally would gain them more information then watching from afar could. 

"The second one. Think about, she isn't that bright and would probably be the least suspicious out of all of them. All we need to do is make her see our side of things." The spy said. The boy thought about it for a while before agreeing. It wouldn't be easy, but maybe he could make the queen agree to this plan. 

As if sensing her upcoming torment, Leni Loud shivered and looked around. She didn't know it at the time, but she will soon join the dark side willingly or not. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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