Chapter 7

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Before we begin..I want to apologize to the people who like Clyde. I'm sorry that Clyde is depicted this way, but it was necessary for the plot.

Now back to the story:

After finishing their meal, Britaina started to show Lincoln, Lucy and Lily around before bumping into Cynthia and Haiku. 

"Lucy! You're okay." Haiku said.

"Of course. I missed you Haiku." Lucy said.

"Me too!" Haiku said.

As nice as this reunion is, Britaina was just about to show you all that the castle has to offer.

"Sorry. Anyway...I'll tell you what my family did when we're alone." Lucy said with Haiku agreeing. She knew that something wasn't right way before Lucy and her siblings were whisked away. Something that no one else seemed to notice especially Clyde and his friends who instantly started hanging out with Chandler. 

A couple of minutes later, the group was relaxing in Lucy's room when Haiku was made aware of what the Louds have done.

"So sorry that you had to be in that situation Lincoln." Haiku said.

"Don't be. I'm glad that the three of us got out of there before they do something more extreme." Lincoln said.

"Speaking of which...Lucy told me that you're planning on saving Ronnie Anne, Bobby and Carlota. Why?" Haiku said.

"Carlota was the only one who was nice to me despite the rumors my sisters started. Taking Bobby is a form of revenge against Lori. It will also give me a chance to punish my former girlfriend Ronnie Anne. I will let her live...not out of pity, no. I will let her live to see everything that she loves burn to the ground." Lincoln said.

"Agreed. Still..I wonder when our training will start?" Haiku said with the others minus Lily commenting in. While Britaina contacted someone who was her eyes and ears in Royal Woods.

Mistress..The Louds are telling everyone that Lincoln, Lucy and Lily were kidnapped.

I knew that this was the route that they would use. 

Should I do something to them?

No. The police are already looking around and will eventually cover the truth. And I made sure that the smartest one's computers will never be able to delete any of the data that showed them mistreating my beloved.

That's great Mistress.

I know it is. But I need you to capture a couple of people for me.

May I ask who?

Bobby Santiago, Ronnie Anne Santiago, Carlota Casagrande, Girl Jordon and Stella

It will be done Mistress.

Good. Now act normally so no one will have any suspension that you're connected to all of this.

Yes Mistress. I will contact you again when I've captured all of the people that you require.

After that, the spy slowly got up and started to get dressed for the day. It was hard work being the demon queen's servant, but once the invasion begins it will all be worth it. Especially seeing as they will finally have revenge against their own mother for abandoning them weeks on end just so they can see several men.

"Perfect. Now I just have to wait until the perfect time to capture those people. Though I'm sure that the Louds will be proud of what they accomplished." The spy said as they walked out of their room. As the five chosen sneezed and wondered if someone was talking about them. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter...Bye 👋

PS: No additions this time. This chapter focuses mainly on the revealed spy in Royal Woods and the four new recruits talking to each other. Don't worry...I will get more people in if you don't think that having 23 is enough.

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