Chapter 6

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-your POV-

The next few weeks were unnervingly quiet, well, there was regular monster activity, but no demons. Everyone was on edge, expecially me. (But I have a reason don't I?)

No one has let me outside, and soon I'm going to loose my ever-loving shit if I have to be cooped up any longer.

I crept up the stairs and peeked around the corner. Coast is clear, I thought.

I am about to open the huge iron door, but arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" Dean asked into my neck.

I sigh and slump so Dean is holding all of my body weight, "I wanna go out! I'm sick of being inside and I want a milkshake."

Dean sighs, "I know babe, but you have to stay inside."

I pout and Dean kisses my nose, "How about this, I'll take you out and we will go on out first real date."

"Really!!!!!" I squeal, I spin around and throw my arms around his neck.

Dean grins, "Be ready at 6."

I look at my phone and the time is 3:34.

Dean starts to walk down the stairs, but he nearly falls over because I sprinted down them and raced to Nichole's room.

I throw the door open and scream "Fr-e-sh-a-voca-do!!!!!!!!!!!"

Nichole immediately sits up and throws her arms around me. (Fr-e-sh-a-voca-do is code for 'I have a date')

"OMG REALLY! Congrats gurl!" she exclaimes.

"I need help, I don't know what to wear and you know I can't do make-up for the life of me," I confessed.

She ushers me into the room and opens her dresser, "What aesthetic are you going for?"

"A. you have to stop going on Instagram, B. a cuter version of my usual look," I answer.

Nichole tilts her head to the side and thinks for a second, then her face lights up and she rummages through her dresser.

"I....have just the outfit. Cute, but edgy," she stated.

She turned around and held up the perfect outfit:

"This is perfect! Thank you so much! Will you help with make-up?" I ask sheepishly.

Nichole grins, pushes me into her desk chair and hauls out a huge make-up set.

I stare at her in awe, "why do you have that? You never wear make-up."

She shrugs and takes out an eyeshadow pallet and starts applying metallic eyeshadow. Then she applies black mascara to my eyelashes and almost pokes my eye .

Nichole flips the bottom out of the case and I see rows and rows of lipstick. She chooses a matte light pink shade and applies it to my lips.

I bring up the camera on my phone and gasp when I see my reflection.

I spin around and beam at Nichole, "Damn! You did good, but what about hair?"

She just rolls her eyes and plugs in her curling iron. After a few minutes, Nichole starts putting slight curls into my hair.

The curler slipped out of her fingers and burned her foot, "Goddamn it!"

I started to laugh. "That's not funny," she said.

"Yes it is," I snorted.

"You don't count. You once stared laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme that you saw on Tumbler," she argued.

I shrugged and she continued curling my H/L hair.

After she is done, I check the time on my phone, "Shit! It's 5:55 and I have to meet Dean at 6."

Nichole pushes me out the door, "good luck and Dean says to meet him in the garage," then she shuts the door in my face.

"How did he know that I would go to her?" I wondered out loud.

When I reached the garage, the lights were off.

I carefully walked in and took out a silver dagger from my purse, "Dean? Are you here?"

Then a figure jumped in front of me and without thinking, I flipped them around and put them in a headlock.

I switched the lights on and looked down at who I captured, "Dean?"

Dean looked up at me, "can you let me go now?"

I release him, "what have I told you about surprising me?"

He looked down, "not to surprise you."

"And what did you do?" I asked.

"Surprise you," Dean answered.

I bent down and kissed his nose, "I'll let you go this one time because you are taking me out."

He grinned and lead me to the Impala, "The date is another surprise. I admit that jumping at you wasn't the brightest thing to do, but you have to wear this," then he handed me a blindfold.

I groaned, but slipped it on and got in the car.

Dean started up Baby and we were off.

-short timeskip-

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the 20th time. (I counted.)

"No, but if you ask that question again, I will stop this car and throw you out," Dean snapped.

"Geez, don't get your panties in a twist, " I said.

-another short timeskip-

"Are we ther-," "Yes, we are here", I stared but Dean cut me off.

He got out of the car and led me out.

"Can I take off the blindfold now?" I questioned.

"In.....A ......sec, " Dean said, I heard rustling and clinking.

The blackness in my vision cleared, and I gasped.

Dean set up tan lounge chairs around a small fire-pit and a grey blanket with a picnic basket.

"Do you like it?" Dean rubbed the back of his neck.

My only response was to throw my hands around Dean's neck and kiss him.

"I love it, " I breathed onto his lips.

He took my hands and gently tugged me to lay on the blanket.

We spent the next few hours talking about well......everything. We talked about our past adventures, movie, books, TV shows and our dream future.

However, I couldn't shake the feeling of something watching us, but I shrugged it off.

"I want to own my own bookstore/café. It would be filled with bookcases, but have a little counter and sitting area to order coffee and pastries," I sighed dreamily.

Dean chuckled, "I can see you doing that. I want to work as a mechanic, either at my own place, or for someone, I'm not picky."

I rolled onto my side so I was facing Dean, "I want to spend forever like this, you, me, Nichole, Sam, Cas, Bobby, a little hunting, but staying with our little miss-match family."

"That would be amazing, but there will always be things to hunt, people to save, the family business," Dean said.

By now, the feeling of being watched was overpowering.

"I know. Do you feel something watching us?" I asked.

Dean looked around and shrugged, "not really. Do you?"

I slowly nodded while scanning the tree line for movement.

Suddenly, the bushes around us started rustling.

"Y/N, we are surrounded, "Dean whispered.

"Great, now we can attack from all sides," I rolled my eyes.

Then a shadow separated from the trees.

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