The Dentist: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


I woke up in a cold sweat. Visions of the yellow walls from the dentist's office clouded my memory.

What the hell?

As I looked around the unfamiliar room, I was hit by a wave of intense pain.

Trying to reach my face and find the source of the pain, I realized thick, gray straps restrained my wrists.

"HELP!" I screamed, my voice muffled by gauze stuffed in the sides of my mouth. "HELP! PLEASE!"

A young man with a clipboard rushed through the door.

"HELP! I can't move my hands!" My heart slammed in my chest.

He gave me a warm smile. "It's okay. It's for your own safety, Azure."

Fiery pain shot through my jaw. "My own safety? Where am I?"

The man set the clipboard down. "I'm Doctor Chambers. Do you remember being admitted here, Azure?"

"Admitted?" I repeated, the panic in my voice increasing with every word. "Where am I—and who the hell are you?"

"Azure, you were brought here after you overdosed on heroin. When the police found you in an alley, you had a pliers in your hand and had pulled out most of your teeth."

My head swam with pain and confusion. "I don't use heroin ... "

"We are here to help you, Azure, with overcoming your heroin use and your injury."

I exhaled through my nose and balled my fists until my knuckles turned white. "My mouth hurts and for the last time, I do not use heroin or any kind of drug. I live at the Velacross Women's Shelter. You have to be clean to stay there, it's one of the rules."

"Azure, I think you are experiencing some agitation, which is normal. I'm going to give you something to help you relax. When you're feeling calmer, we can talk again. Okay?"

"No!" I screamed. "This is not okay! Get me out of these straps, now!"

"Nurse Chavez," called Dr. Chambers. "Please bring the syringe."

A woman in scrubs ran into the room with a long needle in her hand.

"Thank you," said Dr. Chambers as he accepted the syringe. He took several long strides to the side of my bed. "This will help," he said before plunging the needle into my thigh.

"Noooooooo!" I screeched.

"We'll talk again soon, Azure," said the doctor. "Have a good rest."

Before I could protest any further, my eyelids drooped. They suddenly felt like bricks, they were so heavy. Unable to open them again, I passed out into a drug-induced sleep.



Hope chapter two left you with the chills!

Just a quick reminder, this short story is an entry for the #TNTHorrorContest. It is also part of THE DENTIST & OTHER SHORT TERRIFYING TALES.


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. As always, clicking that little star and leaving a comment is always appreciated! 

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