Candy Killers: Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"A huge thank you to Mrs. Knickerbocker for all of tonight's desserts," said the Mayor with a grin. "I think I've had at least six pieces of fudge."

Everyone laughed and nodded their heads in agreement.

"She has one final surprise for us tonight. Please grab one of the red candies and drop it in a flute of sparkling water. Once everyone has a drink, we'll raise our glasses to this magnificent building and the wonderful people inside."

As a line formed, the woman with the long hair snuck over to Mrs. Knickerbocker and whispered something in her ear.

I shivered, the hair on the back of my neck standing up straight.

A few moments later, everyone, including me, had their glasses raised.

"To new beginnings, old friends, and a prosperous future," said the Mayor with a huge grin.

People clinked their glasses together while simultaneous, "cheers," could be heard throughout the room.

One by one, people downed their drinks.

The bubbles tickled my chest as they slid down my throat and settled in my stomach.

The first scream erupted from the Mayor's assistant. Her face turned a deep shade of crimson, before she dropped her champagne flute. As the shards of glass scattered over the floor, the woman lost her balance and crashed to the floor.

The Mayor was next, followed by several people in the crowd. People fumbled to call 911 on their phones, most falling to the ground before they could even unlock their screens.

My hands started shaking as I turned toward Mrs. Knickerbocker. "What have you done?"

Her friend with long blonde hair sauntered over to me and leaned down.

"With everyone out of commission, the town is our playground. The bank, the jail, the pharmacy, it's all ours. By the time we're done, there won't be anything left."

As the room began to sway, I reached out to steady myself, but failed. Everything went black as I crashed to the ground.


Hey, Cliffhangers! 

Hope you love this short and creepy chapter! I have one more uber short chapter, which I'll post ASAP! 

Did you see that twist coming? 

Hearts and Daggers,

Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. This. Gif. Is. Everything. 

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