Candy Killers: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I chained up my bike on Saturday morning and stretched my hands above my head. "First job, here I come!"

Mrs. Knickerbocker stood behind the counter, rolling out cookie dough.

"Ah, Jace! Glad you're here."

I slid off my coat and held it in my hands. "Thank you again for the job. I'm really excited to work here."

"You can put your coat in the closet over there," said Mrs. Knickerbocker, nodding her head toward a door behind the counter. "Then meet me in the backroom. We'll go over what I need you to do every day."

With powdered sugar flying through the air, Mrs. Knickerbocker listed off my duties. "I'll need you to sweep, wash the pans, and take inventory of what I have out in the display cases. You are allowed five items free of cost every day you work. Don't take more, that's stealing."

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?" I asked.

Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled and winked. "I'm planning something special. Let's talk about it at the end of the day."

Something seemed off about her smile, but I shook it off and grabbed the broom.

People trailed in and out of the shop all day. I counted the bell ringing thirty-seven times in one hour.

By the time Mrs. Knickerbocker turned the "Open," sign over, we had sold out of fifteen items and only had a handful of the remaining items left.

"What a day!" I exclaimed.

Mrs. Knickerbocker smiled. "It's like this every Saturday. People love their sweets!"

I handed her a clipboard. "Here's the inventory. We only have seventeen items left."

"Did you pick your five?"

"Not yet."

"Here," she said handing me a small paper bag.

I thanked her and filled it carefully with five items.

"I wouldn't share with your sister," said Mrs. Knickerbocker in the background.

I spun around. "Pardon?"

"She's not very nice," said Mrs. Knickerbocker in a matter-of-fact tone.

I smiled. "You're the first person ever to admit that. It's nice to hear."

Before she could say anything else, the store phone rang.

"Thank you for your help today, Jace. I'll be on this call for a while. Please see yourself out."

I nodded.

"Oh, Jace," said Mrs. Knickerbocker, "give your sister this, it might shut her up for the night."

Mischief twinkled in her eyes as I frowned and took the bright green lollipop in her outstretched hand.

"Thank you," I said before turning around and grabbing my coat. "See you next week!"

I paused a moment before pushing on the door.

"Yes, we're almost ready," whispered Mrs. Knickerbocker. "No, no one has a clue. They'll be completely unprepared."

Goosebumps snaked up my arms as her dainty laugh filled the shop. I pushed through the door and let the cold winter air rush over my face. 


Hey, Cliffhangers!

What did you think of chapter three? What do you think Mrs. Knickerbocker is up to? 

Stay tuned for another update this week! 

Hearts and Daggers,

Kelly Anne Blount

P.S. All votes and comments are hugely appreciated, as is adding this book to your library! 

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