The Bodyguard: Chapter One

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The Bodyguard

Chapter One


"Mom, Bella has another bruise," I shouted.

My mother came around the corner and frowned. "Her night terrors and sleepwalking seem to be getting worse."

Bella dropped her head and stared at the deep purple bruise on leg.

I chewed on my thumbnail. I hated to see my little sister upset.

"Bella, do you remember what happened last night?" my mother asked.

My little sister shook her head.

"Etienne, keep an eye on her today," my mother instructed before leaving the room.

That's what I do every day, I thought with a slight bitter taste in my mouth. We had moved from the hustle and bustle of New York City to Whittinghill, Kentucky. Our Father had explained it was due to Mother's health. The city made her anxiety worse. He told us we'd have plenty of land to explore and a pool to enjoy in the summer.

"Former Secretary of Defense moves to Kentucky for a Simpler Life," the newscasters and headlines in national newspapers had announced.

Of course the rumors had swirled. My parents thought they could protect me from them, but I had heard about the other women. One of my classmates had even told me that my sister wasn't really my sister. "That's one of your dad's bastards," a portly ginger haired boy had shouted at me on the playground. "Haven't you ever wondered why she doesn't look anything like you?"

Truthfully, she didn't look anything like me or my mother. We both had skin the color of mahogany, whereas my sister and my father sand colored skin with freckles smattered across their cheeks.

"It's just the way God wanted her to look," my father had explained to me one day when I confronted him about the differences in our appearance. At the time, I took his word as gospel, so I just nodded and went on with my day.

I made the mistake of asking my Mother the same question a few years later. The result had been terrible. She sent me to my room and spent the rest of the day sobbing with a bottle of wine in hand. I never brought the subject up again.

"Kids, want to go explore the creek?" asked Freddy, our family's bodyguard.

A wide smile returned to Bellas face.

"Why don't you get your suits on first," he suggested, motioning to the stairs.

Bella raced up the stairs, I followed a few moments later. I didn't understand the need for a security guard in the middle of Kentucky, much less in a town of just over four thousand inhabitants, but my parents said it was necessary.

A few minutes later, we were racing through an unplowed field and toward a small thicket of woods.

"We're almost there," shouted Freddy.

I had to smile, he was just as excited as Bella, maybe even more so.

Weeds caught at our ankles and branches pulled at our clothing.

"Just around this corner," called Freddy as he checked on us over his shoulder.

Bella pushed past me and raced toward the Freddy, who easily towered over us, our parents, and most everyone we ever met. He also must have weighed close to three hundred pounds. He wasn't obese in any way, just incredibly muscular.

My sister and Freddy darted around a corner.

A moment later, my little sister's shrill screams filled the air.



I'm baaaaaaaaack with a new story! What do you think of The Bodyguard so far? Things are about to GET REAL!


Kelly Anne Blount

P.S. Clicking that little star and leaving a comment is much appreciated!

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