The Director: Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The Director

"Great read through, everyone."

The faces of eager actors nodded in agreement and smiled broadly.

"We'll begin shooting in the morning. You'll have the rest of the night to prepare. Remember, we're on a tight timeline and we need to get a lot done over the next few days. Understood?"

"Yes," they said in agreement.

I stood up from the table and walked back to my trailer.


I spun around. "Yes?"

"I just had a quick question," asked Benjie.

"Shoot," I responded.

Benjie ran his hand through his dark locks. "I was just wondering about the final scene."

A smile played on the corner of my lips. "Yes?"

Benjie frowned. "It's, well, there's going to be a lot of..."

"Blood?" I said with a chuckle.

"Blood and then some," said Benjie.

I looked down at the worn copy of the script in my hands. I knew it by heart. Every last terrifying word.

"How will the special effects work?" asked Benjie. "I know there's a makeup team here, but it seems like there's going to need to be a small army to create that scene."

"Oh, we'll have a whole host of people joining us for the last day of shooting. It's really going to be a team effort," I said with a wink.


Three Days Later

"Benjie, you've really done a great job."

"Thank you so much," he said with a grin. "Filming this movie has been absolutely amazing!"

Giving the young actor a pat on the back, I smiled. "Your contribution to this film will be one that is never forgotten."

Benjie scrunched up his nose and gave me a strange look.

"It's the role of a lifetime."

The young man nodded. "When did you say the additional crew are coming in?"

I looked at my watch. "They should arrive just before dusk. Why don't you go get some rest? It's going to be a long night."

"See you in a few hours," said Benjie.

I watched as he walked back to his trailer. His role tonight would be critical. I needed him to be on top of his game.

Heading back to a large tent, I pulled out my laptop and connected to a hot spot. Internet was spotty at best, but I needed to get a message out.

We're on for tonight. See you in two hours.


As the sun began to set, I turned to the west. Just like clockwork, a large bus pulled up with twenty people.

I held my megaphone in the air. "All actors and makeup artists needed at the main tent now."

As the crew filled the tent, I welcomed the guests off the bus. "Thank you for coming," I greeted each person as they got off the bus. Most were familiar faces, but there were a few new ones.

Once everyone had exited the bus, I thanked them all again and then invited them to the tent."

"Everyone, please welcome ours guests," I said to the cast and crew.

Applause broke out.

"Most will help us out as extras for the final scene. The others are here to assist with makeup and special effects."

"Please see Angelica for details and we'll begin shooting in 45 minutes."

While everyone headed off, I inspected three cameras which were mounted high in the air. I'm not missing a second of the action tonight, I thought with a mischievous grin.


"Action," I said as the clapper board snapped.

Benjie ventured on camera. His character was just about to enter a bloodbath filled with brutal attacks and violent cannibals.

"Yessica, where are you? Look, I'm sorry we fought. Let me make it up to you, please?"

Benjie really did have talent. He delivered his lines exquisitely. Shame...

The actress playing Yessica entered the scene with a nefarious scowl.

"Sorry?" she hissed. "Sorry you slept with my best friend or sorry that I found out?"

Benjie hung his head.

"I cannot believe you!" she fumed. "I trusted you!"

I licked my lips as she approached Benjie with her hand behind her back.

"Wh- wh- what are you doing?" Benjie's character stammered.

My heart thumped loudly in my stomach as butterflies flittered in my stomach.

Yessica lifted a large blade in the air and swung at her scorned lover.

"Yessica! Stop! What are you doing?" cried Benjie's character.

She swung again, this time catching him on the arm. Blood shot from the wound as Benjie dropped to the ground in disbelief.

His eyes wildly darted around the set. "CUT!" he screamed. "CUT! It didn't work, she really stabbed me!"

Only the film didn't cut. Instead it watched Yessica as she ventured off set and began stabbing unsuspecting actors.

Screams filled the desert air.

The special guests flooded the lit area with a myriad of weapons ranging from bow and arrows to large rocks to machetes.

A large man with a saw took Benjie's head off in one swift movement.

Bye bye, Benjie.

The supporting actresses tried to flee, but with nowhere to hide, they were easy targets.

One of the extra's took down Sasha, an actress with red curly hair with a spear. As she fell to the ground, another guest finished her off with a blade to the throat.

Fifteen minutes later, each of the actors signed on to the project laid slain on the cold desert floor. Three of the guests from the bus had also been killed and several had been injured.

Angelica approached me with caution. "Is everything to your satisfaction tonight, Sir?"

"It was one of the best films we've shot so far," I said, giving her a congratulatory hug.

I looked back through the camera as the bodies were all gathered into a pile and doused with gasoline.

The woman with the mask lit a match and threw it on the bodies. Flames engulfed the pile, licking the remains of the murdered cast members.




This is a pretty accurate gif of what I looked like while writing that last scene... 

And now I look like this...

I seriously cringed while writing this chapter. 0_0 So much blood and gore! 

I'm a bit nervous, as I typically do not write scenes with so much violence. Let me know what you thought in a comment below, okay? I'd really appreciate it! 


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. If you liked this chapter, don't forget to click on that little star in the upper righthand corner! ;) 

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