The Hunter: Chapter One

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The Hunter

Chapter One

Connor Calhoun

"You're coming this weekend and that's the last I'll hear of it!"

I crossed my arms and held my ground. "No!"

The vein on my father's forehead became visible and his face turned a dark shade of red.

"Connor, hunting is a tradition in this family and you WILL take part in a Calhoun hunting trip," he hollered.

"I don't even eat meat! I think hunting is barbaric!" I shouted.

"Well then you can sit in a tree and draw pictures for all I care, but you are coming and that is that!" he stormed off, slamming my bedroom door on the way out.

I fell across my mattress and let out loud sigh.

My father was right. Every male in my family hunted. Bow, shot gun, you name it, they did it. That all stopped with me. I refused to eat meat, let alone hunt and kill animals.

This trip is going to be a nightmare!


"Where are you going again?" my mother asked with a slight frown on her face.

"It's a private trip to a game reserve in southern Mexico," said my father. "Our family was personally invited by the reserve's founding members."

My stomach turned as he took a large bite of fried chicken.

"I wish I could come," said my little sister, letting her head rest against her open palm.

Smiling, my father reached out and patted her on the back. "You'll be old soon enough and once you are, I'll be sure to take you wherever you want on your first trip!"

Pushing the farro and shallots from one side of my plate to another, I silently cursed myself for having to go on this wretched trip and for being born into a family which took pleasure in murdering animals.

Hopefully I'll break a leg before the trip. Then he'll have to let me stay home



Off to the start of a new short story. This one is pretty personal, as I am a vegetarian and I am very pro-animal rights. Just to clarify, animals will not be harmed in this story. The people... well, they might not be as lucky...


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

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