1. The Redhead Snake

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Dedicated to romeosglory
MagBlueRoses XDarknessInLightX


"Wow! This place is amazing!" Mom's voice was filled with fascination as I got out of the taxi with her. I found myself standing before a huge gate, which led to an enormous mansion shaped like a horseshoe and was made of red bricks, located on the steep of a hill. Additionally, the campus was enormous.

I couldn't believe I was actually here. This was my dream and now I was standing right here on the entrance to the most prestigious boarding school in the whole country. My dream school. Kingstone academy.

"Elliot?" Noticing I was standing completely frozen with my gaze fixed on the view before me, mom slowly turned me around to face her.

Once I turned around, I met the green eyes of a woman who was my guardian, my angel and basically my everything. She was the only one I live for and I knew she only lived for me. Her humble smile broke across her soft, creamy skinned face, soothing the nervousness in me.

"Nervous?" She asked, knowingly.

"Super nervous," I admitted, feeling my stomach twist.

Since I was a lot taller than her and she was pretty slim, she stood on her tippy toes to place her lips on my forehead.

"It'll be okay. I know you can do this. I believe and trust you," she assured, her voice filled with so much kindness and reassuring that it was almost overwhelming.

I smiled faintly before I leaned down to cup her oval face in my palms, her bubbly cheeks against my palms. I placed a firm kiss on her forehead as well, leading mom's smile to widen.

"Thanks, mom. I love you so much," I told her.

"I love you too," she replied, the three words we can't go a day without saying to each other.

That's one of the things I was going to miss doing. Telling mom how much I loved her, how much she meant to me and how thankful I was for having her in my life.

Suddenly, she looked at me with a stern expression, leading me to slightly chuckle.

"What is it?" I asked, almost smiling.

"Don't get into any fights. The rules are probably a lot more strict than they were at your previous high school," she informed.

Speaking of fights, I had a habit of always breaking into fights with the other boys at my previous high school, which I was so glad I wasn't a student at anymore. There I was known as the "poor boy". Everyone knew I was the poorest kid in the whole school. Being bullied for my status and how I was born didn't make it any better. I constantly got into fights with the other guys and one time it got so bad that I broke a guy's nose.

However, that was my past. I was no longer returning to that school. This was my new school now and I promised myself that I'd never get into another fight with any guy. Never.

"I promise. No more picking fights with the other boys," I promised, smiling.

I saw proudness in her gaze, but whenever I took a good look at mom's beautiful green eyes that I wish I had, I always managed to catch a glimpse of a small broken little dark fracture in her eyes. That always stung my heart.

Mom nodded and we both inhaled a deep breath at the same time. I took her both small hands in mine, lightly squeezing them.

"A part of me wants to walk through this gate, but another part of me really just wants to return home with you," I admitted, exhaling a shaky breath.

"I know, but I'll be okay. Elizabeth isn't going anywhere from the floor above us. She'll be there for me if I ever need anything, you know that right?" her voice was soft and soothing.

Elizabeth lived in the apartment over us and was the only and best support mom and I had. She had always been there for us two whenever we were in need of help. She even got me a job in a cafe so I could contribute to help mom with the money. Mom's job wasn't the best paid and I always wanted to lend a hand and Elizabeth did that by finding a job for me. I had to give it up though since I got an admission to Kingstone Academy.

However, mom and I would always be thankful for everything she had done for us. She promised she'll take good care of mom while I went to pursue my dreams. Since I was leaving, mom would be living alone and I was glad Elizabeth would make sure to check on her as often as possible.

So I nodded. I only nodded, because I knew I could never win an argument against mom.

"This is your new home now."

"You are my only home, mom," I confessed, tightening my grip on her hands.

"I know, but can't you accept this place as your new home for just 6 months?"

"Okay, but I'm telling you, a half of a year will be like forever without you," I mumbled.

Mom cracked a short laugh, leading me to smile as well. I pulled her into a tight hug, almost lifting her off the ground.

"Take care and call me whenever you can," she said, her arms gently patting my back.

"I will. Take care of yourself as well. I love you."

We stayed in each other's embrace for a little while more and I wished we could just stand like this for a lifetime. Nothing could top mom's hugs. Nothing. Another thing I was going to miss. Her hugs. The hugs I found solace in.

After another long moment, we pulled away from each other before I, with a heavy heart, let her turn around to the taxi.

The pearls on her black sweater I got for her on Christmas two weeks ago, sparkled as the sunlight reflected on them. She got inside, shut the door and waved to me one last time, smiling with her bubbly cheeks before the taxi drove away.

After pulling myself together, I let out a long and deep breath before picking up my bag and my suitcase.

"Can I really do this?" I asked myself.

When nobody answered, I tried a defeated smile.

"I really can't do this," I mumbled before walking through the gate and towards the school I was going to spend the next 6 months in.

The sudden excitement was mixed with nervousness, creating the sickest feeling I've ever felt. However, I didn't stop walking, because there was nothing to turn around too. My future was in there, not behind me.

As soon as I walked on the cleanest and shiniest floors of Kingstone academy, I already knew this place was too...well, too rich for me.

After all, only rich kids had enough money to get a spot here. The parents of these kids threw some money and they got in easily while I worked my ass off on my studies for two and a half year to get in here.

I pushed the thoughts away and walked past students who were dressed in the same maroon red and black uniforms. Everyone seemed busy talking, some studying and others laughing at some hilarious jokes.

Some even threw quick smiles in my direction while a few girls blushed at the sight of me. Now that was new. Back at my previous school, everybody either feared me or sympathized me.

Everyone here somehow created a humble atmosphere. An atmosphere I felt I'll easily become comfortable with.

I was about to stop and ask someone the way to the principal's office, but lost the chance when I stopped before a crowd of students circled around someone. I heard the sound of someone groaning loudly after most likely getting punched.

Narrowing my eyes, I put my luggage aside and squeezed myself through the crowd to get a better look.

Eventually, I found myself staring at a tall guy landing on the ground, his nose bleeding. Everyone gasped of shock and I swallowed hard. When I transferred my gaze to the one who did this, my eyes grew wide.

A girl glared at him with a raged expression. Her skinny body stood over him with a clenched red fist. She breathed heavily as if she put all her strength into that punch. And it was definitely some punch because the guy's nose seemed seconds away from cracking. It was already turning blue, not to mention bleeding.

Everyone around her look feared as if she was some sort of devil about to punch them as well.

"Rachel," the guy with the nosebleed began as he slowly climbed to his feet.

"Shut up!" she yelled, startling the guy.

Before the so-called Rachel could tackle the guy who was barely able to stand on his own two feet once more, I didn't think twice when I leaped towards her too hurriedly to lock my arms around her waist from behind.

She froze at the same time everyone around us did.

"What the..?" she began.

"Calm down," I whispered, holding her back to let the punched guy take a few steps back.

"Let go of me!" she exclaimed, trying to untangle my arms around her. However, the harder she tried, the harder I tightened my arms around her.

"You should stop trying," I mumbled in her ear. Her dark, apple red dyed hair tickled against my nose. She smelled like strawberries and I couldn't help but slightly smile of the sweet smell from her, yet the angriest expression probably displayed on her face.

"Shut up! Let go of me!" she growled.

Her arms and legs moved uncontrollably in an attempt to free herself from my grip. However, that wouldn't be so easy. She tried to kick and punch, but I lightly kicked her legs from behind while tightening my grip around her arms.

"Wow, you're like a wild snake," I admitted.

"Shut up, you little," she began once more, threateningly.

"Just let me go!" she tried to elbow my stomach, but I knew that move almost too well that it had left a bruise on my skin.

Getting punched on the same spot over and over again taught me how to easily respond to that move. I grabbed both of her arms and pinned them behind her back while my other arm stayed around her waist, closing all the doors for her to flee from my grip.

"Don't use that move on me. I know it a little too well," I warned her.

"Dammit, you shithead! Let go of me!" she yelled.

Shithead. That was new.

"Of course." When she least expected it, I spun her around and lightly pushed her away, leading her to land on her butt on the floor.

Everyone around me suddenly started cheering as if I defeated the devil. Except for the guy who was punched. He stood still a few steps away and stared at me with a shocked expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" The devil's raged voice made me transfer my gaze back to her.

Dressed in a white buttoned shirt with a maroon red tie and blazer along with a black skirt, she was still on the floor, rubbing her sore elbows. Her fair-skinned face was covered with strands of red hair, which she annoyingly brushed away

Shit. Did I hurt her?

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You almost broke his nose. Hitting him like that won't get you anywhere apart from getting suspended," I told her, firmly.

Look who was stalking. I stopped a fight. Usually, I was apart of them and didn't let them stop until the teachers pulled me and the other guy apart. But still, here I was. Elliot Waters had broken up a fight. This was a good start. Right?

At the same time, I was weirded out by this devil with the strawberry scent who couldn't stop glaring at me as if she would murder me any second.


Everyone froze. Now that sounded like the strictest principal's voice in the world. Something I was quite familiar with.


Hi everyone☺️
This is the first chapter of my new book.
I hope you liked it.

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