43. Good Feelings

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The next morning, everyone were heading to the cafeteria for breakfast. I barely slept last night. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Will and my kiss. My first kiss.

I needed to talk to Will, needed to see him, needed him to assure me that what happened last night was real.

Lost in my own thoughts, I was walking almost too quickly through the corridors that when I turned left, I crashed right into a hard chest. I stumbled backwards, but the person in front of me was quick to grab my shoulder, keeping me steady on my feet.

I lifted my gaze and met a pair of sky blue eyes. Will smiled to me and my heart instantly skipped a beat. Since it was Saturday, just like everybody, he wasn't wearing his uniform. He wore dark jeans and a plain white t-shirt while his hair was damp on the ends after a shower. Something was different about him. His face was glowing.

I, on the other hand, still wore my night clothes. White comfy shorts and and an old grey t-shirt. My hair wasn't brushed and looked like a crumpled bird nest while my glasses rested crookedly on my nose.

"Oh, hi," I blurted out, shyly.

Dang it, Tori!

Wait. Tori?!

Dang it! This guy is rubbing off on me.

"Hey," he said, slightly biting his bottom lip in the most adorable way possible.

"Can we um, talk...about us?" I asked, suddenly a pang of nervousness igniting within my chest.

Will nodded and casually grabbed my hand, his warmth radiating over to me. I followed him to an empty classroom. He shut the door behind us and suddenly placed his hands on my waist, lifting me up. I gasped while he chuckled and put me down on a table so our eye level matched. Standing before me, he took both of my hands in his and looked at me with softened eyes.

Before I could speak, Will started talking. "Listen, if you don't want us to be official or even do this girlfriend and boyfriend thing yet, I completely understand that."

"No, I want to. I just," I paused, exhaling a nervous breath. "I often feel suicidal. My mental health is very bad. I'm a burden. I don't even know when I'll stop breathing. I can't take care of myself. You can't expect me to be able to take care of anyone else. I'm not ready, and I don't think I'll ever be ready to be a part of a relationship. 

Will's softened expression fell as he tried a stoic smile while trying to conceal the disappointment that left him heartbroken.

"But on top of all of that, I really, really like you and I really, really want to be with you, but I'm really, really depressed and a huge mess," I confessed, truthfully.

Genuinely surprised, a small smile appeared on Will's face. He briefly squeezed my hands in his. "And I really, really care about you and I really, really want to take care of you."

"Can't we at least give a try? It won't hurt to give it a try," he added, immense hope clouding his eyes.

"But what if it will. What if everything goes downfall and I end up hurting you. You don't deserve that. You're such a nice guy, Will. I really don't want to hurt you," I said, still very unsure about this.

Could I really be a part of a relationship?

However, I didn't see any doubt on Will's face. "You won't hurt me. I know you won't. I really want to give it a try. Please?"

I sighed, my hands slightly trembling in his. Will's grip was firm, however. He wanted this so badly and I guess I did too.

"I just...I...I want us to go a bit slow. I don't want to rush things. This," I paused, gesturing at us. "It's really new to me. I've been alone my whole life.  Suddenly having someone who cares about me this way is really new and a bit scary."

Will nodded. "Okay. I understand."

"And one more thing. When Rachel used to come to the cafe and was still mad at you, she told me about your relationship and how happy you were together. How perfect you were. I just need you to know that it won't be the same with me. I'm a really, really big mess, Will. I'm not normal. I'm nowhere near normal. I'm a big mess. You saw how I reacted to that weed I found in my luggage on my first day here and how I reacted when I almost drank that wine yesterday. You have seen how messed up I am with your own eyes."

Will nodded again with a soft smile that was reassuring me.

"And I need you to always trust me. If this is going to work out, I need your trust," I added.


"-Hey, hey, listen to me," he cut me off, hastily cupping my cheeks in his hands, receiving a trembling sigh. "I understand everything you're saying and I completely respect it. But don't overthink this."

"I know...I just," I exhale a shaky, but deep breath while running my hands nervously through my tangled hair. And then I looked at him with a soft smile. "I really like you. Like a lot."

Will smiled, shyly and I couldn't help but giggle by the sight of his adorability. Without warning, he pressed his lips to my cheek. I instantly felt my face heat up, my eyes widening by his unexpected move. I gently placed my palm on my cheek on the spot where I felt the sensation of his soft lips. Amused, Will laughed at the sight of my astonished expression.

So this is how Will felt when I kissed his cheek two days ago in my dorm.

"I will take good care of you. Okay, Tori?" He smiled widely.

I smiled back. "Okay, Willie."

He moved closer, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me into a warm hug. I buried my face in his chest while wrapping my arms around him. With eyes closed and a happy smile stitched on my face, I exhaled deeply. I had a good feeling about this. A really good feeling.

I wish I could stay in Will's arms forever. I felt home in his arms. I felt safe.

"Your hair is a mess, Tori," he chuckled, running his fingers through the tangles. My heart did a quick back flip and I tried not to get addicted to the way he soothingly ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm so lazy when it comes to my appearance," I mumbled.

We drew back and Will smiled as our eyes met. He cupped my cheeks and kissed the bridge of my nose. My heart almost exploded of how fast and loud it was beating. I wondered if Will could hear it.

"And you still manage to look so beautiful," he confesses.

"S-Stop," I stuttered, my cheeks flushing immensely red. "My heart will explode of beating so fast when you do and say stuff like that without telling me."

Will threw his head back as he laughed. The brightness on his face made me smile to myself.

"I have a question," he said, stroking my cheek. "If I kiss you right now, would that mean that we're going too fast or...?"

"Come here." Grinning, I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer before covering my mouth with his. As our lips moved against each other, Will smiled. And then I felt the butterflies and fireworks going wild all over again in my stomach.


Willtoria are a couple now!! Who's happy?

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