50. Endings Are New Beginnings

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~one month later ~

This was a dream.

This was definitely a dream.

It had to be a dream.

When mom stood on the stage, facing Louis with her green eyes sparkling like the diamond ring on her finger, I knew this couldn't be real. The purely beautiful white wedding gown she wore with her silky brown hair curled and her face glowing brighter than the sun upon the sky, she looked like a princess and I knew this was just a dream.

When the priest announced them as husband and wife and they shared a kiss, bounding them together for an infinity while the crowd gave them a huge applause, I knew this was just a dream.

When they walked down the aisle hand in hand towards me, I quickly squeezed Rachel's hand in mine.

"Rachel?" I whispered, my heart hammering in my chest.

"Yeah?" I was surprised she heard me through the loud applause the crowd who had stood up from their seats were giving the new married couple.

"I think you should wake me up soon. This dream is starting to feel a bit real," I admitted, nervously.

Rachel laughed and brought my hand in hers to her lips, kissing my knuckles. Afterwards, she wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me closer against her as she whispered in my ear, "it's real. I promise it is."

I couldn't bring myself to nod and accept that this was real before mom and Louis (my dad) stood before my eyes, smiling brightly. Rachel was the first one to hug both of them.

"Congratulations. I'm so happy for you both." She drew back with a thrilled smile stitched on her lips.

After thanking her, mom and Louis glanced at me. When I stepped forward and pulled mom into a bone- crushing hug and she held me equally tightly while chuckling, I knew this wasn't a dream. This was real. So real.

"I love you so much. And I'm so happy for us three," she whispered.

"Four," I corrected after drawing back and briefly placing my palm on her stomach where my sibling was growing.

Yep. Mom was pregnant. And I was going to become a brother in 9 months.

Crazily unbelievable, but true.

When mom and Louis broke the news for us one week ago during dinner, I choked on my pizza while Rachel started squealing like the cute little idiot she was. My cute little idiot.

I cupped mom's face in my hands. Her bright green eyes stared into my brown and my heart warmed when the small broken fracture I always noticed within them was repaired. She had healed.

Mom nodded and we exchanged a smiled. " I love you too, mom. I'm so happy for you both. For all of us."

And then I looked at Louis who was smiling at me. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and the sun flashed through his coconut brown hair. I pulled him into a hug as well while he patted my back.

"Thank you so much for everything. I'm so happy to have you as my dad," I confessed after drawing back and meeting his dark brown eyes.

Afterwards my friends congratulated mom and Louis and so did Will, Skylar Madelaine's family. Two days before graduation, Skylar's mom was discharged from the hospital as cancer free and they celebrated with a huge dinner with me, my friends and our families. I don't think I had ever seen Skylar happier than she was now with her fully recovered mom.

As for Madelaine's parents, they came to our graduation and apologized to their daughter and to Skylar. Madelaine forgave them after her mother cried for slapping her and they befriend Skylar and her parents. Now, Madelaine and Skylar were happier than they had ever been together.

After the music was turned on in the background, many people started dancing with their fellow partners, including mom and Louis.

I leaded Rachel to the dance floor and placed my hands on her waist while she put hers on my shoulders. When I looked at her, it was almost as if I was seeing her for the first time. Since she was one of the bridesmaids along with Vici, Madelaine and Skylar, she was wearing the same dress as them. A rose pink sleeveless dress reaching just above her knees and complimenting her beautiful creamy white skin. She dyed her hair a few weeks ago. It was no longer apple red nor was it the original hair color she was born with. Along with being more wavy and have grown below her chest, it had a shade of a reddish brown color. Henna colored.

And she looked beautiful.

She was beautiful. Always. 

After graduation, mom, Louis and I moved into the new house mom bought. Rachel was going to live with her aunt Bella and her husband and kids, but mom and I insisted on her to stay with us. She hesitated in the beginning, but eventually agreed after the three of us assured her that she was a part of our family. And she definitely was.

So after she agreed, Rachel got her own bedroom next to mine and I helped her decorate it just the way it looked at her old house.

For the past two months she has been very happy with us. But even though she was happy and dyed her hair for a new start with me and my family, Rachel was still depressed. Her depression still lived in her, continuing to haunt her with nightmares and guilt. Some days were better than others, but other times, some days were worse than others.

Even though she had her friends, her new family and me constantly around her and was really happy, she shut us all out on the bad days. That's when the charm bracelet I gave her for her birthday, which was still tied around her wrist, came in handy. Even though I wasn't present with her, that charm bracelet replaced my absence.

Rachel and I shared the same bed. Whether it was in my room or hers, we never slept apart. I kind of got used to waking up in the middle of the night to Rachel's absence. When nightmares or gunshots haunted her, she went back to that playground. Most times, I went with her, but there were also moments when Rachel needed time to be alone. To think, to forget, to move on and to forgive herself. And everyone respected that, including me. Her guilt and everything that happened on 1st September of 2017 was a deep wound and it would take time before it healed.

She had started to see the same psychologist Vici was seeing. Sometimes, she even joined her in rehab. Rachel was walking on the road to recovery with Vici. And I was there to help her through it. We all were.

As for me, I never saw my biological father again. He was behind bars for good. Mom and Louis, who I was still practicing on calling dad, were extremely happy together, living with me and Rachel while happily expecting my little sister.

Rachel stroked the back of my neck with her thumb to cut me out of my thoughts. "What is it?"

"I'm just really happy," I confessed.

Rachel smiled. "I'm glad. You deserve it. So you and Lucy are officially Elliot Avalon and Lucy Avalon."

Mom marrying Louis meant getting his last name. And the same meant for me. However, I didn't have anything against that. We had started a family together with the same last name that we the three of us shared and so would my little sister.

"Yeah, I'm no longer a Waters anymore," I said.

"Waters or Avalon, you'll always be the one and only shithead I fell in love with and who I'll love my whole life. My Elliot," she confessed, wholeheartedly.

My heart was about to explode of immense happiness.

I smiled. "And red hair or henna colored hair, you'll always be the one only redhead snake I fell in love with and who I'll love my whole life. My Rachel."

And with that, our lips met to share a  soft kiss before Rachel giggled and I rested my forehead on hers.

"I'm ready to live," I whispered.

She kissed the tip of my nose. "Me too."

I twirled Rachel around, causing a bright smile to linger across her face as I caught a brief glimpse of a radiant sparkle within her hazel eyes.

Maybe there wasn't any particular meaning to life. However, there was definitely a meaning to living. And maybe that's what kept humanity going. Living.

And I guess that's what Rachel and I were doing. Living.


"You're really getting the hang of this, aren't you?" Will grinned at me with his hands on my waist.

"Well, it's not that hard and I'm a fast learner. Except when it comes to biology," I admitted, my hands placed on his shoulders as we slowly swayed along with the music like the couple's around us.

After graduation where I met Will's parents and his cute little sister, they all wanted me to live with them at their house. Will's house was huge and I felt like an outsider there, but Will and his family made me feel like I was a part of the family. They accepted my past and Julia was my best friend now.

I was still seeing my psychologist and attending rehab. Sometimes, Rachel joined me and she was seeing my psychologist as well. She was doing well, getting better everyday. We both were.

As for me and Will, I don't think I had ever been happier with someone before I met him. Everyday, he kept me happy. We went on dates, to the movies, amusement parks, the cafe I used to work at, shopping with his sister and mother and cuddled in bed every night.

Additionally, when blurry memories from the past cleared up and came back to me once in a while, Will was the first person I shared them with. He always listened carefully and that's why I loved him so much. He was always willing to listen.

Suddenly, Will nervously bit his bottom lip. "Can I tell you something?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"Um, you know when I said biology was my favorite subject?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I lied. I actually hate biology," he confessed, smiling sheepishly.

"I know," I said, flatly.

Within seconds, his pupils were blown wide. "What?! How?!"

"Rachel told me," I laughed.

As realization settled within him, Will facepalmed himself. "Oh, shit. I forgot that the girl who knows me more than anybody else does, is your best friend."

By the sight of Will's ridiculous expression, I burst out laughing.

"But why?" I eventually asked.

Smiling softly, Will stroked my cheek and I slightly leaned into his touch. "I just wanted to be friends and hang out with you."

I smiled and leaned closer to kissed him softly on his lips. Will grinned and moved his lips against mine in a perfect sync. Despite the fact that we had been  together for little bit more than two months now, butterflies and fireworks   always went wild in my stomach when our lips met. And I loved that.

Will didn't take my depression away. Nobody could. That was entirely up to me. But he helped me cope with it by being in love with me and being the best support I could ask for. That was more than what I could ask for.

Despite not saving me from my depression, Will saved me from things I thought I would drown in. He saved me from my past, my horrible thoughts about life, my fears and from myself. But most importantly, he became that someone who I got the chance to share my life with. And I was never letting him go.


In the middle of the dancing, a new song was turned on and the males twirled the females, causing everyone to switch partners. Elliot ended up dancing with his mother while Will bumped into me.

"Hey." He smiled and took my hand in his before placing his other hand on my waist. I placed my free hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

Will was wearing a black tuxedo like Elliot's with a red rose pinned to the pocket on the chest to his blazer. Every since he and Vici became a couple, the dazzlement in his sky blue eyes had returned. He was happy. Really happy.

"What is it?" He chuckled as he caught me staring at him.

"It's just nice to see you so happy," I answered with a smile.

Will smiled back. "It's nice to see you happy too. I'm glad you and Tori are getting better everyday."

I nodded. "Yeah, me too."

"Can I tell you a secret?"

I raised my brows, suspiciously. "Do I already know it?"

Tipping his head back, he laughed before shaking his head. "Nope. Not this one."

As we continued to sway along with the gently rhythm of the music within a humble atmosphere, my eyes perked of curiosity as I looked at Will.

His cheeks tinted pink. "I've been so jealous of Elliot since the day you two met."

Eyes widened, my breath got caught up in my throat. "Y-You have?"

Will nodded with softened eyes. "But it was okay. He made you happy. That's what mattered."

Made you happy.

He did. He did make me happy.

So with that, I smiled. "Yeah. You're right."

"I'm glad you're staying. I thought after graduation, I'll never see you again, but here you are. So real and so alive," he said, smiling.

Over the past two months, I stopped punishing my wrists, causing them to not bleed anymore. I learned how to control the demons in my mind. Even though the nightmares still occurred once in a while and so did the gunshots, I learned how to not let them control me, but instead I tried to control them. I was no longer a puppet. I didn't allow any suicidal thoughts, blades, demons, nightmares or
gunshots pull my strings.

So Will was right. I was so real and definitely so alive.


After dancing for a while, I took a small break and sat down next to Vici. Like me, Skylar and Madelaine, she was also dressed in a rose pink dress, looking as stunning as ever.

"Lucy is looking so beautiful. She and Louis are perfect together. I'm so happy for them and Elliot," she admitted, smiling as her gaze lingered on Lucy and Mr Louis dancing together and Elliot dancing with Skylar.

"Yeah, I agree. And true, our hot shithead looks great when he's so happy," I admitted, grinning.

Glancing at me, Vici wrapped an arm around my shoulders and grinned. We rested the side of our heads against each other while gazing at Elliot happily dancing with Skylar.

"He will always be our hot shithead," she confessed, grinning widely.

"Exactly," I laughed.

"Are you staying for good?" I asked, carefully.

In reply she looked at Will who was dancing with Madelaine before with a soft smile answering , "I think I found someone to share my life with."

And that's all that took for my heart to dance of joy. She was staying.

"I love you, Vici. I love you so much. I'm so happy we're staying and that we're getting better together. I'm so happy for you and Will. Honestly, I don't think my life would've ever been the same without you in it. I'm so glad we met," I confessed from the very bottom of my heart.

"I didn't know we were going to pour our hearts out to each other," Vici joked, grinning.

I laughed and she eventually joined me.

"But in that case, I love you too, babe. And I'm happy that we're getting better together as well. I'm also glad that I met you. You're pretty much the only reason why I'm here, feeling so alive, happy and loved. If you never forced me to join Kingstone academy, I would never have met our friends and Will. You gave me a family I never had, but deep down always wanted.

"Wow," I said, wordless. "Babe, that speech was way better than mine."

We both laughed hard before I hugged her tightly.

"Everything okay?" We drew back and found Madelaine and Skylar walking up to us. They were both looking equally gorgeous in their pink dresses and holding hands.

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, we're great."

"Today is such a beautiful day. Everyone is so happy," Madelaine said, smiling as she let her gaze take in our surroundings.

Yep. Everyone were definitely happy. And this was indeed a beautiful day.

"I feel like Elliot is the happiest. Look at him," Skylar said, pointing at Elliot who was standing next to his mom and talking to a few guests. "He's glowing brighter than the sun."

We all glanced at him. He definitely was glowing.

"Didn't you have a gift to give him?" Will asked, sitting down next to Vici and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Oh, yes!" Realization rapidly hit me. Excited, I quickly stood up. "I'll see you guys later."

When I approached Elliot, he finished talking to the guests and coincidentally turned around, locking his eyes with mine. A smile instantly appeared on his face, causing my heart to happily dance.

"Come on. I have something to give you," I said, grabbing his hand and taking him with me to a place where we could be alone and where his gift was waiting.

We stopped by a tall tree and I picked up the basket I left on the bench and offered it to Elliot with a big smile on my face.

"What's this?" He asked, looking down at the basket with curiosity glimmering within his eyes.

"This is your birthday gift."

"But I'm not turning eighteen before next week." He looked confused.

I smiled. "I know. But you deserve an early birthday gift as well, because you're really amazing and you've made my life a billion times better."

Elliot smiled by my words and slightly bit his lip before gently lifting the blanket covering the basket and peeked inside. When his eyes widened by the sight of what was inside, he rapidly looked up and took a small step back in disbelief.

"No way, Rachel Adams," he whispered, astonished.

I laughed and pulled the blanket off the basket so he could very gently lift up the little gray and white kitten from inside the basket.

"You got me a kitty?!" He exclaimed, holding the little creature very carefully in his hands where it fitted perfectly.

"Yes," I laughed, grinning so widely that my cheeks hurt.

"It's so beautiful and so adorable," he admitted, extremely fascinated. He tickled her head between her tiny ears.

"I know. I picked the cutest one from the pet store," I informed, patting her soft and fluffy fur.

Surprised, he looked at me. "Her?"

I nodded. "It's a female. Can you think of a name for her?"

Elliot smiled. "Rachel."

"Seriously?" I laughed, my stomach tickling.

"Yes. Little Rachel," he said, patting it lovingly.

"Okay, sure," I chuckled while smiling widely.

Suddenly, Elliot put Little Rachel in the basket on the bench and looked at me. I tried to read his expression, but couldn't quite figure out what he was thinking when he gazed at me.

And then all at once, he pulled me into a crushing embrace and lifted me off the ground before twirling me around and around while exclaiming, "I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you soooo much!"

I laughed out loud in his embrace before he put me down and crashed his lips against mine, kissing me passionately. Subconsciously, my fingers got tangled in his hair as I kissed him back.

Elliot was the biggest reason behind my recovery and seeing him so happy was truly all I ever wanted.

"I love you too," I whispered after we drew back only an inch, foreheads touching.

When Little Rachel made a cute "meow" sound, we chuckles and glanced at the basket she was curled up inside.

"I think it misses being in your arms," I said, letting my hands fall down to his chest.

Elliot grinned and pecked my lips before we sat down on the bench. He pulled me up in the space between his legs and wrapped his arms around my waist from my behind. Smiling, I leaned back against his chest while he rested his chin on top of my head.

I gently picked up the little kitten from the basket and held it in my hands while Elliot patted it, lovingly. We sat like this for a while, enjoying the comforting solace.

I wanted to say that this was my happy ending, but it wasn't. The truth was that there weren't any happy endings. Only beginnings. Everyday was a beginning.

And today was my beautiful beginning. This was my start. My new, beautiful start. And I had never been so excited to live.

"Your mom and dad must be so proud of you," Elliot whispered, pressing his lips against my scalp.

Smiling, I looked up at the sky and knew they were both watching. I remembered when I was a kid, mom and dad always asked me if I had learned anything new before they put me to bed.

And now I sat here with my Elliot's arms around me while something really important I had learned lingered in my mind like a magical echo.

It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to feel broken. However, you'll get better. You just keep living till you feel alive again.




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