Chapter 2:The First Mission Part 2

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Aaron's POV

I opened the envelop for Team E's first mission and I gasped. Inside were all the basic information of the targets we have to eliminate for the peace of the kingdoms as the targets were the ones who continued to create havoc since seven years ago. The most shocking thing was the face that they were my old friends from my time in Xurenth. I gaped at the information, wondering if the information about my involvement in Xurenth was in one of the folders too when I heard a cough behind me. I turned around and saw Aragorn pointing at the folder in a 'can you let us see what is in the folder' way. I nodded and passed the file to Aragorn and after he read it, passed it to Yako and so on, each of them have a determined look on their face but underneath that façade was a strong feeling of worry towards me because of my gasp in surprise towards the information we were given. I smiled softly at them.

"I'm okay. Let's go meet the General." Aragorn and the others nodded and we all rushed to the private section of the library to meet the General.

----------Private section of the library-----------

"As you have all known, I asked your classmate to send you all the file about the targets. Your mission is to eliminate the targets before they start their attacks on innocent civilians." The General said and we all nodded, already know that we were to protect the civilians from the targets. 

"Now as it is said in the folders, your targets are dangerous especially the mastermind behind this attack. If he succeeds, not only the targeted civilians will die, the whole kingdom will be at stake. So, we already implemented spies to track their movements. The place they were last seen is the motel in Faenya, a kingdom of the Elves. The Kingdom of the Elves consists of the main three kingdoms; Faenya, Alqualonde, and Tirion. The three kingdoms join together and form the Kingdom of the Elves-" I cut in before he, the General, could continue.

"I was there a few times before-trained there for a while actually so I might know a few people who might give us access to the kingdom because lately, there are lots of murder cases and my contacts had told me that it is risky to go into Faenya and Tirion due to the increase of security. For Aqualonde, there are much need not to be said because their security is still as strong as ever. I also have contacts to go into Aqualonde but I do not want to disturb them for now." The others and the General stared at me, mouth wide in disbelief as they digested what I had said.

"How did you get that many contacts?" Aragorn asked and I frowned.

"I got them because of my past." Aragorn looked at me, wanting me to elaborate but I frowned. "I don't like to talk about my past a lot but since because I trust you guys and the General, I'll tell you." I took a deep breath and paused for a minute before telling them the truth.

"I was one of them as well, a member and the Number 2 of Xurenth. I was the assassin,  nickname Lucastra."  Everyone was shocked at my revelation the truth and started asking questions but stopped when I placed a hand up in the air, signaling for them to stop.

"I understand you guys have a lot of questions but we need to focus here. Once the whole of Team E get back then I'll tell you more about my past." The others nodded and started to make strategies while I just watch them, giving insights when needed.

"Nope. That may not work. Even if there are less Xurenth members guarding on the left of the motel, it still will not work as it is too easy, well, almost too easy to get in and it may be a trap. If we take this way," I said, pointing at the other main doorway. "it will be easier to get in even they outnumber us by about 20 men because we have the skills to defeat them then we need one of us to be in standby with the sniper so that that person with the sniper can snipe the enemy from a high place fast enough to kill the enemy and prevent the enemy from reacting fast enough to block the bullet." I said then stopped, hesitating on what I was going to say next.

" I'll be the sniper." Everyone except Aragorn and Yako began arguing like babies until I cannot stand this anymore and slammed the palm of my hand onto the table.

"Enough! That is why I do not want you guys to do it! I expect you guys to cooperate and work together but what you guys did was arguing non stop about who should be the sniper! Stop arguing and help me to decide who will stay outside and inform the sniper and who will go inside to take out the guards and find the leader fast!" The others sighed and started discussing among themselves while I sat in my chair, watching them with a bored look. After a while my friends indicated to me that they had finished the discussion of their positions and I smiled.

"Good. Now the plan is set, let's go to the area." I said and my friends nodded and slowly filed out of the library. Before I went out of the library, the General stopped me from going any further.

"Aaron, when you are at the area, your contact want to have a word with you. Make sure you meet her at this place alone." The General showed me the picture of the place and I nodded, smiling softly.

"Okay. Can you tell her I say thanks for risking her life and sacrificing her free time to help us in this mission?" The General smiled and nodded.

"I will. Good luck, Aaron." I gave a small smile before walking out of the library and ran to catch up with my friends.

----at the area-----

"Guys, can you guys relive me for a while? I need to meet up with my contact." The others nodded and let me meet my contract. I ran to the meeting place and out of breath, I waved at her in a greeting and she nodded, smiling as she saw me.

"Sorry I'm late. I was caught up by my friends in Team E." The contact smiled brightly and I blushed slightly because of the way how she looked at me like she was a proud mum seeing her son finally have friends.

"Finally you have friends, Aaron. I was worried you will be alone for the rest of your life." I blushed even harder and she grinned cheekily. I quickly changed the topic of our talk.

"Anyways, why did you call me here, Elina?" The mood suddenly darken as Elina, the name of my contact, suddenly frowned. I immediately backed away a little because I'm worried that she will lose control of her powers. 

"Well, you see......." She hesitated before speaking, knowing I would not like this piece of information. " your friends in Xurenth, Bryan, his team and Allen and his team were tasked to hunt you down as Allen is not the leader of Xurenth anymore." To say I was shocked was a statement as I stared at her, couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"W-What?! Why?" Elina hesitated before giving me the bad, no worse, news that I had ever heard.

"Because they had betrayed the organization by helping you to escape. The new leader of Xurenth wanted them to show their loyalty so they have no choice but to kill you." I smiled shakily at her and noddded.

"O-Okay. Anything else do I need to know?" Elina shook her head and smiled sadly at me.

"Aaron, take care of your friends and yourself okay? I'm worried- no very worried about you." Elina said and I hugged her tightly, as if I would never let her go like how I used to hug her when I was younger. She hugged me back and sent me off to my friends.

Hey guys, I am glad that this chapter came out like how I wanted as I am stressing about my assignments and my other stuff so I hope that I could do them in time. Anyways, See you soon guys. Bye.

                                                                     -Angeline Chin Rue Ying

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