Chapter 18

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(Y/N) in his Irken form Lank was working with Gwen in her version of Brainstorm and Bentely in her version of Upgrade, on deactivating the towers that was producing an energy barrier around the inner city. Lank was seen taking apart and rewiring it, while Bentely merged with it and began hacking it from the inside and Gwen was seen using electricity from her brain to hack it. After some time, the barrier began to spark and sputter with everyone looking at it. Lank, Gwen and Bentely all stepped back as the barrier continued. It soon dropped completely, and the towers all dropped back under the ground. The Milita cheered at seeing this as Lank smirked and turned back to them.

Lank: Alright, lets go

They all began to make their way further into the city, with Leon making his way up to Lank's side.

Leon: What else do you think we'll run into?

Lank scoffed at this.

Lank: Probably more traps or things designed to slow us down

Leon: More than likely, though it doesn't matter what they throw at us. It's not going to stop us

Lank smirked at this.

Lank: Damn right

They continued further into the city until Lank's antenna twitched. He looked on a bit shocked at first before it became a more alert look.

Lank: Everyone look out!!!

This immediately alerted everyone as they all put their guard up in time to block an incoming blast kicking up smoke. The smoke soon subsided revealing everyone was okay thanks to a barrier from Ran. Ran soon dropped the barrier and everyone looked forward seeing the rest of Team RWBY and Team JNPR, The other members of class 1-A and Issei in his Balance Breaker.

Issei: You punks aren't going any further!!

Lank glared at them, as Rias then walked up glaring at her former Pawn.

Rias: Why, why did you do all those things. Why?!

Issei scoffs at this.

Issei: Isn't it obvious, I'm the Red Dragon Emperor!! I should have everything given to me; I should have woman begging to take them to bed every single night. And thanks to Sirzechs that will become reality, all I have to do is kill that bastard (Y/N) Tennyson!!

Rias looked at him in shock before it turned to rage, her aura exploding.

Rias: Is that all you ever thought about!? I should have never revived you!!

Issei: It won't matter, cause soon you'll be on your knees like you should have been long ago!!

Lank having enough transformed into a quadruped dog like creature. This was (Y/N)'s Vulpimancer transformation Wildmutt.

Wildmutt roars at Issei.

Issei: Glad you picked a form so fitting, cause now I'll put you down like a DOG!!!

After saying this more heroes started to approach from behind, this drawing the attention of the Atlas mechs, Vilgax drones and some of the civilians that joined (Y/N)'s Militia, with it also gaining the attention of Leon, Vilgax, Maxxor and Danny. They when to fight them off as the rest focused on the group in front of them. Bentely then transformed into a large turtle like creature.

With Gwen also transforming into her version of Bullfrag.

They all rushed in and began fighting. Midoriya clashed fists with Bakugou, with Midoriya using 50% of one for all. Sonia shot out her tongue wrapping around Kirishima's leg and throwing him into a building. Issei attacked Wildmutt with a flurry of attacks that he dodged before countering with a slash of his claws then flipping over him leaving him to get hit by Rias's P.O.D. Koneko then dashed up and struck him up into the air with an uppercut. Then having him get attacked by Xenovia and Kiba slashing him back down to the ground. Gwen shot out her tongue at Wiess grabbing her, then flipping into the air dragging Gwen up with her before slamming her down into the ground. And Bentely dodged some strikes from Blake before ducking her head into her shell and lifting up into the air. Her legs connected into a one making her look like a large three bladed fan. Her limbs all began spinning all around her shell sending out a powerful wave of air at Blake pushing her back greatly. Issei got back up and lets out a roar of rage dodging another strike from Koneko before grabbing her and chucking her away. Then blocking strikes from both Kiba and Xenovia pushing them back with a burst of energy. He slammed his fist into the ground afterwards sending a shockwave towards Rias knocking her back. Issei then turned to Wildmutt who was growling at him.

Issei: It's just you and me now you damn mutt. It'll be just like old times but this time I'm going to kill you!! And once I do, I'll take that watch of yours and I'll become the most powerful being in the universe!

Wildmutt growled at him, before he activated the ultimate function. Wildmutt grew larger and now had red fur, along with three whip like tails. An evolved Vulpimancer, Ultimate Wildmutt.

Ult.Wildmutt lets out a roar and rushed at Issei at high speeds. Issei threw a punch at the evolved Vulpimancer only for him to dodge it and deliver a hard punch to Issei's stomach making him double over. This left him open for Ult.Wildmutt to hit him with a hammer fist knocking away. Issei lets out a yell of rage and rushed at the evolved Vulpimancer, with him in response letting out a thick cloud of smoke from his mouth and gills. The smoke quickly surrounded the two obscuring Issei's vision greatly, he still tried to attack him throwing a punch only to hit nothing. Issei looked around trying to see anything thing through the smoke only to be attacked from behind from Ult.Wildmutt, with Issei turning to try and attack him again only to again hit nothing. Using the smoke as cover Ult.Wildmutt continued to attack Issei from all angles through the smoke, soon extending his tails out and attacking Issei from all sides once again. Issei took a step back and growled in rage before letting out a yell.

Issei: Enough!!!

A pillar of red light erupted around Issei clearing all the smoke around him and revealing Ult.Wildmutt. The pillar soon subsided and revealed Issei now in his Cardinal Crimson Promotion.

Before Ult.Wildmutt could react, Issei rushed up and delivered a flurry of attacks to him then launching him up to the air following him shortly after. He knocked him down to the ground then following him again and grabbing him by his head before he hit the ground. Issei quickly spun around and chucked Ult.Wildmutt into the wall of a building. Issei let's out a roar and fired a dragon shot at him, with it exploding on impact and leveling the building as well. This drew everyone's attention as they all look over seeing Issei look on at the now destroyed building. He lets out a manic laugh at the scene in front of him as all of (Y/N)'s team and friends looked on in shock.

Issei: Finally, that bastard is gone! Now then to put the rest of you in your pla-

He was soon cut off when a green energy chain came from behind him and wrapped around his neck slightly choking him. He turns and sees who was doing it, he sees someone who looked like a biker with a flaming skull standing there holding the chain. Issei's eyes soon landed on the Ultratrix badge knowing who it was instantly. This was (Y/N)'s Spirit Of Vengeance transformation Hellbent.

Issei: H-How did yo-

He stops seeing Gasper standing behind Hellbent nervously glaring at Issei.

Gasper Flashback...

Gasper sees Issei about to finish off Ult.Wildmutt and froze time just barely before Issei's dragon shot hit him. Gasper then quickly rushes over to Ult.Wildmutt and made it so he could move in the stopped time.

Flashback end...

Hellbent: Issei Hyoudou!!! Your sins are numerous!!!

He then pulled on the chain hard, pulling Issei to him then grabbing him by his neck. Issei struggled in Hellbent's grip only to find that it did nothing. Hellbent then made Issei looking into his eyes.

Hellbent: Feel the pain of those you've wronged

In Issei's vision green flames surrounded them. He then feels every bit of pain that he's caused, of those he hurt, the girls he raped, every single time he's bullied and beat (Y/N), even he's lies and much, much more. Issei felt his very soul being burnt away as his screams grew louder. But soon they went silent as Issei's body went limp. The scale mail crumbled away revealing Issei now as nothing but a burnt shriveled skeleton. Hellbent dropped him with his whole-body crumbling to dust once making contact with the ground. All the Union students and heroes looked on in complete and utter shock as Hellbent turns and glares at them. Yang looked on in shock, before she turned and sees Ruby standing behind her with her silver eyes glowing bright.

Ruby: Stand....Down

Yang looked at her sister for a second before looking down her gauntlets falling from her wrist as she then falls to her knees. After she had done this every other student and hero followed suit, deactivating their quirks and sacred gear, or dropping their weapons. After seeing this Hellbent transformed back to human along with Bentely and Gwen. (Y/N) made his way back to his Milita and glared at the now at the now forfeited heroes. He then turned to his Milita and nodded; with that they made their way further into the city and soon they made it to Union Academy. (Y/N) glared up at the school that caused him such pain.

(Y/N): It's time to end this

They were about to rush towards the school but was stopped. Multiple Pro Heroes, and Huntsmen appeared in front of the school blocking the Milita's assault. The heroes being led by Allmight.

Allmight: This is as far as you go. We will not allow villains like you to destroy everything that we worked to create

(Y/N) glared at the "number one hero".

(Y/N): Yeah, and you built in up all on lies and on those who you trampled for your own gain

Midoriya then stepped up.

Midoriya: I can't believe I ever looked up to you!! Everything you've done, you've hurt so many people. You were never a Hero!!!

Allmight glared down at the one who he passed one for all down to.

Allmight: It looks like you'll need to be thoroughly punished after this young Midoriya. Right after we kill (Y/N) Tennyson

(Y/N) then activated the Ultratrix and transformed into a large dinosaur creature. (Y/N)'s Vaxasaurian form, Humungousaur.

Gwen followed suit transforming into a humanoid chicken. This being her version of a Foggal-Fowl.

With Bentely also transforming into a humanoid wolf creature. This was her version of a Loboan.

Both sides stood ready to fight. Humungousaur lets out a roar and activated the ultimate feature. He grew a bit larger, and his skin turned green as well. An evolved Vaxasaurian, Ultimate Humungousaur.

Ult.Humungousaur: Lets make this quick!!

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