Chapter 7

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On the Comet Observatory, we see the group sitting around, while they looked on confused at what Bentely and Vilgax had told them. (Y/N) scratches the back of his head.

(Y/N): That's a lot to take in

Bentely sips on a smoothy, letting out a satisfied sigh afterward.

Bentely: Yeah, hell we haven't even told you everything either

Vilgax: Yes, unfortunately we have some information that we must keep to ourselves for now

(Y/N): Alright then....

With that the two got up.

Bentely: Well, we should be going now. We gotta report back

Vilgax: We'll be back as soon as we can

Bentely waves a goodbye to them, while Vilgax gave them a small bow and with that the two disappear. After they had disappeared the rest began talking, with (Y/N) letting out a small sigh and began walking into the base, with Cheryl taking notice and following. They soon make it to a certain room, (Y/N) smiling once he entered. Cheryl peeked in after him, a smile spreading across her face as well. Inside they see Beepu, Chen and Senko playing with Eri. 

(Y/N): You girls having fun?

They all look to (Y/N) surprised, though Beepu, Chen and Senko soon start smiling.

Beepu: Hey (Y/N) yeah, we're having a lot of fun

Chen: Yeah, are you going to join us big bro?

Senko looked at him excited, before noticing Cheryl.

Senko: You too Ms. Cheryl

Cheryl giggled a bit at this looking to (Y/N) who lets out a small chuckle.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess we can play with you four for a bit

The three cheers at this, though (Y/N)'s attention was brought to Eri who was looking down. Making his way over to her he begins to pet her head shocking her. Looking up she was met with (Y/N)'s smiling face looking down at her.

(Y/N): Hey Eri, how are you feeling?

Eri: I-I'm fine

(Y/N): Then why aren't you smiling?

Eri: S-Smile?

She looks down trying to think.

Eri: I don't know how

This caught the attention of everyone else in the room.

Chen: You don't know how to smile?!

Eri: N-No, how do you?

Senko: It's like this

Senko smiles to Eri, with her looking at her for a few seconds, then pulling at her face trying to somehow morph it into what Senko showed her.

Though it didn't do much as she soon dropped back into her neutral expression.

Eri: I don't think I can

Beepu: Of course, you can everyone can. Smiling isn't just for show, it shows the emotion towards someone or a group of people

(Y/N): Yeah, like happiness and love

Eri looked back to (Y/N) quickly after he said that.

Eri: L-Love, do you love me?

(Y/N) was a bit taken aback by this question. Quickly recomposing himself he answered.

(Y/N): Well, in a way yeah. Like how a father would love their child

Eri: A father, like a papa?

(Y/N) nods at this, causing Eri to look down thinking a bit, before looking up to him again.

Eri: M-Mr. (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Eri: C-Can I, can I.....

Everyone looked at her confused.

Eri: Can I call you P-Papa?

After hearing this a blush spread across (Y/N)'s face shocked upon hearing this. He took a second to recompose himself before answering.

(Y/N): W-Well if you really want to, then yeah you can call me that

After hearing Eri felt like she was going to cry again, but it felt much different than usual. It felt....nice. She then launched at (Y/N) and hugged him, crying into his chest as well.

(Y/N): E-Eri, are you okay?

Eri: Y-Yeah, I just feel something I've never felt before. I feel all warm and fuzzy, it feels nice

(Y/N): *chuckles* That means you're happy

Eri: I feel happy..........I like it

(Y/N): I'm glad to hear that, now then you ready to play?

Eri looked up at him nodding. With that the group began to get right into their playdate. Playing some games and the like. Eventually Eri looks back over at (Y/N) seeing him talk to Cheryl, the two laughing occasionally.

Eri: *If Mr. (Y/N) is now my papa, then who would be mama. Papa seems to talk to Ms. Cheryl a lot so could she be mama? *

Her thinking was then cut off by Rosalina then appearing.

Rosalina: (Y/N), I have something I need to discuss with about

(Y/N): What about Rosa?

After hearing him say this Cheryl felt a twinge of jealousy ping in her chest. While (Y/N) looked towards Rosalina waiting for her to continue.

Rosalina: There's a group of rogue fallen angel camping out in the warehouses on the edge of Union city. Everyone is currently busy on some other missions I sent them out on after the alternate universe fiasco, so I'm sorry to ask you, could you go and deal with them?

(Y/N) gives her a thumbs up.

(Y/N): Got ya, don't worry I'll deal with them

He turns to the other with an apologetic look.

(Y/N): Sorry, that I have to cut this short but duty calls

Cheryl: Don't worry about it, I'll watch over the girls

(Y/N) turns to the girls a small smile adorning his face.

(Y/N): I'll be back as soon as I can

Beepu: Alright, don't go and get yourself hurt bro

Chen: Kick their feathery butts okay

Senko: Stay safe

Eri: P-Please be careful Papa

With that he gives them one last thumbs up, being teleported back down to earth. After he had left Rosalina looked towards Cheryl with a knowing smile. Once he landed in the Warehouse area he began looking around, walking down the path. He soon smells something metallic, making his way over to it and sees one of the warehouse's doors a jar with a pool of blood flowing from it. (Y/N) looked down at it with a shadow being cast over his eyes. Looking inside he sees a group of three fallen angels hanging around in the building, hearing their conversation as well.

Fallen 1: Damn, it felt good to relieve some stress on these stupid humans

Fallen 2: Damn right, especially those women, at the very least they're good for one thing, ha ha ha

Fallen 3: I'd say it was good shutting those damn brats up too

After hearing this (Y/N) immediately swung open the door the rest of the way, surprising and gaining the attention of them. (Y/N) gave them a dangerous smirk while glaring at them.

(Y/N): At first, I was just going to make this quick but after hearing all that. Heh heh, I'm going to enjoy this

He activates the Ultratrix, transforming into a bipedal orange tiger creature with spikes of his hands. (Y/N)'s Appoplexian form, Rath.


Lets out a roar that sounded like a tigers.

(Play from 5-7 seconds)

He launched at the fallen, with them trying to throw light spears at him that he simply dodged. He then jumped up and landed on the fallen and began punching them rapidly in the face. Only stopping when he caught a punch from another fallen, getting up and punching them in the stomach, then picking them up and piledriver them into the ground. Then rushing to the last fallen and clotheslining them. The first fallen picks themself up and throws another light spear at the Appoplexian only for him to catch it without looking shocking the fallen. Looking back, he growls at them and threw it back at them, impaling them in their chest. A choked gargle escaped their mouth as they fell over exploding into black feathers as well. He dodged out of the way of one of the other fallen trying to stab him with a light spear. Then grabbing them and popping them up into a power bomb.

Slamming them down into ground earning a loud crack from their back, with them lying motionless on the ground for a second before exploding into black feathers. Rath looked down at the black feathers for a second before quickly turning and grabbing the last fallen angel who tried to sneak away. Rath growled and roared at them, scaring them even more.


Letting out one last roar into their face he then slammed their face into the ground. Then stomping on their head crushing it. They exploded into black feathers shortly afterwards, with Rath looking down at them for a few seconds before transforming back to normal letting out a small sigh.

(Y/N): I should start heading back

He begins to make his way back to the entrance of the warehouse but stopped when he saw a small group of people, he groans at seeing. Team RWBY and JNPR all stood at the entrance blocking him from exiting.

(Y/N): *sighs* Great, look I'm not in the mood for this. So, how about you all just move out of the way so that all of us can continue with our lives

Weiss: Like that's happening a criminal like you and your gaggle of misfits need to be brought in

(Y/N): Oh, I'm a criminal huh? Says the girl whose family is responsible for both abuse and enslavement of Faunus

Weiss: Quiet, you have no place to talk about that

(Y/N): Yeah, sure ice bitch

Weiss growled at this, but before she could do anything Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: Stop trying to change the subject, you're coming with us whether you like it or not

(Y/N): Stop trying to act tough then, cause I'm not intimidated in the slightest. Because all I see in front is *points at Ruby* A stupid little girl who sees everything in rose tinted glasses. *Points to Weiss* A spoiled brat who thinks everything should go her way and gets pissy when it doesn't. *Points to Yang* A blonde bimbo who has mommy issues. *Points to Blake* A coward who just bitches and moans about an organization that become corrupt instead of doing something about. *Points to Nora* Pancake addict. *Points to Ren* Awaiza 2.0. *Points to Jaune* Beta male Part 2. *Points to Pyrha* And little miss champion, who thinks she'll get so much attention just because she won a tournament. Am I forgetting anyone?

After saying this he was then punched further into the warehouse by Yang, who then chased after him shortly after. The rest of her team and team JNPR following quickly afterwards. Yang continued deeper into the warehouse and stops shortly after looking for (Y/N) but not seeing him anywhere around.

Yang: Where are you coward!? Huh, just trying to hide like the little pussy you are!?

After saying that a sudden blast of electricity shot through her body causing her to drop to a knee.

???: Well, I wouldn't call myself a coward more of strategist 

Looking up Yang sees a dull orange crab like creature with a mustache. This was (Y/N)'s Cerebrocrustacean form Brainstorm.

Brainstorm: Now then, shall we continue our game of fist Acups

Yang growled at him, getting up getting into a stance.

Yang: I'm going to turn you into fucking crab legs. I still need to pay you back for burning my fucking hand

Brainstorm: Well then, let us see if you have the capabilities of handling my superior intellect

Yang rushed at Brainstorm throwing punches at him, that he simply dodged. He then opened his headplates and sent another shot of electricity through Yang's body stunning her for a bit, then blasting her away. Yang picked herself back up her hair igniting and her eyes turning red. She rushed at Brainstorm swinging at him wildly who just continued to dodge them. Then getting behind her and sending another blast of electricity sending her flying.

Brainstorm: It would seem that brains are out doing brawns in this case

Yang: Shut up

Brainstorm: Oh, is my vernacular getting to you. That's so sad

She tried to rush at him again, only to be blasted down again by Brainstorm. Brainstorm looked at her for a second about to fire on her again but stopped hearing something. He quickly puts up an electric barrier blocking a bullet, looking to where it came from, he sees Ruby standing there with Crescent Rose in its sniper mode smoking having recently been fired. Seconds later the rest of her team and team JNPR appeared to.

Brainstorm: Great, this is gonna take a while

They all rush at him, to which he responded with jumping back and clinging to the wall. In response Ruby, Blake and Ren all began opening fire on him, with him quickly scurrying across the wall dodging them. That was until he was blasted off the wall by an explosion from a grenade from Nora. Landing down he puts up another shield blocking strikes from both Pyhra and Jaune. They continue to strike his shield until he expanded his shield pushing the two back. Then firing another beam of electricity at them only for Nora to jump in front of it absorbing it and energizing herself. She smirked at him and rushed at him, swinging her hammer at him that he narrowly dodges. He continued to dodge them until his legs were suddenly restricted by a glyph from Weiss holding him in place and allowing Nora to hit him hard with her hammer sending him into the wall. He coughs a bit picking himself back up, with the two teams approaching him.

Nora: Well, it looks like you were all talk after all

Blake: You'll be coming with us now (Y/N)

Brainstorm: You all are just lucky that Brainstorm is not suited for combat. But unfortunately for you this version isn't

After saying this he quickly brought his claw up to the Ultratrix badge, pressing it activating the ultimate feature. He grew, his body turning a metallic blue, his limbs becoming detached from his body with them being held close to his body by electromagnetism. He transformed into an evolved Cerebrocrustacean, Ultimate Brainstorm.

Ult.Brainstorm: Now then, let games continue

They all looked at him a bit freaked out by his new appearance, but then all rushed at him. Ult.Brainstorm blocked strikes from Ren, Jaune and Blakes blades, then knocking them all back with a sweeping strike from knocking them all back. He then felt like one of his legs were trying to be pulled from him. Looking over he sees Pyhra using her semblance on him, chuckling to himself upon hearing this.

Ult.Brainstorm: If you wanted a piece of me, you could've just asked 

He launches one of his claws at her, with it quickly approaching her not giving her any time to react. The claw then hit her and slammed her into the wall, knocking her out on impact. He quickly retracted his claw back to him, then blocking a strike from Nora and Ruby knocking them back as well. Then tanking a punch from Yang, grabbing her and slamming her into the ground. Then breaking multiple large shards of ice sent at him from Weiss. He jumped and landed in the middle of the group and extended his limbs all out, then spinning them around him hitting and knocking around the group. Sending them flying into the walls of the building knocking them out as well. Retracting his limbs back to him, he looks around and chuckles at his work, then transforming into XLR8.

XLR8: Remember the feeling of me kicking you Union bastard's asses

With that he speeds away from the building leaving them there unconscious. He speeds through the town, before stopping on a street that didn't have that many people around. Sighing he transforms back to his regular form letting out a content sigh.

(Y/N): Man, that felt cathartic. I should head back to the Comet Observatory, everyone else must be back from their missions by no-

???: (Y/N)?

Seeming to recognize the voice, (Y/N) turns and sees the girl with short blue hair and the small seal creature standing there looking at him in tears.

Girl: Is that really you?

(Y/N) stared at them for a second before a small chuckle escaped his lips.

(Y/N): Hey, Lana it's been a while huh?

With that the camera then cut to black. Then coming back over in Atlas. We see Nevin looking over a couple of video feeds. The first had a creature whose body was red and bulky. It a strange fish like eye and two green eyes next to it. It also had a head piece similar to an anglerfish. A strange black and green pattern was on it's back as well along with insect like wings. It had four arms, two were furry animal like arms, while one was muscular, and the other almost looked like it was made of magma.

The next creature had green skin, along with large arms that had eyes on them. It looked to be wrapped in bandages as well, along with bolts being seen on his body.

The next creature looked to be cloaked in a blue cloak. It had a spike coming from one of his shoulders, and a claw hand made of diamond.

And the last creature looked like a mishmash of many different creatures. With some notable features being a large arm looking to be made out of Lego, grasshopper like legs and a strange antenna on it's head.

As he watched this, Ironwood came up to him looking at the video as well a smile on his face.

Ironwood: You see this Nevin, this is the type of power you can have

Nevin said nothing as he continued to look at the video.

Ironwood: With that power, you can show everyone that not only you, but Atlas is on top. And all you have to do is get your hands on (Y/N) Tennyson

The camera then cut to black.

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