Chapter 9

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Inside the house on the outskirts of Union city, we see (Y/N) and his family sitting around a table enjoying food prepared for dinner, laughing and joking the whole time. 

(Y/N): Heh heh, I missed this

Lana: You're not the only one. We all missed you, you know

(Y/N) chuckled at this but before he could talk however, he was suddenly pulled into a hug. Smiling he looks to who was hugging him, seeing his older sister Miku being the one doing it.

Miku: It's just so good to see you again bro

(Y/N): Right back at ya. I have been busy a lot lately with how much has been going on

???: I'd say

He looks over to his little brother Nagisa smiling at him.

Nagisa: You really have been making a name for yourself you know. Hell, most of the news is just about you and your friends exploits

(Y/N): Again yeah, though I wasn't expecting to get that much attention

Nagisa: Well, it doesn't seem like that worked out for you, did it?

(Y/N): You're one to talk Nagi

The two laughed at this again. Until their mother held up a glass gaining the attention of everyone.

Layla: Now now, everyone let's enjoy our meal, while we talk alright?

(A/N: BTW, she has no official name and is only referred to as "Lana's Mother" so I'm just giving her the name Layla, unless I find something about her having an official name)

The group nodded and sat back down at the table ready to continue their meal. That was however until (Y/N) heard a strange beeping noise. He looked forward seeing a red dot in through the window aimed at him and his family. His eyes soon widened hearing the beeping getting quicker. He jumped up from the table activating the Ultratrix as well shocking the others.

(Y/N): Everyone get down!

After saying this the wall near the window exploded wrecking the house as well. Once the smoke and dust cleared the others laid on the ground unharmed. More of the dust cleared revealing that (Y/N) took the brunt of the blast protect in another alien form. He seemed to resemble a bipedal bull that had large armor-plated arms. This was his Praesidian form Bullwark.

He looks back to them with worry laced in his stare.

Bullwark: Are you guys, okay?

They look at him for a second in shock before they began to pick themselves up, with Lana and Miku coughing a bit from the smoke.

Nagisa: We're fine, but what the hell was that?!

Bullwark: I'd say a little "friend" who followed me

He lets out a huff from his nose causing steam to come from his nostrils. 

???: I wouldn't call myself a friend

They look forward and see a boy with black hair approaching them. Bullwark got in an aggressive stance blowing more steam from his nose, while he scrapped his foot across the ground like a bull ready to charge.

Bullwark: Who the hell are you?

???: Hmph, well you might as well know who's gonna defeat you. I am Nevin, Nevin Ironwood

Bullwark: Ironwood? Didn't know brass crotch could breed, maybe I should pay him a visit and fix that

The two glared at each other.

Nevin: You'll be coming with me

Bullwark: Says who? There is no way in hell that'd I'd go with anyone related to copper dick

Nevin: Then how about this, you'll be coming with me peacefully or your family will be arrested as well

Upon hearing this Bullwark's eyes dilated in rage. He lets out a mighty roar before rushing at Nevin.

(Play from 46 to 48 seconds)

He wacked Nevin into the forest nearby, more steam coming from his nostrils. He looked back to his family seeing them surprised at his sudden outburst of rage.

Bullwark: Look I then you guys to stay here while I deal with this guy alright? I'll have some of my friends here to protect you guys soon, just in case that he didn't come alone

Before they could respond, he charged into the forest after Nevin. All the while Nagisa looked on at his brother rushing into the forest with a determine face, clenching his fist. While he was charging, he activated his communicator on the Ultratrix hoping to get in contact with someone up on the Comet Observatory. After some time, a voice came over the comm, immediately he recognizes that it belonged to Cheryl.

Cheryl: (Y/N)? Is that you, where are you? We haven't heard from you since you went out to take care of those fallen angels

Bullwark: Look Cheryl, I don't have much time to explain but I need you to tell the others to head the edge of Union city. There will be a group of people at a destroyed house, I need them protected. I gotta go now

Cheryl: (Y-Y/N) wai-

He cut the communications off shortly afterwards, before stopping and looking around trying to find Nevin. He heard the sound of some type of laser weapon being cocked. Quickly he put one of his large plated arms in front of him blocking a barrage of laser fire. They soon stopped allowing him to look out and see Nevin standing there holding a weapon that made his eyes widen in shock.

Bullwark: That's a...

Nevin: Proto Tool, yes. Atlas scientists were able to recover some notes and parts of this. And thus they were able replicate and remake them, soon all the soldiers of Atlas will have this. Now then...

He then turned it to it's bo-staff mode.

Nevin: You're under arrest

Bullwark huffed again before charging at Nevin. He clashed his plated arm against Nevin's Proto Tool. He pushed Nevin back a bit, before he jumped over and strikes him in the back of the head. Another huff of steam escaped Bullwark's nose before quickly turning and swiping at Nevin knocking him back a bit. Nevin changed the Proto Tool to it's bow mode and began firing a couple of shots at him. Bullwark charged at Nevin while blocking the shots, swiping at him again however Nevin dodged and rolled behind Bullwark firing some shots into his back causing him to become more enraged.  He slammed his fist into the ground causing a small quake that caused Nevin to stumble back a bit. This opened him up for Bullwark to charge and knocked him into a tree behind him. More steam erupted from Bullwark's nose as he soon fired a beam made of pure rage at Nevin. Seeing this Nevin quickly dodged out of the way of the beam and fired a shot into the soft part of Bullwark's arm, making him roar in pain from while stumbling back a bit. Seeing this Nevin shot some more shots into his weak spots earning more roars and soon causing him to collapse down to a knee. Nevin walked up to Bullwark and pointed him Proto Tool at his head, with Bullwark looking up with a glare.

Nevin: Now then you are under arrest

Bullwark: You're nothing but a puppet you know?

Nevin looked at him with a small look of curiosity.

Bullwark: Ironwood is only using you for his own gain. The only thing he cares about is the status and power of his army. As soon as he's done with you, he'll throw you out just like he's down to many others

Nevin: I already know that. And when that day comes "father" will be the who is put down. And the first step to that is getting my hands on that watch of yours

After saying this he began reaching for the Ultratrix badge. Before he could fully grab it however, he heard the sound of a gun cocking and then being fired. He quickly dodged out of the way of a bullet, then pointing his Proto Tool at his attacker. Both Nevin and Bullwark looked to who fired and seeing Nagisa pointing a revolver at Nevin.

Bullwark: Nagisa! What are you doing here?!

Nagisa: Like I'm gonna let some bastard take you away from us again!

His glare hardened on Nevin.

Nagisa: Step away from my brother!

Nevin scoffed and fired a blast at Nagisa, only for him to dodge and fire another bullet at him that he dodged. Nagisa rushed towards him while dodging many of Nevin's shots. He got up close and fired another shot up close that he dodged. The two continued battle up close with firing at each other. Soon however the two knocked each other's weapons out of their hands. Nevin looked back to his Proto Tool before looking back to Nagisa only to be met with a punch to his face. He then hit him with a punch to gut, with Nevin trying to throw a kick in that was blocked.

Nagisa then headbutt him in the nose before kicking him in the stomach sending him sprawling back onto his knees. Nevin breathed heavily while glaring at Nagisa, who approached him with murderous intent.

Nagisa: Someone like you is a person I despise. Taking orders from someone who thinks they're special just because they have a shiny badge or rank. You are the defining trait of it all. I will not allow you to take our brother from us again, not after we get to see him again after so long

Nagisa reached into his dress vest and pulled out a combat knife.

Nagisa: You are done for!

He rushes at Nevin and stabs down at him. He barely dodged it only getting a cut on his cheek. He rolled away and glared up at Nagisa who was rushing at him again. Thinking fast Nevin looked down and grabbed a rock that was near him. His arm seemed to change into the same material as the rock when he did. Smirking he raised his arm and blocked Nagisa's knife shocking him greatly, while also causing Nevin to smirk.

Nevin: What, never heard of a Osmosian?

Before he could respond Nevin punched him in the face before following up with a knee to his stomach, then ending it with punching him in the face with his now stone hand knocking the blue hair boy tot the ground. 

Bullwark: Leave him alone!

Nevin looked to the still downed Bullwark who was glaring at him.

Bullwark: I'm the one you're after, so leave Nagisa alone and face me!

Nevin: Hmph, he brought it onto himself for trying to interfere now then this ais going to be a big warning to you

He brought his fist up ready to end Nagisa's life. Before he could however, he heard the sound of something being unsheathed. He ducked down quickly hearing a swishing sound followed by multiple thuds. Looking behind him he sees multiple trees had fallen having been cut right through at their base.

???: Attacking a downed opponent, you have no honor

Nevin looks up to the voice and sees a man with long black hair standing there. He wore a white robe and had held a sheathed sword at his side.

Bullwark: Jack! I'm glad you got here on time

Jack: Hmm, Cheryl told us what was going do not worry

Nevin: More of his possie, well it doesn't matter you're going down

He tries to charge at them only to be met with multiple locks being sent at him. They crashed into him sending him back. After a girl with short black hair wearing a green and yellow outfit. She was barefoot and her eyes were grey.

Bullwark: Toph, you're here too huh

Toph: Yeah, and it looks like we got here just in time too

Nevin picks himself up growling at the two.

Nevin: Have as many of you as you like it won't make a difference!

Toph and Jack get in stances ready to fight. Nevin lets out a battle cry and rush forward with Jack following suit. Clashing his blade against Nevin's stone arm. The two struggling against each other. Soon a stone pillar launched from the ground striking Nevin in the gut, sending him flying back. More rocks were sent at him by Toph with Nevin doing his best to dodge and destroy any that he couldn't. Though he was soon met with a kick to his stomach by Jack, then following up with a knee to his jaw knocking him back even more. More rocks jutted out of the ground trying to crush him, but he broke out from them glaring daggers at the two. Before he could do anything however a green flash came from behind Jack and Toph, with a small satellite disk followed by a large amount of green goo. The satellite circled around Nevin with the goo wrapping him up as well. Nevin struggled a bit before the goo form a head glaring at him.

Goo: Don't even try 

This was (Y/N) in his Polymorph form, Goop.

Goop: You can't move or do anything, so I suggest you start talking

In this time Nagisa got up and was also glaring at him. They all glared at the boy with him soon chuckling, which then turned into full blown laughter confusing everyone.

Goop: What's so funny?

Nevin: You wanna. Okay, the funny thing gave me exactly what I was after!

He then managed to free his hand and grab the Ultratrix badge. Energy began coursing from the badge up Nevin's arm. More and more energy was fed into Nevin, until a small explosion occurred, blasting everyone back a bit along with splattering Goop all over the place. Nagisa looked on in fear at the scene.

Nagisa: (Y/N)!!

Jack: Don't worry he's fine

Nagisa: How can you say that he's splattered all over the place

Goop: I'm fine Nagisa

Nagisa looked on a bit shocked hearing Goop's voice. His anti-gravity device came and gathered all the goo around, soon forming back into Goop, shocking his brother once again.

Goop: See...

Nagisa: Those forms of yours are amazing

Goop nods and looks around with a small glare.

Goop: Where's the punk

Toph: No clue, but my guess is he got blasted further into the forest. So, let's go look for him before he has a chance to get away

???: Oh, don't worry I'm not going anywhere, and NEITHER ARE YOU!!!

Upon hearing this they hear a loud rumble behind them. Thinking quick Goop immediately flung himself towards the others and pushed them along with himself out of the way. Seconds later a large figure landed where they were once standing kicking up smoke and dust. The group looked to the cloud of dust as it slowly cleared revealing a large figure that looked to be an amalgamation of multiple aliens.

Nevin: Thanks for the all the power Tennyson. Ha ha ha!!

Everyone looked on shocked at the now mutated Nevin. But they soon shook off their shock getting ready to fight. Goop transformed again, this time into a small dinosaur like creature that had a large green gem for the front half of his face. This was (Y/N)'s Pulsoar transformation Slampeed.

Slampeed: This really makes it even more obvious of him being an Osmosian

Jack: It seems so, but we won't back down

Toph: I may not be able to see him normally, but I can tell this isn't going to be easy

Nagisa: I am not leaving no matter how dire the situation gets

Nevin: Then come at me, I'LL PUT YOU ALL INTO YOUR GRAVES!!!

With that Nevin lets out a bestial roar and charged at the group. They jumped out of the way of his attack, Jack charged and tried to slash him with his sword only for it to be blocked by Nevin shifting his crystal arm into a blade blocking it. He then parried the attack and blasted the samurai back with a burst of fire from his other hand. Toph bended many rocks up and sent them at Nevin. He was about to jump out of the way but Toph bended rocks around his feet trapping it there. Nevin looked down for a second before smiling phasing through them flying up dodging the rocks sent at him. He then directed a sonic scream at Toph, blasting her through a tree. Seeing this Slampeed growled a bit and began charging at highspeed towards Nevin. As he charged, kenetic energy began charging in the gem in his head, with it beginning to glow as well. He soon makes it to Nevin, jumping up and headbutting him causing a small shockwave when he connected. However, Nevin had made a wall between him and Slampeed made out of psychic like energy. He then charged a purple energy ball in one of his other hands, then firing it into Slampeed's face sending him back to the ground. The three recollect themselves and glared up at the mutant Osmosian. They looked to each other and nodded. With this Jack rushed forward at Nevin slowly unsheathing his sword. Before Nevin could react, Jack rushed past him seconds after multiple slashes were seen going all over his body. Jack then quickly turned with an upward slash sending him into the air. Following up Toph stomped on the ground causing multiple large rocks to come up from the ground. Thrusting her fist forward the rocks were sent flying toward the mutant Osmosian, Slampeed following as well jumping onto the rocks at a highspeed. The kinetic energy charging all the while in his gem. The rocks flew into Nevin crashing against him, with Slampeed soon making it up to him, his gem glowing brighter than ever. He headbutted him hard causing a massive shockwave, while also sending Nevin back down into the forest with a massive crash, kicking up rubble and dust as well. Slampeed landed back on the ground with the others looking at the cloud of dust in front of them. All the while Nagisa looked on in amazement.

Nagisa: Amazing...

Jack: Did that get him?

Nevin: No...

Their eyes widened as they felt their weight suddenly leave them with them floating up suspended in the air. The cloud of dust completely subsides revealing the mutant Nevin standing there with a strange field surrounding one of his hands. He lets out a sadistic laugh before sending a wave of crystals at them soon making it to them hitting them hard. They were sent flying back and hit the ground hard. Slampeed transforming back to human as a result as well. They laid there injured as Nevin simply laughed at their downed forms.

Nevin: Well then looks like this is the end for you all. Don't worry I'll take care of Ironwood and Union for you

He smiled while he pointed his hand at (Y/N) charging a ball of fire.

Nevin: Now, go to sleep

He fired it at (Y/N), but time seemed to slow for everyone. (Y/N) looked up at the oncoming flames waiting for them the hit him. However, before it could Nagisa ran in front of him holding his arms out to block it. (Y/N)'s eyes widened when he did this, with Nagisa looking back at him with a small smile. The flames soon hit him sending him back. When he landed a large burn mark was seen on his chest. (Y/N) looked back at his brother in shock, everything seemed to slow for him as all he heard was Nevin laughing. That shock then turned into rage as he slowly stood up gaining Nevin's attention.

Nevin: Oh, is something wrong are you gonna cry now

(Y/N) mumbled a bit, with Nevin glaring at him not hearing what he said.

Nevin: What...

(Y/N) looked up with an intense glare.


A green flash surrounded him transforming him. Once the flash subsided there stood a large metallic man with a mane of energy coming from his head. This was (Y/N)'s Prypiatosian-A transformation Atomix.

Atomix held an intense glare on Nevin seemingly causing him to flinch a bit. Though he tried to play it off.

Nevin: You think you can scare m-

He was cut off by Atomix disappearing then reappearing in front of him punching him in the face.

Atomix: Shut up

He then punched him again in the stomach, before axe-handling him down into the ground. He followed up coming down with a stomp to his stomach, before stomping on his head. Then picking him up and firing a blast into his stomach sending him flying back. Rising into the air he created an energy orb in his hands lifting it above him and throwing it down at Nevin resulting in a massive explosion. Atomix was about to follow up but was stopped by Jack.

Jack: (Y/N)!! That's enough! We still need to get your brother serious medical attention!

Hearing this (Y/N) looked down at his friends before he descended down transforming back to his regular form. Walking up to his brother he picks him up and sees that he was barely breathing.

Toph: We need to get him to the Comet Observatory, stat. Don't worry about your family they were already teleported there too

(Y/N) just nodded as they were teleported to the Comet Observatory, unknown to them an injured Nevin crawled out of the crater that was created by (Y/N)'s finally attack and growled teleporting away. Over in Atlas Nevin bursts through a wall leading to Ironwood's office shocking Winter who was currently in a meeting with him, though James held a not to surprised expression.

Nevin: Hello...."Father"

Ironwood: Nevin, I see you're so soon and with a new appearance too

Nevin walked into the office the group rumbling with every step.

Nevin: I have and with new power to boot. With this power I am practically invincible

Ironwood: Fascinating, so that's the power of that watch of his. Heh heh heh, let's head to the lab and start with the procedure

Nevin looked at Ironwood for a second before smiling.

Nevin: No, I don't think we will. You have no control over me anymore "Father"

Ironwood: Is that so?

Nevin: Yes, it is so! I have all the power of every creature in the entire universe. While you are nothing but a weak pathetic meatb-

He was cut off when Ironwood brought up some type of controller, pressing the button on it causing a massive amount of pain to shoot through Nevin's body. To him it felt like all his molecules were being constantly destroyed and then regenerated all at the same time. Nevin fell to his knees from the pain, while Winter looked on in horror at what was happening. Ironwood soon stopped and looked down at his "son" with a smile.

Ironwood: Did you really think that I didn't have a failsafe in place for if something this were to happen. I wasn't born yesterday boy. I know how Osmosians work. You will continue to follow my orders...

He then held up the controller again, now scaring Nevin.

Ironwood:...Or else

The screen then faded to black.

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