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A boy laid on the ground some blood dripping from his mouth breathing heavily, trying to pick himself up but was stopped from a foot being placed on his back. Looking up he sees the masochistic Devil Akeno, the queen piece in Rias's peerage. 

Akeno: Now now, did I say a pig like could get up. Now be a good piggy and squeal

She says this with a lustful smirk.

(Y/N): What, like how daddy made you squeal?

Akeno's eyes widened before they narrowed in anger.

(Y/N) Heh, maybe that's why mommy left, because daddy had to much fun fucking y-

Akeno: SHUT UP!!!

She sent a course of electricity through him causing him to scream. Minutes later she stop and glared down at him. Seconds later he let's out a small chuckle and glared back up at her.

(Y/N): Is that the best you got bitch

Growling Akeno was about to shock him again but stopped once an explosion was blasted into his face.

Bakugou: How about you shut up you powerless deadweight

A rapier was stabbed into his arm, with the culprit being Weiss.

Weiss: A weakling like you doesn't belong here

After this Rias walked up to the front of the group, glaring down at the boy.

Rias: I still wonder why, the headmasters let someone like you into this school. You're nothing but a pathetic powerless weakling

(Y/N): Who knows, but what I do know I'm not some red hair bitch like you

Scoffing Rias stomps on his arm earning a pained scream from him and with that her and the rest of bullies leave him there. A couple minutes passed before (Y/N) picked himself up and made his way to his room. Getting inside he grabbed the med kit that he hid and began patching himself up not really caring for going to any of the classes, nor about the inevitable detentions he'd get either. After patching himself up he just laid on his bed just thinking to himself.

(Y/N): These damn bastards always looking down on me just because I have not powers, Tch

The intercom came on gaining his attention.

Intercom: (Y/N) Locke come to the Headmasters office now

With a small growl, he gets up and starts making his way to the elevator to their office. Heading inside he soon makes it up there and sees the three headmasters Ozpin, Nezu and Sirzechs standing there waiting for him. Along with them were the combat instructor Glynda Goodwitch and the "Symbol Of Peace" Allmight.

(Y/N): I'm here, so what do you assholes want?

Glynda: Do not talk to the Headmasters that way young man! Show some respect you-

(Y/N): I'll start showing them respect, when I get some respect as a student here

Ozpin: Well that's why we called you here

(Y/N) looked at him suspiciously.

Nezu: We called you here to inform you that you are being expelled from Union

(Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit, before they narrowed in anger.

(Y/N): So that's how it is huh?

Sirzechs: Yes you have been nothing, but a nuisance to everyone in the school

(Y/N): Tch, fine then. I'm actually glad to be out of this damn school. This is full of nothing but fake heroes who are only after fame and fortune. This school and everyone in it can burn in hell for all I care!

With that he turned and began making his way to the elevator.

Ozpin: Mr. Locke-

(Y/N): Fuck off!! 

With that he left, going down the elevator he soon makes it over to his room and began packing his things soon leaving Union behind for good. Walking through the city he sat down on a bench in the park. Going through his bag a bit he looks up and sees some kids playing around the park or were just being annoying to their parents. Sighing he just continued to rummage through his bag but his gaze was caught by a statue that resided on the other side of the park. Getting up he made his way over to it looking up at it.

Looking down at the engraving on the base of the statue reading it out loud to himself.

(Y/N): Ben 10,000 the hero of heroes, hmm. Wish someone like you were still around, cause unlike those fakes you actually show what it means to be a real hero

Walking up to the statue he began to wipe some dust off it, but as soon as his hand made contact with it it began to glow, causing him to step back surprised.

(Y/N): What the...

Computerized Voice: DNA signature identified 

The light soon spread down to his feet, with him looking down at shocked. Seconds later the ground underneath him opened up causing him to fall down the hole and sliding down a shoot. He soon lands in a strange high tech lab, with a green hourglass symbol on the walls.

(Y/N): W-Where the hell am I?

???: Well you are in my lab of course

Shocked (Y/N) looked around for the voice trying to find where the voice came from.

???: Down here

Looking down he was met with a small creature looking up at him.

Shocked he jumped back a bit.

(Y/N): Who the hell are you, what the hell are you!?

???: There's no need to be so vulgar, now to answer your questions I am Azmuth and as for what I am I'm a species known as a galvan

Looked down at the galvan now known as Azmuth, (Y/N) let's out a small sigh calming himself down a bit.

(Y/N): A-Alright, nice to meet you Azmuth I'm-

Azmuth: I already know who you are (Y/N) Locke or should I call you (Y/N) Tennyson?

He looked down at Azmuth surprised at him knowing his name, but that soon turned into shocked confusion.

(Y/N): W-Wait Tennyson, like-

Azmuth: Ben Tennyson yes. You are the descendent of the Hero Of Heroes Ben Tennyson

(Y/N): Wait so you're saying that I've been related to one of the greatest heroes this whole time. Why was I never told about this?

Azmuth: It's simple really, to protect you and your family from those "heroes" you call fakes

Looking down at Azmuth surprised, he continued.

Azmuth: Any of them would love to have someone from Ben Tennyson's family line just so they could get their hands on the device that he used

(Y/N): The omnitrix

Azmuth: Heh, I see you've read your history. And now I must say through all my years of watching over Ben's family after his passing and from all of his descendants you are the most like him. Someone who wants to help people even if you had no powers and would keep getting back up no matter what beating you took

(Y/N) sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

(Y/N): Well uh th-thanks

Azmuth: And thats why I want to bestow upon you something I've been working on for generations. (Y/N) Tennyson I give you......the Ultratrix

A burst of light blinded (Y/N) for a few seconds, with it soon dying down. Looking around a bit (Y/N) felt something on his wrist. Looking down at it he sees a watch that looked similar to the omnitrix but different at the same time.

(Art not mine)

(Y/N): W-Woah, wait this is-

Azmuth: The Ultratrix, I guess you could call it the newest version of the Omnitrix. I've been constructing it for generations waiting for a someone from Ben's family to show the same spirit of heroism that he held so many years ago. And now I see that same spirit in you, now the real question is do you  accept?

(Y/N) looked down at the Ultratrix for a few seconds before a smile spread across his.

(Y/N): You really think I would say no to this? I'm gonna be just as good as a hero as my ancestor before me. Now then it's hero time

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