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This is the rubric for the judges:

For all genres: (except poetry, fanfic, non-fic/random & science fiction)

Book cover- /10
Title- /10
Summary- /20
Grammar/spelling- /25
Writing style- /10
Plot- /10
Character development- /10
Originality- /5
Total- /100


(This one is similar but I decided to leave out originality because fanfiction can be controversial when it comes to being original because the characters are usually either actual people or already made up characters!)
Book cover- /10
Title- /10
Summary- /20
Grammar/spelling- /25
Writing style- /10
Plot- /15
Character development- /10
Total- /100


Book cover- /10
Title- /10
Flow- /10
Grammar/spelling- /25
Impact- /10
Theme- /10
Creativity- /15
Originality- /10
Total- /100


Book cover- /10
Title- /10
Summary- /20
Style- /20
Creativity- /20
Originality- /20
Total- /100

Fantasy/Science fiction:

Book cover- /10
Title- /10
Summary- /20
Writing style- /20
Plot- /10
Character development- /10
Originality- /20
Total- /100

*All judges should add a few sentences to provide any additional feedback on the story!


*After all spots are filled and stories are assigned to the judges, follow your judge and if you have already, add this story to your library for updates!

*Judges can send me the results via private messages on here, Google docs, email or if you want to send me the results any other way please ask first!

*If you have the results before the four weeks are up, feel free to send them to me early.

*All judges must let me know if they are unable to provide the results in the time frame I give them!

*For anyone wondering you may be a judge and still participate and vice versa!

*For any additional information, please contact me through private messages!

*Judges must read at least 5 chapters of each story they are given to judge (aesthetics don't count!)

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro