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Announcer: Hello hello! So sorry it's been so long since this show has been updated. Many things have been happening that it prevents us from airing a new episode. But it's great to be here again! Here's our lovely hostess, Luna!

*Luna walks on stage wearing a short gray dress, waving to the crowd*

Luna: Hi everyone! Wow its been forever since I've been here and I'm glad to be back! Daniel, aka JollyMantykes, is tonights guest so please give him a warm welcome!

*Daniel walks on stage wearing a black shirt and dark blue jeans, then sits next to the hostess* 

Luna: Hello Daniel and welcome to the Destiny Talk show!

Daniel: I'm glad to be here. Thanks for interviewing me

Luna: How are you this evening?

Daniel:I'm doing wonderful. It's been pretty great so far

Luna: Very glad to hear! Let's get to business; what story do have to share with the audience?

Daniel: Well the story I'd like to share is titles Pokemon Universe and it's actually co-written by me and ItzChandelure

Luna: What's it about?

Daniel: Basically it's sort of a slice of life comedy where the world is instead inhabited by Pokemon with human attributes. It follows the six main characters and their lives through high school. The main concept is creating a large world with a colorful side cast that we like to explore.

Luna: I will say I do love a comedy, and having the Pokemon act like us humans sounds very intriguing. Who are the lucky main characters?

Daniel: A quirky Pikachu named Percy
His best friend a lazy and sometimes rage full Chatot names Kaleb.
Lizzie, a Jirachi that happens to be obsessed with Percy as her Senpai
Macy, a rebellious/fun-loving Minccino.
And finally Ariel, a organized, smart, yet condescending Starly that usually thinks she knows best

Luna: Cool! That sounds familiar tho.... is it based off sorta like the Mystery Dungeon games?

Daniel: Not at all. My first fanfic coincidentally happens to be a Mystery Dungeon game, but Pokemon Universe takes no inspiration from it. The real inspiration came from something that my sister (ItzChandelure) and I did as kids. All the characters are pretty much based off of the personalities of or Pokemon plushies that we made up when we were younger. Probably why it's so easy to write as if I'm saying whatever they say myself.

Luna: Hey that's like what I did with my first fanfiction, The Ice Trainer.

Daniel: Cool. I'll probably check out that story then soon

Luna: Aww thank you! So, what is currently happening in Pokemon Universe? Is it complete or are there still more chapters to come?

Daniel: While we do have a loose story arc to follow, I plan to write chapters for as long as I seem to want to. Think of it more like a cartoon series with episodes and we'll decide when it should end. Currently we have just wrapped up our first five chapter arc revolving around a new character named Esteban and Ariel. It was super fun to write and some of my best in my opinion so I'm glad that the finale of the mini arc got to be out 30th chapter

Luna: *eyes widen* that. is. AWESOME! It sounds like an anime if anything! I like the idea of mini arcs

Daniel: Yeah we're practically gonna end up as Fairy Tail if I never wanna stop. Right now we're on hiatus so there won't be new chapters on our story but we still upload extra fun chapters that serve no purpose for character development on a book I made for the extra chapters of Pokemon Universe. So I guess we have about 35 full chapters

Luna: I will say I do love Fairy Tail. And 35 chapters is pretty good

Daniel: Yeah Fairy Tail is pretty good. We've been making chapters of at least 1700 words since last summer so it's been a year of writing.

Luna: That is defiantly a lot. Even more than me *sweat drops*

Daniel: Meh. I don't do much except write. It's one of my favorite things besides music

Luna: Same actually. Music is very enjoyable. I've actually published a new book that has musical lyrics and some videos

Daniel: Cool. I'll have to look at that too. Is it your own lyrics or other songs. If so, what genre of music?

Luna: Others, and tbh I'm not sure of genre in music

Daniel: Oh ok. I normally like alternative rock, rock, or contemporary

Luna: Cool. Any favorite artist or bands?

Daniel: This is gonna be a long list...
Relient K and Twenty One Pilots are my top favorites but Panic! At the Disco, MercyMe, My Chemical Romance, and Switchfoot are second.

Luna:Nice! I know many others who like the same!

Daniel: So. Any more questions or is this about it then?

Luna: Do have anything to say to the readers b4 we end tonight's show?

Daniel: Umm. Hmm. Thanks for reading this interview then I guess.

Luna: Alright then! Thanks for coming on the show Daniel!

Daniel: Glad to have been able to

Luna: Everyone make sure to check out Pokemon Universe! That's all folks!

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