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Announcer: Welcome back to another showing of the Destiny Talk Show! Here's the hostess herself, Luna!

*Luna walks on stage wearing a short black dress, waving to the crowd then taking a seat*

Luna: Hello everyone, it's great to see you all. Now tonight we have a quest who's also a part of the Destiny Production. Commonly known as Xx-Just_A_Fangirl-xX, here's Emily!

*Emily walks on stage with a light blue dress that touches the floor, waves and then sits next to the hostess*

Luna: Hello Emily and welcome to the Destiny Talk Show!

Emily: HI! It's great to be here!

Luna: How are you doing this evening?

Emily: I'm doing pretty well. How are you Luna?

Luna: I'm well myself, thank you for asking. By looking at your username, I could only guess your a fangirl?

Emily: *laughs* you have no idea.

Luna: *grins* what are you a fan of then?

Emily: Well.... Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Pokemon, Hunger Games, Divergent, Star Wars, Narnia, Terabithia, Jurassic Park, and more.

Luna: *sweat drops* yep your a fangirl

Emily: Well you asked

Luna: Haha point taken. Do you have a story you want viewers to read?

Emily: Well, I would like them to read all my stories. But I have a book that I'm writing currently that isn't on Wattpad yet. 

Luna: Oooo secrets secrets. Care to spill the beans about it?

Emily: Well, not too many, but I would be happy to share some of my secrets.

Luna: What's the title of this new book your working on? And what's the plot?

Emily: Well, it is a Pokémon fanfiction called "Never Give Up", and, of course, is an amourshipping story. It is a bit cliche, in a sense, but I have my own twist on it. The story begins six years after Ash Ketchums death. Serena is the leader of a rebellion against the government, which was formed from the ashes of all of the evil organizations Ash put a stop to. All of Ash's past traveling companions are her top soldiers, and they must fight against the group that destroyed all that was good and made good all that destroyed.

Luna: Oooohhh you're the one writing Never Give Up. *looks to the audience* she is also a member of Destiny Production just an reminder. *looks at Emily* that sounds amazing. I can't wait to read it

Emily: I assume that you have seen the story. Have you read the first chapter? *raises eyebrows*

Luna: Oi don't give me that look *laughs* sadly I must tell the truth, and say no I have not yet. I was unaware who was writing that story, and decided to wait for it to be published before reading it

Emily: *smiles* That's ok, you were being polite. I don't mind if you read it, if you want to. *looks to the audience* But everyone else will have to wait until it's ready!

Luna: *laughs* ah yes other readers must be patient. Now Emily *smirks* time to ask you questions. Are you ready?

Emily: *puts hands up and laughs* Do I have a choice?

Luna: Haha no. *smiles* First question, how old are you?

Emily: I'm 15 years old

Luna: High school? If so what grade?

Emily: I'm a freshman, but I am taking two sophomore classes

Luna: Someone's smart *chuckles lightly* are you a US citizen or are you from a different country?

Emily: I am a Citizen of the US, and I have Irish heritage, meaning that I burn easily. *sighs*

Luna: I'm Italian, make me pale as a ghost. Cursed sun burning ppl like that. What state do you live in? And don't worry I'm sure no one is gonna want to keep that information 

Emily: I am a proud Buckeye from Ohio!

Luna: I've actually drove into Ohio a while back when I went to go visit my brother, and I will say that my short stay was fun

Emily: That's good!

Luna: *smirks* got any love interest?

Emily: At the moment I refer to Valentines Day as Single Awareness Day, so no. But *blushes* I have a slight crush...

Luna: Oooo someone has a crush. But don't worry I'm not one to pry. That's your private information

Emily: Thanks... and btw, he happens to be the namesake of my OC in Never Give Up.

Luna: *eyes widen* now that just makes it more interesting. One last question before we go; what do you wish to be the results of your new story Never Give up?

Emily: What do you mean by 'results'?

Luna: Like once the first chapter is published and the story progresses on, how do you want readers to react through all the twist and turns of the protagonist and antagonist?

Emily: Well, I want the readers to experience something exciting. I want them to feel what my characters feel, and resent the evil works of the antagonists. I want them to root for their ships, and be emotional during the sad times in the story. I want them to be surprised, to experience something new, and not an average work of art. I want them to hang onto every cliffhanger, as well as enjoy every heartfelt moment. I want them to enjoy my story, of course, and I hope that people enjoy how I tell it. And above all, I want them to learn one message, one told by a certain hero of ours: never give up.

Luna: Never give up indeed. Well thank you so much for coming on the show Emily!

Emily:Thank you for having me! *looks to the audience* And thank you as well!

Luna: That's all for tonight! See ya next time everyone!

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