Ch-11 (Tomioka Junior)

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"He always apologizes for bothering me, though!" 

"He once told me that we won't be meeting anymore once I turn nine!"

"That makes me sad..." 

"How old are you, Giyuu?" 

"Oo? Five! Why do you ask?"


"Sabito, Makomo, anything of significance happen to Giyuu when he was nine?"

The said duo now had an aura surrounding them, one which had pity and awkwardness in it. 

"Hehe...uh, that's the age in which he got the crimson half...", said Sabito, with and awkward grin. 

"Yup! In simpler ways, he was that many years old when Tsutako was able to talk to Kanae...I guess! Hahaha!", Makomo nervously chuckled. 

Obviously, this conveyed the message. 

Mitsuri's eyes widened. 

"Ah, yes! Kanae! Hahaha!"

"It was...very meet her! Hahaha!" 

By this time, the three dumbest chicks had left to go rest at the Butterfly Mansion. 

Sabito had noticed what struggles the Hashira were having to talk about something traumatic in Giyuu's life, all while a version of Giyuu who hasn't gone through the trauma and is very young is present right in front of them. 

Not to mention that puppy like face and kitten like behavior. 

Sabito wondered if he and Makomo could adopt Giyuu as their child. 

All of this led to a clearly visible look of deep thought present on Sabito's face. 

Not even God knows what goes on in that boy's mind. 

That fact, Makomo knew very well. 

Thus, it was only logical for the girl to be very skeptical and a tad bit scared when Sabito was suddenly all smiles, sunshine, daisies and rainbows, and let out a happy "Ah! I've got it!"

"Sabito, what are you-"

The peach haired boy went behind poor Giyuu's head and neck-chopped to sleep again. 

The Hashira just stared on with a total look of surprise. 

"WHAT DID YOU-" Sanemi began with a voice laced with horror, only to be cut off by the peach-haired boy. 

"Don't worry, Scars." 

"Tomioka Junior over here is fast asleep." 

"And I'm not talking about Shinobu and Giyuu's-"

"SHUT UP, SABITO-SAN!", a deep crimson red Shinobu said. 

"Hahaha! Kocho, is that your face or Kyojuro's blade?", laughed Uzui. 

"Kyaaaa! This is SO cute!"

"Tch. Now that Tomioka's a kid, I guess we can all have him over for one day each. Today, nobody counts. But I'm calling dibs for tomorrow.", said Sanemi, chuckling and grinning in a sinister way. 

"Oi, Scars! That's unfair!" 

"Ssssanemi...mend you broken sibling-hood before creating one with Giyuu..."

Kaburamaru hissed in agreement. 

"Oof! That flamboyant burn's gonna need water! And our Water Pillar's currently a child, so Makomo and Sabito will do!" 


The Hashira joked, laughed, and talked away till evening. 

"We'll all be going for our missions now! Let's meet up at six in the morning tomorrow, now, shall we?"


Sabito and Makomo were assigned the roles of the stand-in-Water-Pillars by Oyakata-Sama. 

"Okay, let's go, Giyuu!"

She lifted a rather sleepy Giyuu up. 

"Nee-San has business to tend to, so we'll all be taking care of you."

Sabito decided to accompany Makomo. 

"Kyaaaa! You both look like a couple from here!"

Time-skip to the Butterfly Mansion

Shinobu was exhausted from today. 

Tomioka has friends? One of them is a girl? He can smile and laugh? He's a smooth flirt? He's a child now? Why was the demon fought today throwing bowls of ramen everywhere?

These questions baffled the poor young woman to no ends. 

Michikatsu is the name of Upper Rank One?

Why was he showing up in young Giyuu's dreams? 

Was he just a creep?

Or was Giyuu related to him in some way? 

All of this exhausted poor Shinobu, so she decided to sleep. 

'I'll talk about all of this to the Hashira tomorrow...'

And with those thoughts, she drifted off to sleep, thinking about the one she loves and all her friends. 

Sorry for this one being short! I'd just had a massive brain shart writing the first sentence in itself :'D 

Also, I saw a fanart of both Aoi's meeting each other! WHOO-HOO! They're both QUEENS which I love to no ends! 

K, guys, cya'll later!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! ^3^ ❤️

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