Ch-7 (Please Wake Up...)

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The Hashira were all staring in horror.

Shinobu decided to take initiative and walked up to see what had happened to Giyuu, and to check if he were still alive. 

She was praying to the heavens for Giyuu to be okay. 

"Wha-What's this?!" 

There was a deep, ocean blue wisteria mark on Giyuu's face. 

Just as Shinobu was about to check Giyuu's vitals, Sabito and Makomo came running in.

"We heard screams, and-" 


"Is he okay? Giyuu! Can you hear me?"



"Wha- Oh no..."

"...not again! Please no!"

"Giyuu! Wake up!" 

"Sabito! Slap him or something!" 



Shinobu was staring in horror. 

"Wha-what's wrong?" 

"Shinobu! I-Is anyone here a doctor?" 

"Y-Yes! I m-myself am a doctor!" 

"Thank the gods!"

"Shinobu, do you by any chance, have wisteria extracts on you?" 


"Do have any water from a waterfall?" 

"Who am I kidding, you obviously don't have i-" 

"Y-Yes! Yes I d-do!"

Shinobu remembered how Mitsuri had gifted her a small thermos of water from a hillside waterfall.

It wasn't supposed to be used for anything, just a small token of friendship, like a little charm.

"How much should the quantity be?"

"A drop is enough!"


"Now, quickly mix the two together!" 

Shinobu took out the gift her comrade had given, and mixed it with the wisteria extract. 

"Hopefully, this should be enough..." 

Sabito proceeded to mix in a metallic blue powder Makomo had given to him.

"The Nichirin powder should be enough to work correctly this time..." 

Sabito took the strange concoction, and sprinkled it onto Giyuu's snow pale skin, on his right left cheek, where the Wisteria mark was located. 

"Now, please wake up..." 


The limp and pale body of the Water Pillar was being gently caressed by the soft breeze now brewing. 

He was hardly breathing. 

His pulse was weak. 

Then, everyone, excluding Sabito and Makomo, was taken by surprise by what happened next. 

Blue dancing petals surrounded Giyuu, lifting his almost dead figure into the air.

They enveloped him in a bright blue light, and slowly placed him onto the ground. 


"He's been saved..." 

Everyone heard the wind almost whisper to them, 

"One week's rest should be enough for my little droplet..."

"...I beg of you to be kind to him..." 


Suddenly, the breezy, cloudy and chilly weather was replaced by a clear, sunny and blue sky.

"Wh-what the hell was that?" 

"I don't know Shinazugawa-San, but as of now, we must take Giyuu to the Butterfly Estate..."

"Shinobu! Leave Giyuu to me and Sabito! You Hashira must be exhausted!"



"...Where exactly is 'The Butterfly Estate' located?" 

"I'll guide you till there, Makomo and Sabito."

"Thanks, Shinobu." 

"Okay! Let's go!"


Sabito lifted Giyuu onto his back and followed Shinobu.

A/N: It was like this, but replace Momo with Sabito, and Jirou with a limp, nearly-dead Giyuu, plus everyone's kinda sad :D

A/N: Besties, I say! 

After reaching the Butterfly Estate, Sabito and Makomo bumped into a certain somebody...

"Sabito-San? Makomo-San?"



"...Long time no see..."


To be continued! 

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