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He woke up with a throbbing pain in his head when he tried to sit, he felt his legs feel numb. But he gathered his strength by supporting his hands towards the ground. The ground where he placed his palms felt sticky, but he lifted his body with whimpering to see everything that was surrounding him once green, turned to ashes. now he can see the distant things clear, because the nearby forest caught fire from the village, later put-off by the rain which has been falling, from how much time he doesn't know..

The village once filled with joy and love turned into dark, silent. No one left to mourn. He smudged off the blood and rain that dipping from his forehead with his left hand and gathered strength in his limbs to stand. He is feeling burning sensation everywhere in his body. And pain makes it worse.

He tried to stand up straight but the sword that got pierced in his limbs, made too much damage to his flesh made him can't stand straight..he twitched his lips for the pain and balanced his body by standing against a tree trunk . his eyelids are falling off but, he tried to walk away from the place where he is standing . He already walked too far from the village but he should walk more distance to let his life stay in his body.

The darkness emerged out more from the hands of the night and started consuming the light off from his eyes, He tried to limp by balancing his body with branches of the trees....argh..a loud creak came out of his mouth, as he took a last view of the tall dark figure who hit his head from back and escaped into a dark endless world..

"You won't quit fighting for your life right Adrian" the dark figure blew smoke out of his mouth, bent down to look at Adrian's face, and took last puff of his cigar

Adrian woke up from his sleep and found immense pain in every part of his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw there was a mild light in the place where his body was been at. The light was coming from a small window on top of a wall at where his head was turned, so he understood that he was no longer in the forest or any known premises. His nose tweaked with a sharp smell of mud and rotten when he didn't hear any footsteps or sound, he turned his head to sides and top and observed he was in a dungeon covered with his own blood and mud. He feels his body dismantled. He tried to sit but his heavy frame is not supporting his wish, when he tried again, his back started hurting. He turned his head and saw a weathered wall in a feet distance, started moved his body towards the wall and caught a support with his fingers. then he tried to sit up with its support.

He felt so much tired and caught breathe off in his lungs. But he keeps trying to lift his upper half to support the wall. He felt his lower half of the body was not his to belong, how many times he tried to fold up his legs he can't do it. He turned his waist to take support from the wall and achieved it. He sat up, with support from the wall. He sensed sweat forming on his forehead and wiped off with his mud sticker palms. Now he can take a look at his whole body. Both of his legs are swelled beyond his assumption and he can't nurse them. He is getting pain in his left abs from the stabbing. And he feels shivering in his hands. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to make himself calm.

Wind is gushing upon the green pastures, and her white dress is flowing upon the pastures with her laugh..." you can't reach me Adrian"..her voice is like a song and he reached her hand and lift her up from the ground and fell with her upon the pastures.

A big blow stoked upon Adrian's face and he fell to the ground..several heavy leg blows are accompanied to strike his legs and spine making his attempts at getting up go futile. His jaw was broken and blood rushing out of his nose and mouth mixing with the mud, his hands were bent out, twisted upon his back and tied with a rope.

"I thought you are dead already Adrian.. you won't die that easily right.." Lucas' eyes were becoming red as he uttered each word and his veins are bulging out pumping with revenge. Lucas bent down his 6foot frame down to lift Adrian head by grabbing a fist full of his hair.. and make him see in his eyes.

Adrian black eyes met with Lucas, the foreigner who wants to kill and conquer for his Ego. Adrian took a good look at the men who surround Lucas, all belongs to Lucas tribe.. they were built with muscled body and pale porcelain skin like Lucas. Lucas is greedy about the power and slain whoever on his way to quench his thirst. His soul and body are tainted with the blood of warriors and innocent who wants their birth land to be freed.

" You are black, black should die, I want all this earth to be white and colorful. You and your people are dirt. And Adrian today I feel your life will leave your body like the rest of your people."

"Knife", Lucas asked his warrior and they gave a knife which is covered with Venom that can paralyze a person. Lucas stabbed in Adrian left biceps and twisted more making his flesh and veins separate from his bones with a cruel laugh and left him to his death.

Aawaaah..a loud howl erupts from Adrian's mouth with pain. He feels his life leaving his body and darkness clouds his eyelids


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No harsh comments, as this was my first historical fiction..


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