Angel In Danger

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Please have a look to this marvelous video made by a helly fan

Finally after a decade. I already told u about problems which has covered life so just because of them i didn't get courage to write anything.



Swara (who is working in laptop looks at time and shouts):ohh shit 5:30pm. (stands up and starts putting her, things on bag in hurry ):ohh god i should go fast otherwise i will be late.

She is going to leave the cabin but before that she leaves she feels into sanskaar arms immediately. Sanskaar looks her angrily and pulls her towards him by waist

Sanskaar (while pulling her closer ):where miss gadodiya. I think u forget ur manners. U should inform ur boss before leaving and moreover i see i didn't say u to leave.

Swara (angrily answered back); mr MAHESWERI whatever u say i will listen it is not going to happen everytime and moreover i m a 19 year teenager who goes to college and u always make me come to ur office even on that time also when i m having injury  .

Sanskaar (angrily):don't give, so much stupid courageous speech u r so much weak to make urself show a courageous girl. Now speak immediately otherwise u r not going from here

Swara (immediately say in flow without a gap to not make devil angry); i have to reach home before 6:00pm otherwise my maa, will not make me go anywhere.

Sanskaar (leaves her immediately ):go

Swara (in shocked shouts):what

Sanskaar (in arrogance):what what

Swara (comes towards him and checks his forehead temperature ):u r not fine i think

Sanskaar (jerks swara hand from his forehead ):Don't try to be over smart and go before i change my decision

Swara (jumps in happiness ):yahoo(but soon winches in pain because of her leg):aww, my foot. (she starts crying like a baby)

Sanskaar immediately holds her and takes her in his embrace

Sanskaar (while caressing her hair while taking her in his embrace ):hey shh nothing happen to u. See u r a strong girl.

Swara (while crying in his embrace like a baby):but it is paining a lot.

Sanskaar (breaks the hug and cups her face and wipes her tears):it Will not. I know u r a strong girl. Now don't cry

Sanskaar kisses swara forehead making her eyes closed with unknown happiness.

Swara opens r eyes and both shares a eyelock. Sanskaar soon breaks eyelock after realizing what he had done. He immediately moves away and turns her face not want to face swara.

Sanskaar (rudely); now go before i give u more extra work

Swara listens sanskaar voice with great shock. She is thinking what kind of man he is. Before sometime he is so caring and now again rude devil.

Swara nodes her head in disbelive and leaves from there.

Swara (in mind while walking slowly slowly from lobby ):he is weird. Sometime before he is behaving like that he cares for me like anything and now he is behaving like that he doesn't care a bit. Why the hell is so much complicated.

Swara nodes her head in disbelive again and takes auto and leaves towards her home

Swara gets outside from the auto and pay bill. She is going to enter in her house but before that she can enter a van comes in front of her eyes  . Before she can understand something. Mask men come and pulls her inside the van.

AT 8:00PM


Sanskaar is sitting on bench of his company garden. Everyone r gone to their home but he is not in the mood to go home.

Sanskaar (looking swara beautiful picture ):why swara i love u so much that i always forget what kind of devil i m. U always raises old sanskaar in me. Look how ur smile lit fire inside me. U r lucky swara that u have family who loves u like anything. U r lucky that ur mom is with u. Who will love u or scold u. (a lone tear comes from sanskaar eye which falls down on his mobile)


Shomi(comes towards shekhar in worry); what they say.

Everyone look at shekhar with hopeful eyes.

Shekhar(in depress tone):they can't file case before completing 24hour.

Shomi starts crying and falls down on floor with thud. Durga runs towards shomi and holds her while crying.

Durga(while crying holding shomi, arms): maa please control urself

Shomi(crying vigorously ):durga my shona where is she?  What has happened to u. She always come on time now look at time 8:00pm 2hours has passed she never comes late and her phone is also switched off. Where is she? Bring my shona, back shekhar. Don't know what is happening with her.

Saying this she faints away. Durga holds shomi. Dadi crys and comes near shekhar who is sitting on couch with a lost face.

Dadi(while crying ); do something shekhar. Bad thoughts r coming in my mind shekhar. Our shona is alright na(deendhyal comes and holds parvarti shoulder )deendhyal ji where will be our shona what has happened why didn't she come at home.

Shekhar looks at his mother with dull face. He, only knows how much suffocation  he is feeling right now. his beloved daughter is  absent where is she? Is she alright or not. He, is so much depressed right now. Don't know what is going right now in, his life. He, just want his swara safe anyhow. A lone tear escaped from his eye.


Sanskaar is working on his laptop. When he gets call from a private number. He ignores the call after looking private number.

He engrossed again in work. But phone starts ringing again and again.

he picks up call in frustration.

Sanskaar (picking call in arrogance ):who the hell u r

"sanskaar "

Sanskaar becomes shocked to listen swara faint voice.

Sanskaar (in worry puts laptop on couch and stands up while holding his mobile ):swara what happened why u r sounding dull. R u crying

"sanskaar "before swara can say something someone snatches phone from swara.

"remember me sanskaar mahesweri i m, the one from whom, u snatched everything "

Sanskaar (angrily):dilip joshi

Dilip(laughs evilly ):wow u got it

Sanskaar (shouts angrily ):what is swara doing with u

Dilip:ohh her name is swara. I can only say one thing mr MAHESWERI that ur Girlfriend is really beautiful and delicate. What will happen if i crush ur beautiful life beneath me

Sanskaar (roars like A lion):dilip don't u dare to touch my girl. I will kill u.

Dilip(laughs evilly and looks at scared swara who is sitting on the tied  chair. She is crying vigorously.

He comes near swara and puts phone on speaker

Dilip(forwarding phone while laughing ); want to talk with ur boyfriend

Swara (crys in fear now she has, only one hope to save tha is only sanskaar she screams sanskaar name in fear while crying ):sanskaar

Sanskaar (closes his eyes thinking himself helpless. ):swara. Nothing will happen to u. I promise nothing. .

He can't complete his sentence because dilip cuts him in mid

Dilip; 100croreRs mr MAHESWERI for ur lady love. If u want her to save. give me money

sanskaar (angrily ):don't u dare to touch my swara  . I will give u money but don't do anything with her. If i find a single scratch on her body. I swear dilip u know what i can do with u.

Dilip(smirks):i will not do anything but i can't say anything about my men. Who is looking with lust towards ur swara

Swara looks horribly towards the men who is looking At her with lust.

Sanskaar (shouts dilip):u bastard
Dilip laughs at sanskaar despercy and cuts the call before sanskaar can say something.

Sanskaar (shouts ):hello hello (looks at phone in anger ):shit shit. He is using swara as my weakness. But how he knows about swara. I didn't show anything that shows my feelings towards swara than how that rascal knows about swara. Shit. Right now i dont have time i should arrange money as, soon as possible than i only think what to do. U have done a great mess mr dilip joshi i will not leave u for torturing my jaan. Just i will get my swara i will show u that u have done ur life great mistake by using sanskaar mahesweri weakness.


After cutting call dilip comes near swara.

Dilip:don't worry future mrs sanskaar mahesweri seems like mr MAHESWERI loves u so much. I m sure he will surely give me money for ur life

Dilip leaves from there. His men follow him and closes the door.

Swara (happily cry):his love is not lust. He loves me seriously he loves me. I m his life. (smiles)I know u will save me sanskaar  . Please come fast i m feeling unsafe here is please


Sanskaar (while driving car in speed):don't worry swara i will save u. Nothing will happen to u till i m alive. Just be strong baby i am coming to take u

PRECAP:Swasan first genuine kiss

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