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NEXT UPDATE AFTER 320+VOTES and comments.




Swasan comes inside in a room.

It's night timing and both of them r really tired of long journey.

Sanskar(to swara); u get change in bathroom in causal. I will change in drawing room of the room.

Swara smiply nodes to sanskar and leaves inside bedroom bathroom to change. While sanskar change his dress in causal.

Sanskar comes inside the room. Sanskar listens bathroom door opening sound. HE turns and becomes off struck to see swara in cute night attire.

Sanskar (in mind ):she looks super cute in Western dress.

Sanskar unwilling didn't noticed that he addressed swara cute in place of hot. Hot and sexy r only two words which he has always used for girls. May be angel arrivals has Giving a change devil life.

Swara goes near Sanskar and smiles faintly.

Sanskar (smiles back to her); so lets sleep miss gadodiya. I think u r tired like me.

He goes towards bed and lay down on it.

Swara sees him laying on bed. She doesn't move from her place and keep seeing sanskar hesitating.

Sanskar is waiting for Swara that she will lay down on bed. He wants her badly but right now he wants rest. He will give his final touch after this night. Sanskar sees Swara angrily and sits on bed seeing her.

Sanskar (angrily shouts ):what can't u want to sleep or u want to wake up whole night. Look i m tired Swara sleep ok.

He lays down on bed but Swara is still standing near the bed.

Sanskar just gets up seeing her stubborn behavior. He can't understand why she is doing this thing.

Sanskar (rubbing his nerves. He takes deep breath and murmur to himself ): miss gadodiya u will surely going to pay for this night behavior. I m going to fuck u so hard tomorrow night that u will regret for waking me in my tiring day.

Sanskar (goes towards her and ask arrogantly ):do u want a special attention miss gadodiya haa.

Swara : no sir

Sanskar (shouts angrily ):so why the fuck u r making me awake like this.Can't u sleep on bed without any drama.

Swara remains silent while playing with her fingers. She is looking downward. She is hesitating to give Sanskar answer for his questions. Sanskar become annoyed to see Swara silent behavior. He just hate when people ignore his words.

Sanskar(shouts in anger ):speak up dammit

Swara :i can't sleep with u on same bed.

Sanskar(in disbelieve); what

Swara :yes i can't sleep on same bed with u.

Sanskar(arrogantly ):r u serious Swara. U r living in 21 st century of the century but still u r thinking as a backward. What is the big deal if u will slept with me on same bed.

SWara (seeing towards ):i can't sir. I can't sleep with u on same bed. U r a man sir and i can't share a bed with u. BEcause my parents have a trust on me and i can't do anything which make them feel shame that i m there daughter. I m sorry sir it's my ethics and i can't compromise with them.

Sanskar becomes hell shocked to listen Swara words. He thought that she is a greedy middle class who is hiding her devilish avatar in her innocence. He thought if he will take her to shimla she will become open with her and make her show what she is in reality but he is shocked BEcause whatever he is thinking about swara is totally wrong.

Sanskar :ok u sleep on bed i will sleep on couch of drawing room.

He is going towards drawing room. Taking pillow and blanket but before he can leave swara stops him from her voice.

Swara :sir please stop

Sanskar (turns ):now what miss gadodiya

Swara :sir u sleep on bed i will sleep in drawing room couch.

Sanskar (in bossy tone):i m just listening ur some words miss gadodiya. Just some words miss gadodiya. Don't u dare to give me order because Sanskar mahesweri do the things what he wants to do. (shouts )just go on bed and sleep because many work tomorrow.

Swara nodes in yes seeing Sanskar anger and goes on bed.

Sanskar turns to go.

Swara :sir

Sanskar (turns in anger )

Swara (smiles with happiness after Sanskar good gesture ):good night sir

Sanskar heart skip after seeing Swara beautiful smile. Is that not that he has never seen her smile. But that smile is always a professional smile but now this smile is just a deadly combination of beauty is just something making sanskar crazy. He just hate to smile. Whenever he smiles it is just a devilish smile which comes on his face after his victory. He had stopped smiling like before. But tonight after seeing swara beautiful smile. He smiles brightly after ages.

Sanskar (smiles brightly ):good night swara

He leaves from there and makes himself set on sofa.

Swara (lays on bed and smiles):god Sanskar sir so much nice. Yes he is arrogant but still a nice man. Di doesn't need to worry about me because i know i m save with Sanskar sir.

Sanskar (while laying on couch ):the girl which doesn't give me a place to sleep on same bed. Will she have a sex with me. No i think she is different much different.

He sleeps on couch.


Sanskar is trying to sleep from half and hour but sleep is just far away from his eyes. Swara smile, Swara behavior and swara innocence is making him crazy. His inner desires r Just piercing him to have Swara.

Sanskar (gets up with a jerk and throws away his pillow and blanket in anger ):what the fuck is happening with me. I m Just going to be mad. Swara Swara Swara all time just Swara. Just Swara and her thoughts. In just a short time period this little kitten is showing a great impact on me. I had never want someone like this.

He stands up and moves towards the room. He slowly open the door and goes near swara bed. She is sleeping like a beautiful angel. Her beautiful face is looking more beautiful because of moon light which is coming from the window.

Sanskar sits down in his knees and sees Swara face with so much desire. He starts caressing her face.

Sanskar (while caressing her face ):god Swara u r really a little kitten. Ur face is so soft Just like a little baby. (caresses her lips with thumb)and ur these rose petals. GOd i really wants to suck them hard. (goes a little near her and smells Swara ):ur aroma Swara. It i not less than any strong alcohol for me. I can't stop myself to make ur body beneath me. Just once I swara i will get u i promise i will not make u go away from me. For first time sanskar mahesweri wants a single girl in his life. Ur pure character ur beauty is attracting me towards u. (he sees her for sometime and than pecks her lips)sleep little kitten for this night because tomorrow night u r not going to sleep for a second.

PRECAP: party
Sanskar jealousy, desires on peak. Sanskar real face in front of swara. 


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