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Hey people how r u. I know this is most awaited part of the story.




A big lavish high class party is running. Rich high class people r meeting with each other. Drinking chatting and gossiping and giving possess for page 3.

Suddenly there the ruthless leading young business tycoon gets enter inside the party venue.

His looks is just killing girls and women with desire and men and boys with jealousy.

Sanskar takes out his goggles and get inside the party. Giving a pose for page 3

Sanskar goes towards shaurya who is standing near bar with his drink.

Shaurya(smiles, seeing Sanskar):finally devil is over here. Where r u man.

Sanskar (smirks ):Just busy in something

Shaurya :there is something fishy in ur smirk. Ahh forget it. So how u like ur new Secretary

Sanskar (ordering a drink through his gesture ):ahh what u expect from me for a lower middle class girl. She is ok type's. Don't worry man i m not going to do anything with that behanji u know my taste right.

Shaurya :ya right (in mind ):it's means Sanskar is not attracted towards swara beauty. (to sanskar)i just want to tell u....

Sanskar (without making to complete Shaurya his statement ):that mr thakhur is not signing the tender right

Shaurya :ya he is really tough old man to Handle. Gosh our all sources failed in Front of him

Sanskar :ohh ya right let it be

Shaurya (feels fishy to see Sanskar in normal condition ):u alright man. I mean if someone tries to stop u to have what u want u will surely destroy that person but here u r calm.

Sanskar (sliping the drink ); i m calm because we have gotten the deal.

Shaurya :r u kidding he have rejected me 5 times...

Mr thakhur (forwarding papers towards sanskar):mr mahesweri here ur tender paper. I hope u will be happy after this.

Sanskar(taking the file):Thank u so much for this. I appreciate it.

Mr thakhur :Thank u sir i take a leave
Mr thakhur leaves from there.

Shaurya (in shocked ):how can it happened i mean he is hell strict oldy.

Sanskar(smirks and looks in a direction ):Don't u think mr thakhur daughter is hot

Shaurya (looks towards mr thakhur daughter who is wearing a short dress and looking towards sanskar lustly. Now Shaurya gets sanskar indirect point ):now i get to know u r just a bastard.. U slept with her right

Sanskar (smirks):first i thought to give severse punishment to mr thakhur but than in clubbing i saw mr thakhur and than i thought daddy's never deny their daughters and..

Shaurya :and ur charms irrestiable

Sanskar (in proud):that's right there will be no girl in this city who can resist my charms.

But it is true that every girl is going to be mesmerised by sanskar looks or there is a girl who is going to change his pride definition who will always going to challenge his pride in every step. New morning is going to change Sanskar life definition.


Swara (sees her watch ):perfect on time

Goes inside sanskar cabin.

Swara (talking to herself ):ohh God sanskar mahesweri cabin. I can't believe myself i m standing in sanskar mahesweri cabin all alone. I m so much happy. Yes Sanskar sir black coffee..

She places the coffee on table

Swara(sees black coffee and makes faces):chii how can sanskar sir drink this bitter things it is so horrible. Yukk..

She shuts her eyes for a minute.

Swara(moves towards Windows and starts opening them ):whole day it remains closed because of AC but for sometime it is necessary for Sanskar sir to take fresh air. (smells morning fresh air):now perfect

Sanskar gets inside the office. Everyone greet him while standing.

Swara. starts setting sanskar table in correct sequence.

Sanskar gets inside the cabin. He sees towards cabin. Where many things r changed. Windows r open flowers r changed. He becomes hell angry to see this much change. He doesn't like that someone do anything with his things even asking anything from him

Sanskar (in mind with anger ):this new behanji wants to make herself throw from here on her very first day.

He is going to yelled on Swara but before he can take out words from his mouth. He becomes freezed in his position to see Swara open hair with a red sleeveless kurti.

She looking a mesmerizing beauty from her backside. Yesterday her hair r not open but today her beautiful hair r open and it is coming till her waist it is showing her much beautiful. A sudden urge to see her beautiful face arises inside him

Swara feels Sanskar presence and turns towards him and smiles brightly.

Swara :good morning sir

Just to see her beautiful face Sanskar feeezed more in his place. She is just a divine beauty whose face is looking s beautiful without any makeup.

Desire starts arousing in him ro kiss Swara right now. He comes out from his Dreamland after listening Swara voice.

Swara (while smiling shows sanskar his coffee ):sir here is ur black coffee bitt (she bites her tongue because she is going to say it's bitter )i mean it is over there. I will tell ur schedule soon sir

Swara leaves from there.

Sanskar (takes a deep breath to make himself composed by Swara 's beauty effects and sits on his chair with a thud):wooo god (puts his hands on his hairs)i can't believe it a behan ji can look so much beautiful. God why i didn't see her face yesterday. (smirks)may be time have come to have some fun. (intercom):Swara gadodiya come to my cabin right now with ur laptop

Sanskar (cuts the call):not bad miss gadodiya no one has put effect on me. Like u lets have a test from u that what is nature. It will be a fun to play with a delicate doll Like u

PRECAP:devil arousing Desire to conquered his angel in his cage.

SAnskar (to man):i want all the information of Swara gadodiya in 2 hours.

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