Devil And Angel Moments

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Hey guys hope u r liking this story. Now my paper is over so I will be regular.
I will update story soon after getting response




Swara sees sanskar eyes which r indicating clearly that he is tired. It has been 1/2hour that he is walking while carrying swara in his arms without uttering a word. He is already tired by so much work load of whole day. And now he is doing work again while carrying. For him it is not a mere work for him. He loves to carry her forever but he is human who get tired after doing so much work.

Swara feels it that he will not say anything about his tiredness because he loves her but she also loves him. How can she make him do so much work like this. It is not easy to carry someone like this for so much time but he does it for her love.

Swara :sanskar

Sanskar :hmm

Swara :put me down

Sanskar (looks  at her while walking) :why what happened

Swara(childish) :I m tired while hanging like this. I m thinking myself as a parcel who is going to parcel somewhere

Sanskar :shut up swara goons r behind us. We have to go out from here some how. Faiz is also finding me with my bodyguards

Swara (happily) :sanskar so it is good na that faiz sir is finding us

Sanskar becomes little bit angry as swara says faiz as sir. She is his love queen of his huge empire she doesn't need to say sir to his mere employees

Sanskar (in mind) :I need to change some things in her. She doesn't need to say sir to any mere employers.

Sanskar puts swara down carefully near a tree. Swara happily walks and sits down under the tree.

Swara:sanskar come here

Sanskar sits near her and swara happily puts her head on sanskar chest and lay down comfortably on him. Sanskar smiles and puts her arms around her.

Swara(lyes comfortably and closes her eyes) :I love u sanskar

Sanskar :why this much love on me today. If I know u don't like my presence near u

Swara (looks at him) :u know I thought that u just want my body. U know Sanskar their many boys who just think girls just pleasure seeking material. But I m glad that u r not like them. U love me truly. When I had come in office and the way u guide me so perfectly and ur little much care make me fall for u but when u kissed me that night I thought that u wanted my body but (she gets up and sits in front of him.) but I m so stupid (gets teary eyes) that I didn't think once if u want my body u already forced me in hotel room when we both r all alone but I m so sorry sanskar. It's all my faults

Sanskar (wipes her tears) :why u r crying now. U r thought I also misunderstood u.

Swara :why u misunderstood u

Sanskar :first I thought that u r innocent but after that slap what u avatar u show me I just get one thing that u r not innocent. U r a chatter box who have dare to sit on my chair

Swara (starts hitting sanskar) :sanskar u r making fun of me. I will kill u.

She beats him and sanskar holds her hand and pulls her closer towards him. Swara looks at sanskar who is looking at her with heated gaze.

Sanskar smirks
And puts his hand on her waist.

Sanskar (huskily while putting his hand on swara waist) :that's why I m saying that I misunderstood u r not innocent. (kisses her cheek sensously) u r the one who opens up my heart gates(kisses her neck) and u r only one for whom my heart beats

Swara looks at sanskar intensely. She looks at his eyes intensely which r  convincing his feelings for her. She can't believe on herself that everything is so real so real. He is not bastard who wants her body he wants her soul and she is happy that she knows the reality. Without thinking anything swara hugs sanskar again with great passion. Sanskar hugs her back with same intensity. May be more passionately than her. He wants someone really for himself as he doesn't anyone in his life whom he can say that is his part of life. Swara comes to his heart door first he thinks her as his prey who is hard nut to crack but slowly he fells in love with her. She hits his ego he hurts her in his ego but now what he is having is real his angel in his arms finally without any misunderstanding.

Faiz comes there with sanskar bodyguards a looks at swasan position. He has little hint that sanskar feels something for swara as he always treat her in different manner. She is special for him. He is rude with her to but still that much rude which he behaves with other. He is devil shark who eats the person who plays with his ego. And being his manager he knows how sanskar mahesweri deals with his enemy.

Bodyguards look at them and turns their body around not looking at swasan as they know if sanskar see them staring at him and his girlfriend romantic condition like this he will not think a second to chop them to stare him and his girlfriend private moment. Faiz immediately lower his head and calls sanskar.

Faiz:sir we r here

Swasan breaks the hug after listening faiz voice. They look at them. Swara become embarrassed to see them. Sanskar sees this and holds her hand to make her feel calm to not feel embarrassed from this. Swara smiles at sanskar seeing his gesture that how easily he understand her.

Sanskar gets up and goes towards faiz.

Sanskar (arrogantly) :what's status about that bastards.

Faiz:they r with our custody sir and we have taken money and...

Sanskar (angrily shouts) :money is not important faiz. I want that bastards who eye on swara. I can't see them alive I want them die how dare they try to touch my girl. Everyone should know if they want to take revenge from sanskar mahesweri they should know for taking revenge from him he can't hurt my girl and it will be lesson for everyone to think twice to take revenge from sanskar mahesweri twice because sanskar mahesweri neither forgive his enemies nor leave them without punishing them in worst manner.

Swara shivered sanskar loud voice which is full of rage she has seen his anger many time but that anger is not that much which she is seeing right now. His anger is in another level right now and she shuts her eyes in fear. Sanskar sees this and goes towards swara and pi cks her up in his arms making her open her eyes.
Sanskar (starts walking while taking swara says in bossy tone to his bodyguards) :how far from main road.

Bodyguard 1/sir it's just 10minute distance from right

Sanskar nodes while walking with swara. Swara feels embarrassed as sanskar is walking taking her like this in front of everyone but she afraid to say word right now because of sanskar anger +her leg is not condition to walk so doesn't have opinion without it.

Sanskar comes outside from jungle while taking swara. His bodyguard shows car to sanskar and sanskar moves towards car direction while taking swara. Swara looks towards car direction. There r 6 to 7 expensive car r parked on road which r showing sanskar company logo. Sanskar bodyguard runs towards one car which most expensive on them and opens the door.

Sanskar puts swara delicately on back side.

Sanskar (puts his hand lovingly on her cheek) :u go to ur house as ur parents r really worried for u.

Sanskar is going to close the door but before that sanskar closes the door swara holds sanskar arm

Swara :and u

Sanskar (puts his hand on her hand which is holding his arm) :I will go home i need to do something right now Jaan.

Swara :but sanskar

Sanskar :I will be fine (kisses swara forehead lovingly) go i will call u tomorrow sleep well

Swara nodes. Sanskar instruct his some bodyguards to leave with swara. They node and leave from there while taking two car with swara car.

Sanskar (while seeing moving swara car) :where r those bastard

Faiz:in that godown sir where he had kept swara mam

Sanskar (angrily) :time for punishment u assholes

Sanskar nodes and goes towards there with faiz and his other bodyguards follow them

And please vote for helly in gold awards. We have to make her win again please vote for her in negative category.

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