Don't Try To Mess With Devil

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Hey guys back. Hope u will like a new chapter. Sorry for delay as u guys know right now I m dealing with my life issues



Swara comes home and rings the bell with a heavy sigh.

Whole family who is present in drawing room r crying for swara get alert after listening bell ring.

Shomi runs towards door while crying thinking swara has come.

Shomi(while running shouts) :shona

Everyone run behind her thinking that it may be swara. They can hope only that she is okay and the person on the door is swara

Shomi opens the door immediately and becomes happy seeing swara there. She immediately hugs swara tightly that her life will be end if her daughter will go far away from her.

Swara hugs back Shomi while crying she is happy that she is save and back to her home without any wound.

Shomi(crys while hugging swara) :shona my baby my child where r u Haa u know how much I m crying for u. (breaks the hugs and starts looking swara face) shona how u get this wound

Swara :Maa woh

Dadi:Shomi let her come in. Don't forget she is tired look at her pale face

Durga:and moreover swara foot has wound if u forget.

Shomi(with motherly concern) :ohh come shona(holds swara shoulder for support)

But before they can walk shekhar comes forward and takes swara in his arms and starts walking towards couch all move behind him and durga closes the door and comes to them. Shekhar makes swara lye on couch.

Shekhar (kisses swara forehead lovingly and holds her hand in his  hands) :how is my baby r u find na bacha nothing happened to u na(becomes teary and caressed her head lovingly) u don't know how much we r worried for u my child I thought I lost u and (he can't complete his sentence and starts crying vigorously.)

From long shekhar is controlling his emotions but how can stop himself from breaking down after seeing his dear daughter fine and in front of him. Swara can't see his father cry and she immediately gets up and hugs him tightly.

Swara (hugging her dad tightly) :papa I m fine don't worry. Look ur swara is fine nothing happened to me. Nothing. Woh a small car accident happened so my head become injured and I lost conscious and someone help they r good people and when I get up than I see time I know u all r worried for me so he makes me drop from his bodyguards.

Shekhar breaks the hug and smiles that now her daughter is back and she is fine

Dada ji:who saved u swara

Swara (smiles thinking about sanskar and without any delay she says a truth answer) :sanskar sir saves me dadu

Everyone becomes shocked after listening sanskar name but become so much happy as their dear daughter save.

Shomi:we should thank sanskar sir for saving our shona

Shekhar nodes his head in yes

Shekhar :I will shomi don't worry he does a great favor on us by saving our shona.

Swara becomes happy after listening shekhar words. She is happy that her family is thinking good for sanskar and now it will be good for her and sanskar relationship that her family will accept sanskar easily.


Sanskar sits on chair in front of injured dilip with a evil smirk.

Sanskar (smirks evily) :Mr dilip mehta u had done everything but not this. (takes a cigar and lits fire on it) :u know what(puts cigar on dilip cheek making him scream in pain. Dilip men become scared seeing seeing dilip condition and start sweating thinking about their condition) :don't scream i didn't do much right now just save ur screams for sometime i know u have to use it for ur death time (turning towards a man who was moving towards swara to rape her) and u mr what r u trying to do with my swara u (moves towards him) faiz give me that packet) u know what it is (he smirks evilly after seeing man fear face)

Everyone start listening the voice that r rats voice man becomes scared after listening it and thinks now sanskar will not leave him. He screams while pleading him to leave him.

Man(crying in fear ) :please sir please don't do this please I m so sorry sir please leave me i beg u please i...

Before he can say anything sanskar puts his head on the packet and the man started yelling in pain while blood marks r seeing from packet to everyone making everyone shiver in fear.

Sanskar stops and looks everyone in anger one last time.

Sanskar (shouts in anger) :lit the fire and make them burn alive

Dilip and his men become scared after listening sanskar statement and starts screaming in fear to make themselves save

Dilip:Mr mahesweri please don't do this please sir i m sorry for everything whatever I had done please I forgot I m nothing in front of u sir please spare me please please i have four children please for them

Sanskar (shouts) /shut up u have four children in which there is two daughters and still ur thinking is so cheap about a girl who is just half ur age disgusting. U want to rape her with ur men right. U want to play with her dignity and make my life hell by seeing all this. Now look u rascals have come in ur own trap. Now u guys cannot run from ur death. U forget to whom u r messing. Sanskar mahesweri doesn't leave the person who trust to mess with him but u guys go one more distance to spoil me u involved swara in this dirty games of urs and now u will suffer now.
(bodyguard) rahane

Rahane(main bodyguard) :yes sir don't worry we have brought everything

Sanskar (smirks) /perfect. U guys want to listen swara screams right now game is changed and now I will listen ur screams.

Sanskar starts leaving from the godown.

Sankar (shouts his head bodyguard) :Mahesh to do everything right now. (starts going outside while litting the cigar)

Sanskar comes outside the godown and turns towards it. His men start throwing petrol on the godown.

Sanskar starts smoking. After sometime his men stop throwing the petrol and move little far from godown and Sanskar moves towards the godown and throws the cigar on carpet. In no time the godown starts burning. Sanskar moves a little far and looks at the godown again.

Faiz(obediently stands at Sanskar back and says) :sir mam is in her home save. Sanskar nodes and turns towards godown again and smirks after listening screaming sound from godown.

Sanskar (smirks after listening dilip and his men scream) :stupid jerk think to take revenge from the Sanskar mahesweri but he doesn't know who I m. Finally this rascal and his stupid fellows chapter is over(stretch his arms) I m hell tired right now. It feel good when u show stupid third class people their position. Never mind. (turns towards faiz) :my phone

Faiz nodes and gives Sanskar phone to him.

Sanskar (Dials swara number and looks towards faiz angrily) :do u want to listen my talks.

Faiz (being scared) :no no sir I m sorry is that I forget as it is quite late and my wife is continuing calling me and...

Sanskar :go back home and take a leave for tomorrow and yes I will not come tomorrow office. I need rest and time for something else. Am I clear Mr faiz

Faiz:yes sir. Don't worry I will do and thank u for the leave.

Sanskar (shouts after listening swara hello) :now get lost

Faiz nodes and leaves from there immediately.

Swara(on phone) :Sanskar u have called me by urself and u Mr don't even want to know how r u swara. R u fine or not. U just say now get lost. Wow thanks for shouting on me I m so glad after listening it.

Sanskar (chuckles at her childish tone) :swara baby I didn't say those words to u. I yell on a employee ok. How r u right now.

Swara:I m super super happy. U know baba order my favorite food. Dadi make me eat by her hand and dadu puts oil on my wound feet. Infact I m so happy right wound is much better after dadu massage. I m walking slowly slowly right now. But one thing is missing in all this good thing

Sanskar :who

Swara:u my dear newly newly  boyfriend u r missing I m really happy that my family is near me but u r not right now. After that confession I just want to spend my time with u right now but I can't right now. And time (becomes panic seeing clock at 1:30am)ohh God Sanskar it is so late. And u r really tired right now. Go and sleep and I need to sleep also I have so much work tomorrow. Just because u I have so much work in college.

Sanskar (chuckles) :before sometime u r sounding little romantic but now u r sounding like a kid.

Swara(angry like a child) :for ur kind information I m not a business man like u I need to work hard to become successful. So I need to do my work

Sanskar :do them later but I need ur time for something else

Swara:I m not going to come office tomorrow

Sanskar (goes near his car. His bodyguard open the door of car for him Sanskar settles inside the car and car starts moving) :I m not asking for office baby I m asking for a date. If u don't mind will u come with me on a date

Swara(smiles brightly) :date with u really

Sanskar :I think so

Swara(lays down on bed while blushing) :but what about ur tight schedule

Sanskar :swara I have given my much all time to make this company on top so I have right to take time for myself also. I will pick u up from ur college at 2:00pm OK

Swara(smiles) :ok I will be waiting. Now bye and good night. I love u Sanskar

Sanskar (smiles after listening her confession) :I love u to sweetheart I love u too

Swasan puts the phone but the beautiful smile r not leaving their lips after finally getting each other love. Is their love starting or Sanskar enemies will try to destroy everything.

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