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Swara comes downstairs wearing her kurti and jeans while carrying her bag.

Durga(putting soup on table immediately seeing swara attire):where r u going Shona. R u mad look ur leg is hurt

Swara(in mind):just because of that unwanted boss i have to go that place where i don't want to go. God what is this. This is not done i pray so much in front of ur idol but what u give me that cruel devil boss. Seriously this is not done

Swara is making faces while thinking about sanskar.

Durga(worried holds swara shoulder makes her sit on couch ):shona r u mad look u r injured. Where r u going this time.

Swara (sits):di Don't worry i m fine(thinks:not fine but what to do)di sorry i have to go college u know yesterday i have preparing for important presentation and that presentation i have to show to sir It's necessary to elaborate it then only i can get job in a good company

"no need to go anywhere samji"shomi comes near her daughters.

Shomi; have u looked urself u can't walk easily and saying to go college. And ur baba also not here. U r becoming stubborn day by day because of ur dad love

Swara :maa relax i will be fine Don't worry ur shona is a strong also.

Shomi:that i can see careless girl. Ur not going and that's final

Shomi gets up to leave. Swara requests durga to help her by eye gesture. Durga says no by gesture but swara again insist and durga puts down herself in front of her sister.

Durga:swara will be fine i guarantee u. Let her go maa we all want her to see big and we have to make her go.

Shomi thinks sometime and than agrees
Shomi:fine but come before 6:00 pm

Swara nodes in yes and kisses her mother cheeks and leaves to mahesweri industry.


Sanskar comes out from his room. He is going climb down the stairs but before he can climb down naina comes in front of sanskar.

Naina(while caressing his cheeks):where r u going this time as i remember u came late today.

Sanskar (while jerking her hand):u r really shameless woman always come after me even after so much humiliation.

Naina:what can i do u always make me crazy for u. I can do anything for u

Sanskar (smirks); really anything

Naina(coming closer):anything

Sanskar (smiles devilishly ):really let me.

Sanskar holds her hand and make her bend down near stairs.

Naina(while shivering by sanskar act(; sanskar what r u doing leave me please

Sanskar (smirks ):really leave u.

Naina(becomes scared After getting his point):no sanskar Don't leave please don't.

Sanskar :u can do anything for me. So right now i want to see ur wounds i think u will be hospitalized After this. Can't u do this small thing for me

Naina(while shivering seeing his madness ); please sanskar i m sorry. Please forgive me

Sanskar smirks and pulls her up and leaves her hand. Naina takes sigh relief After feeling herself free from devil. Without saying anything she leaves from there in fear. Sanskar smiles seeing her fear and leaves from there while whisteling


Swara is putting coffee on table.

Swara (talking to herself ); really what his mother had eaten while giving birth to that spoil brat. I really hate him. Just to hurt me he is doing everything. Really i m so much tired i didn't even eat break fast also. And my leg aaww(she sits on sanskar chair)god It's paining so much. (she takes coffee and starts drinking it):i m so much hungry and tired. (she completes it )my stomach it is growling. Is there something to eat. Ohh ya i forget it i have bought samosas. Seriously swara because of this mad man i m forgetting things in just only 19age. (she puts paper plate on table And puts samosas and starts eating it):wah It's so tasty

Swara is eating samosas while sitting on sanskar chair while forgetting everything about sanskar and here sanskar moves towards his cabin from lift.

Sanskar (to faiz); faiz i need all information about construction work (faiz nodes in yes)and swara

Faiz(obediently ); she is inside in ur cabin sir

Sanskar nodes and gets inside the cabin and becomes shocked to see the scene. Swara is eating samosas on his table while sitting on his chair.

Sanskar is going to yell on swara but she can't say anything he becomes speechless to see her creepy childish nature. Which is so much pure and Beautiful. He admires her innocence without saying anything. Swara is eating without knowing that her boss is looking at her without a blink.

Swara (After finishing the samosas):haa It's so much fun. Water (looks here and there and sees glass on sanskar table)haa i will drink this and put another glass here how will that devil get to know that i used his cabin. Revenge revenge he always says this na but today i take revenge from him. Huu (drinks water in one go)haa i m so much happy. Victor. . . (sees sanskar )ohh shit(drops the glass in shocked ); i m gone now.

Sanskar comes in his senses After listening glass breaking sound.
He comes near her.

Sanskar; what r u doing

Swara (trying to cover her mistakes); woh sir i m eating, drinking dancing singing

Sanskar (smiles seeing her stupidity ):what say clearly

Swara :i didn't eat my breakfast so i m eating it.

Sanskar :while sitting on my chair

Swara makes faces and start playing with her fingers in nervousness.

Sanskar (pulls her through waist and takes tissue and starts cleaning swara face):Don't u know how to eat.

He starts cleaning her face lovingly while swara forget everything in his embrace.

She is staring him lovingly who is showing his concern and love. Right now she is feeling so much good she even forget that she wants to hate him. It's truely said that love empower every other feelings.

Sanskar looks at her swara breaks eyes contact immediately.

Sanskar leaves her.

Sanskar (bossy tone):sit over there (pointing on couch)u will work here today that (avoiding eye contact from her)u can feel comfortable

Swara nodes and moves towards couch and sits on it. Sanskar sees swara and goes near her he puts her legs comfortably on couch.

Sanskar :now u will feel relax.

Swara is doing work without any interest. Today she is not in mood to do work. She wants to go her house and wants to stay in her love one's embrace. She loves the attention which her family gives her specially her baba attention.

Swara (seeing sanskar angrily ); here spoiling my mood he is in his working mood i just hate him

A girl enters in sanskar cabin wearing short skirt and tshirt. Swara sees her with narrow eyes like she doesn't like her entry in his cabin.

Girl:sir ur file i had completed it

Sanskar nodes and takes the file from girl hand in bossy way.

Sanskar :good avantika file is impressive u can be here permanently. Welcome to my company

Girl(seducing smile):thank u so much sir i m so much glad to work in ur company It's a dream come true job for me and u r so much hand. .

Swara (shouts in acting ); aww my foot

Sanskar immediately gets up from his seat listening swara sound and moves towards her in worry

Sanskar (massaging her foot):r u fine

Swara (drama):ahh no it's hurting

Girl looks everything in a great shock.
Sanskar mahesweri who doesn't care for anyone pain is taking care of a girl. How much she had known about him that he is cassonova and doesn't care about any girl. He only favor girls when they offer themselves to her but after that he doesn't care about their existence also but here she is seeing a different story.

Avantika(in mind):unpredictable

She leaves from there in shocked. Swara sighs in relief.

Swara :now i m ok

Sanskar :what

Swara :now i m ok. Can't u listen

Sanskar (angrily shouts); first u have pain and now u r ok. What's all this. Don't u disturb me in my work. Do the work otherwise u r not going to ur home.

Sanskar leaves from there towards his chair.

Swara (in mind with irritation):what the hell has happened to me. God what i did. Do u feel jealous. No i don't feel jealous. I m not going to feel jealous again but how can i stop myself doing all this. God i want to free from this man. I have to do something to get of rid from this devil. .
She again starts doing work without any interest.

Harsh(while sitting on his chair in his cabin):look at u dilip u r so much broken. Chuu chuu see sanskar mahesweri not even break ur bones but also ur respect. I m feeling pity on u. Now what will u do. He has destroyed u. Seriously if i have been at ur place i will not leave him after knowing about his weakness.

Harsh shows dilip swara picture. Dilip sees it keenly with anger.

Dilip thinks something deeply and leaves from there immediately with a determination.

Harsh(smirks while rolling in chair):arrow hit on right position ..sanskar mahesweri now what will u do. As i know u r going to regret by spoiling my new business. Swara will be hurt and ur heart will bleed seeing her condition.


PRECAP:Swara is going to enter in College but before she can enter inside a van stops near her and pulls her inside the van.


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